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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Well I enjoyed the Direct, sure a few more big things would have been nice but I've got enough to suit my gaming needs for now. Fatal Frame 4 finally getting a release outside Japan. Even though I imported a Japanese Wii version and was a bad boy hacking my Wii to use the fan translation patch I look forward to playing again and officially this time 🙂 Octopath Traveller 2...wohooo Goldeneye drop will likely be the one to tempt me to upgrade my NSO subscription. Tales of Symphonia Remaster, while I am happy to see ToS getting more love, I am a little disappointed it is not a remake. While Arise graphics might be too much for the Switch I would have even be happy if they remade it in Zestrira style graphics....I'll probably still get it though l, ToS is one of my all time favs. New Bayonetta trailer, I ignored as I am getting game anyway 🙂 Finally a full title for Zelda 😄 and a date (which I thought was 5 Dec 2023 for a moment then remembered I was watching the US stream) so I am happy with even just that much 🙂 No Metroid though, and when they dropped Goldeneye they had a Metroid symbol from the N64 Online UI which caught me for a moment 😠 ResiEvil remake cloud versions...meh
  2. I did a longer thing this morning This should be the last big swim of the year so hopefully someone else has some Good Stuff to share before next summer when I try to break the 8km mark and go for 10km
  3. Finished chapter 4 last night. OMG those last few sequences at the end of it, WOW. Did a bit in Chapter 5 up to a point where you are asked to take a rest before continuing the story.
  4. Ha, I saw thread creator was er-no and I was thinking, no way that is the same er-no and low and behold you are Assuming I left a minor impact you probably know me by my old C-E name of X-treme Cube Damn I haven't typed that name in a long time haha EDIT: lol, I forgot I have a "formally known as" in my signature haha EDIT2: @Ashley why does it not say Veterans under my avatar?
  5. OK trying to be very careful coming in here as it looks like people are ahead of me now. I'm on Chapter 4 myself and my gods the story bits so far have been great. That shot of Noah in the sunset HoT posted previously, loved that shot and that scene. I've gotten to the next area and was about to just follow the main quest marker as I had run out of side quest in the previous areas but then I just about noticed there was a ? on the opposite side of were the story wanted me to zip to and wouldn't ya know, found some lovely new side quests and characters I've now given up on trying to not get too over leveled, if I'm too strong when I get back to main quests it's the games fault for not having it's main quests enemies be stronger, of course I'm going to be distracted by side quests and exploring a much of the lovely world as I can
  6. Haha, I love the difference between us there. I spoted those side quest ? marks with enemies level 39 and was like, I'll come back to them later. You are like "must get them now"! I'm level 37 now, so will be going back for them soon I think. Moved the story forward a bit on Chapter 4 but still very early in it. Found a new area and got lost exploring and filling in the map haha. I'd say as well as damage and HP I think it makes the enemy AI a bit better also. Not really noticed it much with normal monsters, but with Uniques it def makes a difference. Did a test when found a unique 2 levels above me. On hard mode I struggled. It seemed to target party members that were low HP more. Tried him a second time on normal and it was a breeze.
  7. So I've reached Chapter 4 a few days ago...my gods the cutscenes and stuff that happened at the end of Chapter 3 were epic, some stuff I saw coming and other stuff didn't. I've barely touched story stuff in Chapter 4 found a but load more side quests so lost in that. Have characters at level 36 now, feel stupidly over leveled. Wish the camps let you level down...but I think that was only a New Game+ thing in previous games. To compensate I've changed the difficulty from Normal to Hard Edit: Oh question, does Cleaning Clothes at camps actually do anything? I've not noticed much dirt build up on them, bit of dust on faces maybe. Like if I never used the clean clothes option would there be some sort of penalty?
  8. At least half the team should have been gutted and replaced by the new manager. I'm still shocked we've bought so few. Thought it was supposed to be a rebuild but only 3 new signings ? Is it the bloody Glazers not oroviding the money, Ten Hag not going for anyone or is Man Utd just no longer attractive to players to join anymore?
