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Everything posted by Kazzahdrane

  1. AFAIK there's never been a truly "simultaneous" console launch. The 360 was essentially simultaneous as it launched in the three major territories within a fortnight. When Nintendo say "simultaneous" they just mean "not 6 months between each territory", anyone expecting a launch for the Wii on the same date all over the globe would have been pretty niave.
  2. That has to be Dante from DMC, otherwise the makers are totally going to have a lawsuit on their hands :P
  3. Let's be fair, Link is pretty "gay" - he is usually surrounded by hot female characters and doesn't even say a word to them. Nono, Tingle's not gay. He's evil.
  4. I did consider Europe of course. Ripping off the British is what happens in the games market, everyone knows that. I don't think Nintendo will do anything to make this worse but they certainly haven't shown any plans to improve the situation - £29.99 DS games for example.
  5. I'd love your console price to be right, under £149.99 would be a huge attraction psychologically to consumers, plus with the Xbox 360 still being much cheaper than the PS3 (and that's with games and the knowledge that your console actually has a semi-decent library) the Wii needs to be as cheap as possible. Personally, my theory on why Nintendo won't go as low as £130 is simple: The DS Lite. I don't think Ninty would want a (fairly new) handheld on the market for just 30 quid less than their full home system - this could damage sales of the Lite where people decide to spend a little more and get a "proper" console. I know I don't want to see the DS become simply a stopgap measure until the launch of the Wii, but I worry how many people would look at the two options and decide to spend an extra £30 and get a home console. Of course, Nintendo aren't complete idiots so I'm sure they're thought up a good price point that will work. It's also worth remembering that plenty of shops won't let you buy the Wii on its own at launch anyway, they'll make you bundle it with a couple of games so my thoughts about the Lite and the Wii have similar prices may be moot for quite a while.
  6. I must agree, I've been playing Metroid Prime and aside from a pause (15 seconds perhaps) when you load your game from the main menu the loading times are almost non-existant (and where they do occur they are masked with short movie sequences). I look forward to similar if not improved loading times with the Wii
  7. The 5 games are as follows: Donkey Kong 128 Mario Kart Skidmarks Waluigi's Mansion Mario's Wii Is Missing Tom Clany's Rainbow Six: Mushroom Kingdom Squad Remember folks, you heard it on the internet so it must be true.
  8. I seriously doubt the console will be as cheap as £130, I'd guess more like £150. And retailers are expecting games to cost the same as current Gamecube titles, that's £39.99 RRP so probably £34.99 in any decent store. I'd hope controllers are a little cheaper than your guess, OTOH. I think people will think paying £30 for "a TV remote" to be a bit steep. I'd estimate five or ten pounds less. That's just the Wii-mote of course, perhaps all Wii-motes will be boxed with a nunchuck controller too - that could raise the price. I think your VC prices are probably pretty on the money, though I suspect Nintendo may go with a points system like MS have done with Xbox Live Marketplace. £5 points equivelant for a classic big N64 game sounds fair though, and as you suggested cheaper games for special offers etc.
  9. The 2nd of your posts in as many days that I've read and been glad to read. Nice to see there's someone else here who actually speaks sense when it comes to Nintendo's rivals.
  10. Say what you like about how great the SNES/N64 were, but they were still very much the domain of kids or older gamers who had grown up with Nintendo. The PSX was much the same but with the strategy of swamping the market with hundreds of titles. With the PS2 Sony made console gaming completely normal in the eyes of the public, something Nintendo certainly wouldn't have achieved with the Gamecube, for example. Personally I think Sony's strategy will benefit Nintendo this generation. So many people are now comfortable with console gaming (and by people I do of course emphasise older people) than with the affordability of the Wii and the really fun-looking games there's a good chance people will now be ready to experiment and try new things. Anyway sorry for the fanboy comment, I just get sick of people saying Sony destroyed the games market or that they don't make any fun games etc. We're all Wii-buyers here anyway, I'd imagine
  11. "should"? A company wants to enter a new market and make money and you see this as wrong? Sony have done wonders for the games industry, anyone who says otherwise is a blind fanboy.
  12. I still guess that the game is called Brawl but the online service/website etc for it will be called the Super Smash Bros. Dojo. If I'm wrong when we find out we can all look back at this post and laugh.
