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Everything posted by Daft

  1. I basically go a lunch when I'm at work, so it's thankfully not a big time drain for me. But I remember taking a few months off waaaay back and it did me a world of good. Guess I've just been scared to loose my good habits.
  2. I'm going to take 12 days off the week after next. I've not had time off the gym for longer than a week for over half a decade. So...I think it'll do me some good.
  3. Honestly, I can't quite believe the PS4 has been out coming up to half a decade. It has aged incredibly well. My feeling is that the PS5 won't be happening this year. But next year seems pretty strong since I think Sony would want to be seen as proactive in the industry instead of reactive to anything Xbox does. I guess we'll see. I can't say I'm surprised, while at the same time I'm really quite satisfied with my PS4/Pro. As long as Overwatch works on it.
  4. No idea why he requires 400 candy. Maybe his mega evolution will be amazing or something. Whailmer as well, like wut? But I think the quest should cover more pokemon with that candy requirement since if you live in the wrong biome, you're a bit out of luck.
  5. I don't think Dittos are really that rare. I think the Magikarp thing is a bit crap. At least give an alternative evolution for Swablu as well, since he requires 400 candy too. I'm not in any rush to complete this though so I can't say I'm that fussed. Especially since a Legendary encounter appears to be guaranteed for the seven stamps.
  6. I really hate that the sound options for the game are so limited. Why can't I adjust the music levels and the speech levels separately? Like in virtually every other game in existence. Question, if I get in my car and drive off...does the dog get in the car, or follow me, or teleport to where I end up? It doesn't look like he gets in the car and I don't want to leave him behind. So I'm basically just running everywhere.
  7. Someone came over to me in the gym the other day to shake my hand. They said they'd started coming to the gym recently and saw me around often and wanted to look like me...in a non-creepy way. Honestly, it was weird but the sentiment was incredibly generous (too generous). And I thought back to when I started going to the gym and think I wanted to look like people there. Weird circularity there.
  8. I kind of get the control complaint. It stopped me from doing anything but the first Colossus in the PS3 port. I picked the remake up because of all the work Bluepoint put in and I completed the whole thing in a few days. My only complaint now is how awful the horse is to control at points. Everything else was sublime. Except the last boss when the controls became an issue again and kind of really soured the moment. So, I got over the controls, learned to kind of enjoy them. And then there were points where they just got in the way again and it was incredibly annoying.
  9. Loved the season, terrible last episode.
  10. This looks like trash.
  11. I caught my Mewtwo. The raid was amazing and a lot of fun. It was absolutely pissing with rain and about 25/30 people turned up and huddled in this small stone gazebo structure. Someone from Instinct had been there since 10:30 fighting for control of the gym. At about 12:40 they managed to flip it (although I don't know if they waited until that point to flip it), when I head about the Gym turning Instinct in the WhatsApp group I'm in I headed from work to the gym. It was absolutely pissing with rain. I hate rain. Got there 15 minutes later to a full Instinct gym and carrying 200 Golden Razz Berries and ready to berry away. Met some fun, enthusiastic people. There were enough of us to split into separate teams. As the game ticked over into the hour of the raid, the rain wasn't letting up but the in-game weather changed to Windy. Boosted Mewtwo. There are 8 of us in the Instinct Raid. I'm really hoping it isn't Focus Blast. My team Level 35 Tyranitar (15 Attack) Level 35 Tyranitar (12 Attack) Level 35 Scizor – Double Bug Moves – 100IV Level 30 Houndoom – Bite/Foul Play – 80IV but 14 Attack Level 35 Dragonite – 14/14/14 Level 35 Dragonite – 14/14/14 We did it, with a lot of time to spare, and my final Dragonite was a slither away from fainting. Gym Control + Team Contribution + 2 balls for Damage = 13 Balls. I'd watched videos on his animation. I'd nailed the timing on my first ball, but not quite the distance. It didn't matter, the ball wobbled thrice and I had myself a Weather Boosted Mewtwo with Focus Blast. I think everyone caught it except two people (one who already had a Mewtwo). So, what do I think of the Ex Raid system? I understand it. The scarcity makes it feel like a special event – this definitely felt like more than just a Legendary Raid, but the flip-side is that its exclusivity makes it prohibiting, and unfriendly. I wouldn't be unhappy if they scrapped it. Being on the inside, I had a lot of fun (although it was stressful leading up to the event). But from the outside in, it's not a good system.
  12. I received an EX Raid pass for next Wednesday. I dislike the system immensely, still do. Now I'm just stressed about catching Mewtwo, even with the high catch rate because at the end of the day, RNGesus is king.
  13. I ended last year by benching a pb of 125kg. Did it again earlier this week, but what was probably better was today I did 120kg and it felt...almost easy.
  14. Anyone watched this? If you haven't, do. Change the language to German and put on subtitles. Don't let the idea of subtitles put you off. It's an insanely watchable series.
