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Bad news for PSP, Walmart stops selling UMD-movies
Mokong replied to Teppo Holmqvist's topic in Other Consoles
Oh i've been waiting for this day, Jack of all trades and master of none indeed. Sure the whole idea of it playing movies was good, but once people started to realise, "I've already got this on DVD, why should i pay full price to buy it again just to play it on the PSP?" It may be smaller than a portable DVD player but the portable DVD player makes more sense in the wallet department. -
They should be arrested for stupidity (I am so angry!)
Mokong replied to arab_freak's topic in General Chit Chat
You could also say that if they saw a banner that said 6/6/06 and thought terriosts instead of making the religous "666" connection religion must be at an all time low in the US, dispite Bush claiming he works for God, or smething like that. When i started reading the article i thought the date referance might have been some religous fanatics going to claim that the world would end on that date. hell we could bring it down to the second it could be 6:06 and 6 seconds on the 6/6/06 that's a triple 666, oh no's we're doomed :p Anyway, since when were they remaking Omen? are they gonna remake all the Omen films? Jesus, why, the films is perfect as it is, it doesn't need to be remade. They prolly just wanna change the dates and stuff and make it like it was happening today, but the time in which the original is set works loads better. It's just gonna end up ruined by over use of special effects, poor direction (i'm convinced no american director today can shot a horror flm right, seems to be an asian skill at this point) This is even worse than Hollywood remaking all the good asian horror films. -
Then why would things seem fine when using a normal controller? And it not the whole "lap" area just the "sack" that feels odd. I use the normal pads mostly now, but sometimes i like to sit in a seat thats a bit further away from the telly and its more confortable to have the wavebird
I was just about to post a similar thread but about the Gamecube Wavebird controller? Now with the laptop the answer should have been obvious to you, laptops tend to heat on their underside and the male area doesn't like being too hot (it should be just below normal internal body temperature, that's why they hang outside instead of being hidden up inside). But back to the wavebird, now it damn sure ain't heating, so could be something to do with its radio waves (i usually play sitting down and tend to hold controls round the lap area) and if i used a regular wired controller all feels fine?
http://mosnews.com/news/2006/03/23/beatpirate.shtml This is about a week old but i don't think it was seen here yet. I can see it now it would be a major pay-per-view on Box Office Reggie vs Pirate Miyamoto vs Another Pirate ... and many more An employee of Cognitive Technologies computer company has beaten a man who was selling the company’s software illegally. Manager of the company’s software department, Andrei Smirnov, offered to fight the dealer in a fitness center. He defeated the computer pirate 24-16 in three rounds, lasting three minutes each. The dealer’s name was not revealed, News.Ru web edition on high technologies reported on Thursday. In February, Smirnov saw the dealer selling CDs with his company’s software at a computer market without a license. Smirnov demanded that the dealer stop the illegal sale. A scuffle broke out, but they were stopped by the guard. After that, the pirate expressed a wish to continue the fight in the street, but Smirnov suggested a fitness center.
That will most likely be when he is inducted into the Hall of Fame, all inductees (or someone on their behalf as would be the case with Eddie - RIP) get to make a speech. I don't think this is broadcast live but i'm sure they'll show it during the Hall of Fame section of the actual Wresltemania event. Now my turn for a question...haha, I was watching last nights Raw and noticed that the Wrestlemania Press conferance which happens on March 30th (or was it 31st?) will be live on wwe.com, is this a free to view webcast and it'll be at 1pm EST, whats that in GMT time?
Hey now i get it and i'm only 22 years old, the show ain't that old....but yeah i do watch too much TV, i was told it was good for me:hmm:
hmm... they won't play for me.... guess i should consider myself lucky then
Maybe it was a ad for the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour? Also why do people who don't like wrestling still feel the need the read the threads?