  13. - An optional wired LAN adapter that connects to a USB port is in the pipeline for users who do not possess a wireless LAN set-up currently. That's good to know. Wireless networks are all well and good but not all of us have big enough flats/houses to warrant them. Nice to see Nintendo will be quickly supporting those who prefer wired. What I really want to know is whether the Wii can act as a wireless access point for the DS. We know there will be wireless connectivity with the handheld so I'm hoping they let the DS connect to WFC through the Wii (meaning those of us with wired LANs will be able to use WFC on DS games without buying the £30 dongle).
  14. Really depends as others have said on the launch titles themselves and of course price, but working in Gamestation I plan to take advantage of my discount (and being able to take the console home a few days before most people in the country!). So far: Wii Console - undetermined colour, will decide when we know what is coming Zelda (Wii version ofc) WarioWare (if available) Either Metroid or Red Steel (gotta try an FPS out on the Wii!) 2nd Wii-mote Hoping Wii Sports is bundled with the console. Will probably buy an SD card once I've started playing VC games. Thinking about Trauma Center, but having heard that it's actually a remake of the DS game (Which I already own...), I'm undecided.
  15. Because when you gut the games you have almost zero stock on the shop floor that would-be thieves can steal. Remember how small DVD boxes are and how much a single game can be worth (especially a Gamecube game at release....). I work in Gamestation and we do the same thing, it's not weird at all. Oh, and we make it a point to keep the Star point cards with the game so that the buyer gets them Worth pointing out that almost everyone who works in my store plans to get a Wii, so my manager will be going out of his way to promote the console (he already does, thankfully).
  16. Not quite an assumption, I said "probably". "Dojo" was mentioned as "playing online in Super Smash Bros. Dojo" on Nintendo's Wii site. I don't think that speculating that Dojo could be the name of the online lobbies etc for SSMB is unfair, considering that.
  17. Correction, that trailer looked really cool (some of the action parts looked like they could be gameplay, the last segment where he repeatedly throws the stormtrooper around almost certainly wasn't) and you have know way of knowing if it will work "very very well" with the Wii-mote. It could do, but not need to just to conclusions. I would expect that if Red Steel is a success (specifically the sword-fighting sections), Lucasarts will more likely go for a 1st-person Lightsaber game. Deflecting blaster shots could be fun!
  18. My name means: absolutely nothing I made it up years back and use it for everything. I just think it sounds cool, and it can be easily shortened to "Kazzah" or "Kazz" in only games so people don't have to type my whole name
  19. Even though Buzz is made exclusively for Sony, I'd love to see it on the Wii. Calling out player names eh? You just know people will take the opportunity to make a Nintendo console yell out rude words. ...I would.
  20. Woah, way to totally change my opinion of these forums.... I thought the blind fanboys had all moved to the Sony and MS camps. I haven't played a Wii yet, not many people have. The guy raised some seemingly fair points and everyone's shot him down. Sony fanboy??? WTF? he mentioned Sony's PS3 once and frankly it's completely obvious that playing the Wii on a small TV (like the 14 inch I have in my room) is going to be pretty difficult from the sofa. A bigger screen area means your motions with the Wii-mote will be much more fluid when translated to the screen, rather than trying to pin-point what is a tiny area, a big TV will blow it up and make aiming easier. I'm certainly planning to buy a new TV around the time the Wii launches. And the issue about waving the Wii-mote around a lot and it being too energetic, there may well be something in that. I remember when I bought the first EyeToy game and camera for my PS2, that ninja-slapping game had me huffing and puffing. I'm not the fittest guy in the world but I'm no "fat and lazy" geek. Until I've had a chance to play the Wii I won't know how easy it is to control etc. No, articles like that aren't likely to make me change my mind about buying one - I've seen the games and they look fun, but sticking your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala I can't hear you Mr Man who had some critisisms of the Wii" is just childish. Flame me as a Troll if you want, I'm just being realistic about it.
  21. I think the idea behind the £150 deposit is to stop people pre-ordering from numerous retailers and paying £5-£20 deposit at each place, say £100 over 5 retailers - then getting one or two consoles and sticking them on eBay and easily making more than their money + deposit together back, and a profit on top. This way people should in theory only place a pre-order if they are serious about buying a PS3 from that retailer, and in theory shouldn't be able to afford to do it at many places. Of course, Gamestation have taken loads of pre-orders already and we only took a £20 deposit I believe.
  22. That must be the funniest paragraph I've read all day!
  23. I for one don't have a TV with a 5.1 system set up. I fact, I have a tiny 14 inch TV in my room but I will be getting a new one in time for Wii!
  24. I really like these ideas
  25. I never beat Oxide's ghost on any track. Beat N. Tropy enough times to unlock him though, and the penguin dude
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