  9. Nobodys had any good stuff since my last post? Well I shall follow it up then with a new distance record Took alot longer as tide was going against....in both directions, as we started an hour before high tide. The last 1.5km wrecked me, I'd say if I had gone down the full 3km on the outbound leg someone could be posting a different post on my behalf in the bad stuff thread
  10. First Sunbreak Update drops tomorrow
  11. Signed up to a beginner Python course, online, have 16 weeks to complete, cert from Certiport at the end of it....should go well, fingers crossed
  12. On Chapter 3 and been on chapter 3 for what seems like probably 70% of my total play time so far haha. Pretty sure if I move to the next main quest marker I'll move to Chapter 4...but I keep finding side quests and new places to explore and am loving it...also spotted some ? on map that when got too realised I am way under leveled for also. Getting more used to the class system, trying to switch whenever a character maxes one but also trying keep team balanced. Characters at level 33...hope not gonna be too over powered by time I move forward. Have 5 Heroes unlocked which and how they work with the class system wasn't expecting. Love the combat and love the way artes recharge differently depending on if the character/class is based on first of second game races. Of the side quests I've done so far I found ot interesting some of them involved stuff that I would have expected would be part of the main story quests. Edit: So after a lot of searching the map trying to get to new places finally went to next main quest marker....it did not bring me to Chapter 4, still on 3 haha
  13. My copy arrived today, wohoo...gonna inhale my dinner and get playing :D
  14. Congrats Dean, good to see things are going well
  15. Was gonna look for the Jobs thread of the good stuff but saw this and thought might be appropriate here. Been doing an Oracle Database SQL (1Z0-071) course for the last 5 months, took the exam today. PASSED with 74%, certified baby (63% is the min) Just waiting for Oracle to cough up the official cert for it now, which can apparently take up to 48 hours.... Bloody hell was it a tough exam though, questions were a lot harder than any of the practice exams the course gave me. I was slowed down on a lot of questions just reading stuff over and over to try get things right in my head. 2 hour exam, finished it with just 14 seconds left. Think when I was down to the last 10 questions I only had like 11 mins left and panicked a little, tried to speed up and then paranoid I'd be getting stuff wrong if I wasn't reading properly. When I was pressing the last button that would grade the exam I was fully prepared to see a fail result come up, was delighted to see it saw Pass and to see the score was a good 11% in the clear Totally drained after that course and wrecked after the exam. Gonna take a few weeks to enjoy the summer with the kids, then planning to do a Python course as a lot of Job adverts I see for SQL are also looking for Python so will probably be a good idea to have both on the CV and hopefully soon it'll all help me give two fingers to the current job
  16. This morning ticked off a long distance swim off from my swim targets list. Probably not gonna get much longer distances than this ..though there is another beach further down coast from where I started so could go from there maybe Was with a group and we had someone on a canoe and another on a surf board following us for safety
  17. That's it, all new signing reveals need to be done as WWE entrances from now on
  18. Just watched the 2.5 hour Season 4 finale "episode" (it's a bloody film) of Stranger Things and I am left emotionally and physically broken on all sort of levels. I need to take some time to process everything.
  19. Was on a family trip to Edinburgh from last Monday to yesterday (Thursday), had a great time while there. Worst part of the trip over was going through Dublin airport which has become a complete mess due to short staffed on security personnel that is is causing stupid long queues. Took us nearly nearly an hour and half to get through bag drop and security. No time to do anything after even get some breakfast and even if tried queues at restaurants were as bad. On way home yesterday thought everything was running smoothly, Edinburgh airport was a dream experience compared to Dublin. Arrived at airport, did the self serve bag tag and bag drop and through security all in 20 mins. Relaxed and took our time, Joy got to do a bit of shopping all happy. Then came the flight, "boarding" started on time, well that is to say the opened the gate checked boarding cards and passports and we walked through gate but then we had to wait in the tunnel area after that. You would think only a few mins, ended up standing there for about 35-40 mins. If it was just me I wouldn't have minded but it wasn't great for the kids and my mother in her 70's and other elderly passengers. Finally got on plane (Ryanair by the way for anyone wondering) and it took off an hour later than scheduled. Grand just an hour, would have preferred if they delayed the boarding so we could have stayed sitting inside instead of standing in a queue but whatever at least it was only an hour. And I wish that was the worst of it. Got to Dublin, found the conveyor belt for bagged