i have at least one cup of tea everyday, usually in the morning. I have mine with 3 sugars, 4 if i use the big mug. And about 3/4 hot water, 1/4 milk. Nothing beats a nice cuppa tea. Oh yeah
I loved this game, i played through it about 15 times on the N64, then when Master Quest came with WW it was so brilliant to get to play the game and not know the dungeons from memory. oh and as for the Spirit and Shadow temples, you can do those two in any order, but i think technically the Spirit temple was meant to be first cuz after you beat the Water temple Navi's hint has something to do with going to the desert. I think what makes most people do Shadow first is that you need the Lens of Truth to get to the Spirit temple but once you get that most people on returning to "the future" have a tendency to go to Kakariko Village right away in which the whole "village is burning and getting the shadow temple song" sequence happens. also if there was ever a moment in a Zelda game that a character needed a voice actor it has to be when you 1st reach Ganondorf at the end of the game. That speech he gives would have been even more brilliant and mencing with some good deep evil voice acting
Unfortunatly its gonna be on Box Office (damn Skys and WWEs new contract), but i'm gonna order, its the only event that i would order, and look at the line-up its one fine looking line-up (also add Bobby Lashly to the Ladder Match). I'm a bit surpirsed though that there is only the one inter-promotional match (ladder match) and even more surprised that they put together such a great card with only the one inter-promo match. Also how come MNM aren't defending their titles? Or maybe that'll be a last minute addtion, wrestlemania wouldn't be right if we don't get to see Melina;) He came back for the "Saturday Night Main Event" which was last Saturday (March 18th and was on Sky Sports 1). JBL challenged him to a Beer Drinking contest, JBL tried to cheat (they stood back to back and JBL just pouring the beer on the ground) Stone Cold saw, JBL ran, Benoit came out and tossed JBL back in the ring and Stone Cold opened up a can of woop ass. But since he's inducting Bret Heart into the Hall of Fame i bet Austin shows up at some point during Mania. On a similar note, is Rock ever gonna come back, god i miss him, he did some of the best promos ever. I'll give my predictions now: WWE Championship: Cena (champ) vs Triple H: Triple H, Cena has held teh title for a long time now and god knows with HHH being the bosses son-in-law if he wants the title he will get it. I say it'll be a good match but will prolly end with one of teh McMahons (maybe Shane) interferring to help HHH get the win. World Heavyweight Title: Rey vs Orton vs Angle (champ): I say Rey will win, he won the rumble and we all know the rumble winner has a 98% chance of winning at Mania it's almost a given. But should be one hell of a match, really looking forward to it. Angle will prolly go badguy again after he loses the title and will prolly team up with Orton to take out Rey. No Holds Barred: Mr. McMahon vs HBK: HBK will win, although Shane will definatly try to get involved, although Vince is the boss he doesn't have the best track record in big matches and god knows this has to end with HBK on top. Should be on blood soaked match also. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Ric Flair vs Shelton vs RVD vs Finley vs Matt Hardy vs Bobby Lashly: I'm not tottally sure bout this one, i say it'll be either Lashly or Finley which expands their rivalry with matches putting the Money in the Bank shot on the line. WHoever wins i hope they don't leave it as long as Edge did to use the damned thing. (I think we could actually see the winner using this to jump to the other show). Certain to have at least 2 massive bumps and sure to be one of the top 3 best matches of the night. Casket Match: Undertaker vs Mark Henry: Undertaker hands down, he's my fav, he's never lost at Mania and damnit he better not lose that record. I reckon his Mania record is like a trade-off for him not being the Champion as many times as he should be, only 4 times i mean come on we all know he desevers to have held it many more times than that. Will be a good match, certain they'll do as much to make it seem like Taker will lose (like last year, god Orton gave me some heart attacks) but he'll jump up at the last second. Hardcore Match: Edge vs Mick Foley(Cactus Jack): Foley will win, i don't like Edge at the moment and will love to see him bloody and broken by the end of the night. This will also prolly be the match the Spanish Announce table gets done in. Foley will put on a damn good show methinks. With any luck Lita will be wearing "that top" and something "jumps out" accidently.:shock: US Title: JBL vs Chris Benoit: JBL will win, although i don't like him that much Benoit just hasn't been very good lately and JBL is at his annoying best when he has a title on his waist. World Tag Team Titles: Big Show and Kane vs Carlito and CHris Masters: C&C will win, making SHow and Kane tag champs was a good idea but they've got not real competion in the tag division. I bet when/if the lose they end up feuding with each other and that should be good. Also its about time Masters had a title and Carlito is just too cool (spot the referance) to not have one. ANd i think they'd make good badguy champs. Womens Title: Trish vs Micky James: Not too bothered bout this match, Ashley will prolly get involved to help Trish but i think Micky will win. Handicap Match: Boogieman vs Booker T and Sharmel: Boogieman will win, this has just been dragged out too long and Boogieman hasn't even got his hands on Booker yet it's getting annoying. Still love the Boogieman though, cool character very Taker-esque, they should tag or feud sometime soon. Playboy Pillow Fight: Torrie vs Candice: meh, the only thing i'm hoping for in this match is a wardrobe malfuction...but if i have to pic...Torrie will win, match will prolly only be 5 mins long also.
