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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. This has actually tempted me towards the NSO Expansion. I assume though, if I got the expansion but didn't renew it I would lose access to the DLC? Hhhmmm choices, just pay for DLC, or get expansion and play Banjo?
  2. Watched the trailer a few times, sounds like some voice actors are returning, Vandhams being the most noticeable.... already seen some people online suggest the guy with the eye patch is Vandham. I'd be surprised if it was, probably more like a descendant of his that just sounds like him Unless he was turned into a Blade Eater without Rex and Co finding out during XBC2 Also at the end, there's a masked High Entia which could be Tyrea, voice sounds like her too and then you see a masked Blade Flesh Eater which looks like it could be Nia in Blade form. BUT the dialogue that happens "They must be erased without a trace" sounds like Melia. If Jenna Coleman coming back I really hope Adam Howden returns also, even if playing a descendant of Shulk if not somehow Shulk himself. The setting seems to be set a long time after the end of 1 and 2, a few hundred years maybe? Tyrea, Melia as High Entia could potentially have long enough lifespans to still be around... Blades should too.
  3. It's only just hit me that if Zelda BotW2 keeps it's previously promised 2022 release and doesn't fall into 2023 we are seriously getting a new Xenoblade Chronicles AND a new Zelda game in the same frakking year!!!!
  4. I'M REALLY FEELING IT! This has made my year
  5. I actually frakking called something!!!!!! Bloody Hell, XC3, Mario Strikers, MK8 DLC, Kirby, Switch Sports, Live A Live. I'll just give Nintendo my debit card and let them look after it for me
  7. I saw a core crystal its 3
  9. Oh now I might have reason to upgrade to the NSO Expansion
  10. Paid DLC for MK8Deluxe 4 years after release lol ...also... Just take my money already Nintendo
  11. Dread Mode Update.... Sure I'll give it a go but likely not get far haha. The Boss Rush update though...BRING IT
  12. Wohooo I'll get it when the Golf update comes so My emotions went all over the place during that, from wohoo at reveal, no Golf pissed me off, Golf added in free update LETS DO THIS
  13. Switch SPORTS!!!!!!!!! Finally, what took them so long. Wait.... There's no Golf???? WTF >:( Will unfortunately be a pass from me without Golf
  14. Never heard of Live A Live before but love the HD2D style
  15. First time I've ever been hyped for a Kirby game
  16. The opening cinematic to Front Mission 1st had my attention, seeing it's an RTS lost it Are Disney trying to take on Mario Kart EDIT: Oh wait free to play? Might give kt a go so
  17. I assume we'll be setting up an N-E Club?
  18. New Mario Strikers....HELLS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. No Mans Sky coming to Switch... that's unexpected.
  20. And here we go (Enter Joker meme here)
  21. 5 mins to go, lets do this thing
  22. Rift farming? If there a method to get rifts (and/or mass outbreaks) to happen? They seem very infrequent for me My game must be broken so I've only found one in 35 hours gameplay Anyway one thing I wish the game would allow would be to let me throw out Pokemon and Pokeballs while on Wyrdeer or Ursaluna. You can on Basculion (bet I spelt all those wrong) why not the others? Find myself forgetting to use them as I like to run through tossing Pokemon at ore and trees
  23. Did you not drop a hard save beforehand that you can reload to?
  24. I know right, I've progressed the story a good bit now and I as a player had forgotten about that then an NPC brought it up and I'm like, you still remember that? Yeah 6 Meowscular type felynes. Sure they gotta make themselves useful
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