Watched the trailer a few times, sounds like some voice actors are returning, Vandhams being the most noticeable.... already seen some people online suggest the guy with the eye patch is Vandham.
I'd be surprised if it was, probably more like a descendant of his that just sounds like him Unless he was turned into a Blade Eater without Rex and Co finding out during XBC2
Also at the end, there's a masked High Entia which could be Tyrea, voice sounds like her too and then you see a masked Blade Flesh Eater which looks like it could be Nia in Blade form. BUT the dialogue that happens "They must be erased without a trace" sounds like Melia.
If Jenna Coleman coming back I really hope Adam Howden returns also, even if playing a descendant of Shulk if not somehow Shulk himself.
The setting seems to be set a long time after the end of 1 and 2, a few hundred years maybe?
Tyrea, Melia as High Entia could potentially have long enough lifespans to still be around... Blades should too.