once the Gamecube hardware was shown they gave it the name Gamecube, actually i think about 3 weeks before it was shown it was changed from Dolphin to "Star Cube". The Rev is different since we've seen the hardware, although it may/will change at E3 and we still don't know if the name will be kept or not. Hell they could wait till the last minute to change the name like they did with the N64 which was gonna be "Ultra 64" even had ads in magazines before the release with the "U64" as the name, then out of nowhere it was changed
ok now that, that is over how about we discuss the pics of the Rev from the GDC? Did anyone else notice the USB ports on the back? http://media.revolution.ign.com/articles/697/697733/img_3480729.html Now unless i missed something due to a black out that i am unaware of (which i prolly did) i never remember reading anything about USB ports, so what could these be for?
Actually is was Connor, Wildo and myself who did the podcast. We've already recorded it, just waiting for the editing department to get finished with it not sure if connor has set a set dat that it should be on the site but my guess is it should be up within the next week.
This is odd, i was always under the impression that the 4th dimension was Time?
But couldn't that be done with the DS online abilities anyway? Like a few others have said i too have been dissapointed with this generation of Pokemon (GBA, GC), in my view Gold/Silver/Crystal were the perfection of Pokemon so far. I like the new pokemon indtroduced in that and the two new types which helped create more balance among the types (before Dark type Psycic Types torn through everything unfarely). But the new monsters that came with the GBA generation weren't on par with past additions, as well (as mentioned before) they the basics of the game a lot more complicated making it harder to get into. Not to mention the exclusion of the day/night real time feature which was the worst move of all, like taking five steps backwards. But i'm still hoping the DS games bring things back to where they should be, back to the standard of G/S/C at least, hopefully even above them. Interestingly the magazine Neo (if you don't know it, it's a mag for Anime, Asian Cinema, Manga, Games etc.) run polls on thier forum every month which go into the next issue of the mag. This month was about Pokemon since it is ten years old now. the question was "Now celebrating its 10th year anniversary, has Pokémon has its day? Yes or No" Interestingly the result came in at a perfect divid of 50/50 Call me crazy but that sounds a lot like how they already used the GBA-GC link-up?
If they were gonna put Pokemon onto the Revolution it would have to something very different, as the gap between the capabilities of the handheld and the home system is a lot smaller than ever before. Before using Pokemon on the N64 and GC was all about seeing your Pokemon in 3D, the DS is capable of producing 3D so it would be very likely Diamond/Pearl would be in 3D. Both Rev and DS can go online, and it would be stupid of them to not include this feature in the DS games. So i don't see much advantage to having it on Rev aswell as DS other than using the controller to pretend like your actually throwing a pokeball, or perhaps having moves selected by performing certain movements?
It was funny how he would have finished talking but the translator hasn't, and one time the translator kept going for like 2 mins extra and Miyamoto-san started just waving his hands for a bit. They didn't ask any of my questions though:heh:
AH crap, i knew i was forgetting something, do they keep their webchats on file so people can watch them later? EDIT: ah found it never mind
I was just messing on Vodafona Live and found this, gave me a good laugh Being Irish means: you drink to forget... but forget what you were drinking to forget At least two of the ten commandments are optional you swear ... very well you will be punched for no good reason... a lot You don't know the words, but that doesn't stop you from singing you can't wait for the other guy to stop talking, so you can start talking Irish Stew is the euphemism for "boiled leftovers from the fridge" (i'm actually feelin hungry now) And last but not least... Being Irish means... Your attention span is so short that... oh forget it
Well i guess the title says it all really So wether you're Irish or not, celebrate it or not, where ever in the world you are i wish you all a Happy St. Patricks Day oh and if you're going on a binge i also wish you all the best with your hangover Saturday morning.
well most series now it seems that after all volumes have been released individually a boxset will come out after a few more months. Its actually a kick in the face of those who bought the volumes as the boxset will always cost less than the combination of all individual volume. But i guess its down to if you can wait long enough for the boxset and not get volumes, or if you want to see the episodes as soon as you can. Personally i'd prefer to wait for the boxsets, although i only have one (anime) boxset at the moment (mainly due to lack of funding). *storkes Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Boxset*
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