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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. If i'm sitting at a table at a bar or restaurant or something, i my hands always have to be busy...usually messing with a receipt or any small bit of paper that happens to be around, just like rolling it up into a ball or folding it... i tend to do it without thinking. It only gets annoying when at college if we go for lunch to this bar where we get toasted snadwiches or paninis, and we have to wait, i end up messing round with my receipt without even thinking about it. Then my order is late and i need to show my receipt so they can find it, and its all worn or torn. I also tend to say things without properly thinking it through and it ends up coming out wrong. And i don't seem to be able to whisper right...kinda like half way between a proper whisper and normal speech
  2. Does anyone else find it weird that in the screen a Used game costs more than a New game?
  3. I've never even heard of this glitch before? I got my Prime2 on launch day and never had a problem with
  4. ah so the name is revealed in TOP? I been thinkin bout it, think i'll still get it, just got paid today, so might drop to the shops over the weedend maybe. Dispite what you say is wrong with it, i just can't wait to explore that world agian, even if its not the same characters. EDIT: Checked the shop after work, they don't have any more copies and they said they most likely won't get any more in unless they are pre-owned....
  5. That's just errie and disturbing. Although i suppose its not that different from the obituatary(sp?) pages in a newspaper, and since this is on the net it last longer and can always be accessed
  6. Actually i only just remembered this, A few weeks ago in college at lunch, somehow i started talking about games with a classmate of mine, she said was interested in a GameCube cuz it had more "kiddier" games (she likes those kind), she named a few...all i can remember however was when she mentioned Mario... Anyway, i actually recommended that she wait for the Rev and try to find GC games on the net for cheap prices, i could have up talked the GC, but i realised come on lets be honest here. But she did think that was a good idea, but said she prolly would still try find a GC now, then trade it in when the Rev comes (althought I not sure would shops take GC's in on trade in against the Rev?) Oh and Nintendork...there is a whole board for that (Trade/Bargins board)
  7. This is a real shame, you'd think after the success of TOS they'd give TOP GBA proper attention to detail instead of a lazy port, especially seeing as TOS would have brought loads of new "Tales of" fans (like me) begging for another "Tales of" game. I think i'll wait till E3, with any luck Namco will announce Rev Virtual Console support and TOP SNES will make the list. Knowning the GBA version is a lackluster attempt of port is a lot like when Hollywood remakes asian horror films:shakehead Really? Explain please:) I also would love to see an Anime series based on TOS, i wouldn't care that i'd know the story, it would just be really great to see that story play out with gorgeous anime animation:awesome:
  8. my local game store (Gamestop) seems to have its GC stock on a yo-yo string. In the last year (more since last August maybe) First it got seriously reduced shelf space, then it dissappeared, then it came back but only pre-owned, then it dissappeared again, then it came back 98% pre-owned, 2% new (what ever the releases were at the time...Mario Football was one i remember so what ever came out round te same time), then the new games are gone. I went in one day and was looking if there was any decent pre-owned games and the staff told me they just got a load of "new" pre-owned games they were just gonna put out if i wanted to take a look through... and then 2 weeks after that the GC section is once again AWOL, and still is about 2 months later I'm actually afraid to ask if they are gonna stock Zelda:TP or not in case they say, "Sorry, No" DS section is fairly small aswell....
  9. Damn, just looking at those screen comparisions... i actually don't think the sprites are "that" bad, with the exception of the detail on the sheilds and weapons i think the GBA sprites look better..However seeing as it is a GBA game those sprites are a bit big for the screen, the SNES sprites would have been loads better. And the backgrounds are MUCH better on the SNES ones, thats shocking, i thought they said the GBA was more powerful than the SNES? And its a shame you say the voice acting is poor cuz in TOS it was top class IMO. One of the reasons the characters were so indearing(sp?)... hell i didn't even think they'd get much voice acting onto a GBA kart :p Back on TOS, i'll spoiler this just incase i say something without knowing...
  10. Woops sorry about that, i never even considered there might still be people yet to play it. I edited out some things, had to do it quickly i'm in college, if there's more PM me and i'll get it when i get home. Also i didn't know TOP was a remake of a SNES game either, damn i feel like an idiot now, haha. I'll prolly still get TOP on GBA if it takes place in the same world (do they have referandes to TOS characters? Lloyd and co? how long after TOS does it take place?). But from what you said about the GBA version (which is odd since the GBA has more power than the SNES you'd think they'd add to it not take away), i'm gonna hope that Namco jump on the Revo's Virtual Console so i can get the SNES version.