and waited....and kept waiting. Watched some bags come out and going round and then noticed on the screen above it is said "last bag delivered" I was like wtf that can't be right. The belt eventually stopped and our bags still not there, ours and a bunch of other people (about 30ish people maybe more) also all looking around without our bags. Few mins and belt started moving again and thought of grand this will be it. Agter about 5 mins of watching bags and still not seeing ours I noticed the flight number on the tags of the new bags going round were from a different flight. Others started to notice also and a line started forming at the Ryanair desk near the belt. All the staff could tell us after checking was the bags weren't in Dublin. From the amount of people missing bags I say there was a whole wagon of bags left in Edinburgh....if not somehow put on wrong flight. They couldn't confirm for us if bags were indentified in Edinburgh or not. They had us fill in a report form and opened a report on it, gave a reference number and said we'll be contacted when bags found and will be delivered to our home. And details on what to do if we don't hear anything in 5 days which doesn't make me feel good. For us I suppose we weren't the worst off, bags were mostly clothes, I had some souvenirs in one also and I put all our chargers into one so I would have slightly less weight in my hand carry. Thankfully for phones my wife had hers in her hand carry so I can share that. Need to get my mom a new charger though. Other people on the flight though, alot were tourists, Americans doing a Scotland and Ireland combined holiday and now their Ireland part of it fairly ruined by that experience. Heard some say they were only in Ireland for 3 days before going back to America. Heard one girl say she was moving over here for 6 months for a college course and all her stuff was in her suitcase. I could kinda understand like one of two cases going missing by accident, fallen off a wagon or something. But a whole wagon load seems ridiculous. And that Ryanair seemed unaware till we went up to the desk also. Like surely someone would have noticed there was a lot less bags put in the hold than was expected before the plane took off. I would imagine there are checks against say if 100 bags are checked in that an airline would know if 30 of that 100 were not put on the plane. If they even knew beforehand and had a rep at the belt to give a heads up and reassure people they were aware and we would be looked after and what was happening explained it would at least been something better than not knownkng anything.
  20. Got up early to try out Sunbreak Enjoying it so far. Nice to of course have some new quests and stuff. You don't get access to Elgado straight away, there's a quest in the Shrine Ruins you have to complete before you get to go there. Once got there I spent some time just looking around. A few odd things I noticed, there seems to be no Village Quest types, all Hub quests (so far) and the Elgado diner doesn't have a dango song, booo, haha I've done a few of the MR1 quests, got the urgent unlocked but not done it yet. Two quests left to tick off on MR1 (small monster quests). Will probably leave the urgent till get home and hopefully get to do with some the N-E Brotherhood this evening. Equipment wise, I've not had to build anything yet. Using maxed out Valstrax gear which seems fine for now. The lvl 1 MR gear on offer at moment has lower defence so would require a build then an upgrade to be an improvement over what I got right now. Not struggled much yet. Monsters do hit harder as expected so I figure by time I get to MR2 my current gear my start struggling. Did the first new quest in Kamura solo. Then when started doing quests at Elgado opened a lobby to see what randoms would join. No carts from randoms.... Or me so far haha
  21. Galactic Mode done, single player complete haha In first game in (this upteenth attempt at) Championship Cup got luck with the bounce for this just barely into extra time Golden Goal. In the Final then thought the CPU won it at the end but I somehow forced it to extra time with this cheeky quick shot after the restart Won the game (and the cup) then in extra time.
  22. Between last night and this evening with help from @Bladeaand @Glen-i I've got all quests, all events, all arean and all Challenge Quests now ticked off and ready for the Sun to Break on a new dawn of quest lists to be completed Final event quest, Event Crimson Glow Valstrax Final Challenge Quest 07, Apex Ziggy, Apex Mitzu and Apex Blos And of course I had a few fail moments like this one earlier in the evening wtpshere I totally under estimated how hard this Goss hits
  23. I'm gomna jump on for a bit to try tick off the Event Crimson Valstrax if anyone wants to give it a go with me
  24. Didn't watch the direct and trying to avoid news from it in case of spoilers, but I did see an expansion was announced. Anyone able to give any non-spoiler details on it? Release? Cost? Did they say if it will include an extra story like Torna or Future Connected? If get early does it give any bonuses for main game?
  25. I will probably be tempted but will do my best to avoid watching to go into the game as blind as possible. Have still managed to resist last set of trailers
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