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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Good call, kinda wish I didn't watch it, there's something shown which feels like it could be important to the story. Gonna avoid any new trailers from now on...For just the next 3 months!!!! Hot damn, still can't believe it's coming earlier.
  2. Only a month between Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Guess I won't be seeing the sun all Summer so haha Hope I can get the SE here in Ireland. Got it for the XBC2 and XBC:DE, so I must have a full set!!!
  3. Oh don't get me started on that haha, having nightmares about serving Kirby Car shaped cakes
  4. Gods frakkin damnit Thankful I eventually completed it
  5. Is the Frenzy difficulty in the food stall even possible? As soon as that linch rush hits the satisfaction bar just dives
  6. I'm actually fine with a few months delay, there's a ton of other stuff out this year it was looking oretty packed. Pushing it to Spring next year also gives more breathing (pun not intended) room between Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and this. Hoping for a March 7th release so it is out on 6th birthday of the Switch and BotW
  7. My copy just arrived in the post
  8. Bought the DLC, had 25euro credit lying on my eShop account as a so far unused Xmas gift, said feck it, let's use it on this and dist off the MK8 card
  9. Put me down as a maybe
  10. I want a release date and a sea variant of Jhen Mohran that would fight on route sailing from Kamura to the new hub (forgot the name ) Ideally would prefer just a return of Jhen Mohran but a sea variant fight would fit story setting better
  11. When I watched the Direct earlier I was surprised by the Late 2022 release, seemed a bit early at first. Sword and Shield was little over 2 years ago (Nov 2019)...probably just over 3 years if S&V release in November also. But on checking previous release partners 3 years between new gen releases actually seems to be the norm. With almost 4 year gaps between gens 4 & 5 and 5 & 6 as the exceptions. Like the early look in the trailer. I the over-world has a look of Arceus about it which I look forward to Just hope the world is more open and connected and not just several maps that are contained within their own bubbles.
  12. Ack I missed the play tests Hopefully will catch one of tomorrows
  13. I'll certainly give Dread mode another go. I was surprised they allowed save points. I thought it was gonna be a perma death mode altogether. So you can at least save and potentially not lose too much progress
  14. So trying the new Dread mode difficulty. Was try a tactic to keep distance and not even risk counters if I could help it ...how long did it take me to do something stupid? ...this long
  15. These were a nice little touch by Nintendo. Brought back a fair few nice memories and going through the games lists on both reminded me of a lot of games Also not related but I see @lostmariohhas finally gotten a Switch, yay, give me a shout when you dip into Monster Hunter buddy
  16. Wait is it only at certain times? Damn I thought it was for the whole weekend like. Man I hope I get a chance go try it
  17. OMG, why didn't I just think if that haha. Here's me running around Obsidian Fieldlands collecting leeks between catching Pokemon EDIT: Big Buizel is real!!! Finally managed to get one... In fact got two back to back, one 2'9 and one 2'8 Now only the Wisp side quest is left. I have managed to clear 2 areas so far, Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Costlands. While flying over Cobalt looking for wisps I heared the Shiny sound, OMG!! There are more in my game after all. It was a Shiny Glameow. Not am outbreak either, just regular spawn. It was also near the same area where I got my Shiny Growlith... Maybe I can only get shinies from there Also I really like this pic
  18. Yeah I was doing that too, back to town back to map, drop a save. Repeat to infinity Any have ticked off most of the side quests. Only 3 left to do and I think another two to find (noticed I'm missing Request 21 and I think 59) The 3 I have left are the Big Buizel (swear he doesn't exist and the Alpha won't spawn!), The Spiritomb quest and the 100 Leeks
  19. Ack, ffs, just spent two hours, maybe more reloading my game with a Luxray outbreak trying for a Shiny and nothing. I give up, the Shiny Growlith I got before was probably the only shiny programed into my card Going back to side quests
  20. This vid might be useful to anyone trying to farm Distortions Not really a method to force spawn, but more how to make the RNG work for you and not against
  21. End credits have rolled Really enjoyed that. The whole section leading up to the end game was very different from a standard Pokemon game and was a welcome addition. Gotta say I did love the different boss battles through the game, great that they came up with something different than just another standard Pokemon battle for the bosses. Hope they do something similar in Gen 9. Looks like there are a good few post game main quests to do so looking forward to those. Gonna tick off the backlog of side quests I've left build up first though Still have a bunch of unowns to find. Aside from A I've not really looked at the clues yet. Found about 5 others just by chance
  22. I think I might remember that. Think didn't we have a N-E League night, it was probably a match during one of those sessions.
  23. Was only just thinking, I think Nintendo might have missed a trick with this to get more Expansion Pass upgrades. If they had annouced this would be included for the Expansion Pass I would have upgraded there and then. The Mario Kart DLC has me considering it, but I may just get the DLC on it's own. But if they threw Switch Sports in too I would have jumped. That said I hope Golf isn't the only free update sport to be added. Would like yo see Archery and Boxing come back too. I'm not sure what the point of Badminton is as I assume it would play the same as Tennis?
  24. Man this one had me all over the place. From initially being happy to have a Wii Sports return, to getting very annoyed and upset there was no Golf, to being delighted when they said Golf would be added later in a free update In case you can't tell Golf was my favorite part of the Wii Sports games
  25. Loved Mario Strikers on the Wii, can't wait for this.
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