  11. What? This is news to me? Are you saying Tales of Phantasia coming to the GBA takes place in the same world as Symphonia? I love to see both a prequal to TOS and a sequal, the prequal telling the story of Kratos and Mithos (as mentioned before) and the sequal about Lloyd quest to get rid of the exshperes. FOr me TOS was the Ocarina of Time of the Gamecube, everything about it sucked me in and wouldn't let go, gameplay, characters, stroy, the world that was created, all amzaing. I remember when i first got it and was going on holiday a few weeks later, the last night before i left i still hadn't finished the game and where i was i thought it was nearly over so i said i'd get it finished... needless to say it was one of those times when it looked like the end but it really wasn't. But it still looked like it was nearly there so i kept saying "Ok i'll finish this and then go to bed", but everytime i completed my "goal" another twist or something would happen and again i'd say "Ok i'll finish this then go to bed".... In the end i did finish the game before going on holiday... however i didn't get to bed that night, and i actually mean that, i'm not exagertaing i must have played 12 hours straight maybe more that day/night/morning, not even Ocarina of Time had me glued to my control pad like TOS did. I'm really looking forward to TOP on the GBA and TOTT on DS because of TOS, but i'm still aware that only a true sequal to TOS would satisfy me. I just want to see the characters grow more and explore that world again... prolly mostly due to the characters, they were so great you actually related to them like real people. Oh and BTW... SHEENA OWNZ all the ladies in in the game, especially in the formal dress she gets. I normally don't like choosing to be "mean" when i play games, but with Collette i make an exception so Lloyd and Sheena end up together (come on that match makes much more sense). In fact if ever i was to Cosplay i'd be Lloyd and i'd get (force) me girlfriend to be Shena:awesome:
  12. I have a feeling something from Capcom might appear round April 20th. I also got an idea/feeling we could see a rebirth of long cancelled Cube game "Dead Phoenix" on the Revolution at E3
  13. Haha, that's just dumbass childish, i would have thought he'd be smarter... unless he's had a mental breakdown and can no longer tell the differance between between being on camera and off it:hmm:
  14. it may be 36 pages long but the other thread by gaurana still counts as the "Red Steel" thread...perhaps i should edit it's title.... http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5451&page=36
  15. Oh man, that was the best one yet, Navi's rant was awesome...just one thing i noticed bout the Link sprite...is it just me or is he a cyclos :p, haha anyways, keep em coming dude
  16. 4th Opinion..... yes....sorry typo.. i mean NO, a subforum is too much and would prolly be filled with spam
  17. Jesus if the PS3 itself is gonna be £400 i can only cringe at what the price of the games may be
  18. When i saw that guy comin to the ring i thought "he looks big but when he's next to Taker he prolly won't be that big" but he towered over taker by at least 1/2 a foot i think, DAMN. (Taker will still kick his ass) And on Orton, what did he do? All i can see on wwe.com is "impropper behaviour" or something like that, but nothing on what he actually said and/or did.
  19. just on the HUD topic: Why would the lack of a HUD indicate its a render?, i think the idea of this to imerse you so much in the game that you become the character, as evidence by the whole angle of the gun/angle of controller thing. A HUD would remove from that imersion. Also has nobody noticed the aiming cursor? does that not count as part of a HUD?
  20. I was just thinking about how in Red Steel you can change at will between sword and guns. Now with the Rev controller whats the best way to do this? Buy pushing a button like with previous generations? NO. Imagine that the main character carries the sword in it's seth(sp?) on his back (like Link in the Zelda games does), and has a holseter for his pistol (as an example) on his side. So how would you switch between them. Say you're holding the pistol already and want to switch, you have to put the controller to your side "pretending" to holster your pistol. And then you "reach" over your shoulder to "grab" the hilt of the sword to draw it out. OH MY GOD, if it worked like that it would be even more mind blowing.
  21. God this must have been the busiest night on these here boards since...last E3... god when E3 comes the net itself will prolly blow up. Three things, 1. on the screens - "WOW" damn how'd that Iwata know i'd say that? 2. I thought i'd add a shout out to guarana in the news article to this on R-E for all the grief he ended up going through at the start of this thread. 3. This thread has to be the quickest growing thread i've ever seen, i tried reading through it when it was 4 pages long and ever time i went to the next page it had grown by another 2. I finally caught up at page 14, right now it's at page 19 as i type but it'll prolly be at 20 or 21 by the time i post. This must be some sort of record... maybe even a guinness world record for fastest growing message board thread :p. Or the thread that caused one hell of a stir in the internet gaming cummunity Well this has been one hell of an eventful day... what makes it even more amazing is we never saw it coming.
  22. you should never post about screens you seen in a mag unless you are prepared to make scans:awesome: *translation* Scan that badboy now:yay:
  23. I don't think so, on Sky in Ireland, RTE is on channels 101 and 102, in the UK those channels are BBC, although we (in Ireland) also get BBC Northern Ireland on Sky channels 143 and 144, so maybe they do have RTE on those channels in the UK and don't know it?
  24. I'm actually worried that he's in it, he's a good actor yes but I'm not sure he can pull off the character of Eddie Brock, Eddie is meant to be a big muscular, angery, moody, pissed off bad guy character (even before becoming Venom), last i saw Topher, he's skinny, small and I don't think he's even played anything but comedy roles and i've never seen him acting angery. I've heard he's put on some muscle for the role but still am yet to see any pictures Edit: I have seen a pic of the guy playing Sandman, now he should have been cast to play Eddie instead, he looks just like Eddie should... although maybe a bit too old for the character
  25. HAHAHA, we people in Ireland have been watching series two for the last two months (we also had series one before E4, and after the first 3 months they started showing 2 new eps every Monday, hope they start to do the same with series two), most definalty the only good desicion RTE (Irish tv) made. Anyway, for those of you dying for series two, you won't be dissapointed. I don't want to spoil anything, but if you thought series one was mind wrecking and left you with many questions at the end, the answers to those questions just lead to MANY more questions. Edge of seat stuff indeed, i'm being smart and recording it to DVD:) just filled up my first disc last Monday, got 8 eps on it
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