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Everything posted by Kazzahdrane

  1. I expect we'll hear that ViPeR was found murdered with a giant N branded into his forehead It's personal for Reggie!
  2. If the Wii costs around (or more than) £200 here in the UK then people will say "I can get a core 360 for that price" which admittedly is a pretty broken console option, but still I think Nintendo will try to keep it lower than that.
  3. It will be full price, count on it.
  4. Sorry...this event with Reggie that is coming up. What/when is it? I actually hadn't heard anything about it...
  5. I think you just answered your own query
  6. As someone that works in games retail I am getting very worried about Nintendo's attitude. If they are really going for a launch sometime around the PS3 release date then they are going to be cutting it close when they announce the date. Retailers need to build up demand for the console, and as easy as it is to laugh at Sony for making the PS3 £425 at least people know when it's coming out and have known for months. Nintendo did so well at E3 and now it just looks like they don't know how to handle the attention.
  7. Not me. I'm worried it's over and the Pink Lite date was ALL we are getting. *sigh*
  8. Eurogamer's text updates during E3 were awesome. They had some great MASSIVE DAMAGE comments during the Sony conference
  9. I'm still getting crappy music videos from that live feed link. Anyone got any idea why? Maybe I clicked the wrong thing on that page.
  10. Agreed, I work for Gamestation and we've certainly not been given any info at store level. However, we will most likely start taking pre-orders a day or two after the release date is announced, so keep an ear out if you plan to do that.
  11. Best bet is to head down to your local games store (Gamestation or GAME) once the release date has been announced and see if they are taking pre-orders. If you get a pre-order there they'll take a small deposit (probably around £20) and then you pay the rest when you buy the console itself. Alternatively you could pre-order one online but I would say the best chance of guaranteeing yourself one on launch day is to go with a high street store, but make sure you're one of the first 30 or so people to put down a pre-order otherwise they might well not have enough to fulfill your order on launch day.
  12. I'm fairly sure a lot of people here would be happy with just that.
  13. Eurogamer.net will be doing live text updates for the three big console speeches, as they did for E3. Their E3 live coverage was very good, not quite as good as actually watching it but a good way to just get the facts - with a good dose of humour too.
  14. According to this month's Edge, the Wii version of CoD3 is being developed specifically to use the Wiimote's features and so will be coming out later than the versions on PS3 and Xbox 360. I appreciate the worry that games might implement the Wiimore "just because", and I'm sure we'll see some of that (even at launch, probably) - but from what I've read CoD3 won't be one of these games.
  15. Get off your high horse and accept that while there may be rather a lot of WWII games around just now some of them, like the CoD series, are extremely good. One could argue that the Zelda games are very cookie-cutter, essentially the same progression in every game with mostly the same items and similar bosses. Of course those games are still very good for other reasons, same with CoD. The Gamecube has shown that Nintendo cannot stand by and say "this game seems much more at home on Sony and MS's offerings" or the Wii will fail. Simple as that - amazing first-party titles are one thing but people don't like being left out of the game all their friends are raving about because it isn't on their system.
  16. Indeed, if the net code is well written I'm sure Wii games (and all online console games this-gen) could support more players without lag. The only thing I wonder about is the cache, it doesn't sound like the Wii has an awful lot of memory or storage space like a high-end PC so perhaps that will be a limiting factor.
  17. There is no way that they will not release Twilight Princess on the Gamecube in Europe. They are specifically releasing it on the Gamecube because it was always promised as a GC title and they say they don't want to disappoint their customers - they wouldn't then turn round and deny it to any GC owners outside the USA.
  18. Is that cable the same as just taking the AV (red, white, yellow) cables and plugging them into a scart block which then goes into your TV? I always assumed that's what they were, otherwise that's pretty cool that Nintendo sell a better cable that improves the picture.
  19. The video Jordan made this thread about is not from E3. Clicking the link in the first post takes you to the correct, new, video. Just leave it a little while to start, I noticed it took a while the first time. The two videos you can click on from that page are indeed older.
  20. Ouch, calm down guys. Sega have been very vocal in their support for the Wii - even telling other third-parties to get their act together. The Wii is a very different machine to develop for than the PC, PS3 and 360. Would you rather Sega were bringing out 6 games for the Wii with pointless use of the wiimote or 2 games that really show off its potential? I know which I'd pick.
  21. Haha a level in "Eedinborogh" I think that might be Edinburgh Awesome!
  22. If this game plays well and supports 4 players like the X-Men Legends games then I may well pick this up for some excellent gaming with friends.
  23. Meh, I guess if you're enough of a Zelda fan and you know you'll replay the game then I guess you can replay with the other version and then know for sure which you like better
  24. If you're picking up Zelda on launch day I really doubt you'll have much trouble finding a copy. For a lot of retailers over here it will be the first Gamecube title they've stocked in months.
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