  15. Disney do it again. They make yet another (live-action) film that's entertaining to watch but falls apart utterly when put under any scrutiny. I did not like The Force Awakens, and during the first few minutes where Poe puts Darth Wesley 'on hold', I though I was going to suffer for the next two hours. That bit was so achingly bad. I was pleasantly surprised by the good, not surprised at the amount of crap, but overall it felt like a smaller more human Star Wars – and while it failed a lot with the human aspect, I respect it for trying. Laura Dern was the standout character. What she did, was maybe my favourite singular Star Wars moment ever visually. It was like someone sucked all the air out of the room. It really should have been Leia who did that. Finn is an awful character. His side story was awful. Captain Phasma...is – and always has been – dire. Ray has no character development and Daisy Ridley is not great...but I'm not sure how much I put down to her, because how her character is written is just not compelling and I like to give actor the benefit of the doubt; give them shit to work with, they'll spit shit out right back in your face. Get rid of Finn and Rose, and...like Poe doesn't even meet Ray until the end and it's the second film. There are just too many disjointed bits. I love Luke. I love mark Hamill. I don't agree with how he was handled but I can accept it. I did not mind Leia's space angel moment. And I can't tell you why, because it was fucking absurd. Adam Driver was great, but I felt wasted a tad. And Snoke... I hope to see more of him but at the same time, plz foreshadow. Just a tad. His death seemed so final. I'm actually excited to see where it goes. For all it's wrongs, it wasn't as asinine as The Force Awakens.
  16. The last month of Pokemon Go has been so much fun. I am LOVING the weather update (and all the other QoL updates like the guaranteed Golden Razz Berries for completing Legendary Raids). So after catching a 100IV Entei what seems like aaaaages ago... I've managed to catch a 100IV Raikou A 2222CP (100IV) Ho-oh ran on me. Boo-urns!! And yesterday I caught a 100IV Groudon. I honestly can't believe it. Super crazy luck. Shame I didn't land the Ho-oh to go 4 for 4 but I'm glad I caught any of them.
  17. I updated the controllers. Basically, the controls are responsive and there are no inputs being lost. It's just that the on-screen pointer starts to drift frequently. Which is honestly infuriating when I'm trying to build a pretty precise bridge. Bottom line, I don't want this crappy pointer functionality anyway. There really should be another option for the game.
  18. I bought Poly Bridge yesterday. Was really looking forward to it. The docked controls are absolutely dire. Really ruin the experience. I hear undocked is better but I've not tried it yet. I hope they patch it soon.
  19. Ignoring the fact Antiope was meant to be in this film, it's not hard to imply her relation and importance to Diana without explaining who she was. Especially when the reason for bringing up loss is due to the loss of Cyborg's mother. Steve Trevor is such a tenuous link to loss it just makes Diana sound like 'Yeah, me too. I lost a person too. Deal with it (...if you can...but I'm a hypocrite because I can't, as w0t Batman said)' instead of relaying a modicum of empathy, 'I understand what it is like to lose a mother.' Especially as she is an Amazon, and from an island full of women. That her thoughts go straight to Steve is...weak sauce. Also, in terms of the movie-verse, if you know about Steve Trevor, you'd know about Antiope...who again, was meant to feature at the start of the film battling Steppenwolf. And the comics are absolutely awesome at the moment. Especially since Rebirth. Rebirth, Doomsday Clock, Mister Miracle, Dark Knights Metal, White Knight; the quality of comics of the moment and the number of good titles is insane. We've not had it this good in decades (and even before Rebirth, Wonder Woman's run is maybe her best, Batman has been stellar for more than 5 years, and Darkseid War is absolutely brilliant). They put all these movies to shame. Everyone loves Ragnarok, Aaron's Thor run makes it look absolutely pedestrian and it's not a hard or complicated read by any means.
  20. The only way to win is not to know.
  21. I thought it was abjectly awful for the most part. Sitting beside Man of Steel and Batman v Superman it's a jarringly antiseptic and 'safe' film. The music was awful, too. And I can only lay the blame at Joss Whedon's door because clearly nothing in this film was as it was intended to be. I have no idea why Aquaman was even there. I loved Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher as Flash and Cyborg but they were just undone by this piece of shit film...why didn't we see Cyborg's accident? What happened to all the footage in the trailers with him? We don't learn anything about his mother or really see any of his loss. Half of this stuff is in the trailer, what the hell happened to it?! And, I liked Flash, but why was he boiled down to ADHD-Man? We lost his backstory. Any semblance of Barry Allen's brain. There was meant talk about how he pieced together his suit using tach from NASA. But that was super glossed over. Instead, he's basically Impulse. Also, Superman...was literally pointless. Wondy and Aquaman were handling Steppenwolf pretty well, if you ask me. Why was Superman actually needed? So he could turn up and pretend the last two films didn't happen – along with all their questions about power, determinism, innocence and culpability – and just fucking smile them away? WHY WAS AQUAMAN EVEN IN THIS FUCKING FILM? As for women in the movie, what the fuck am I watching? Did Wonder Woman actually come out this year or am I going crazy? Sure Wondy was great for the most part – except for that shitty Flash landing on her tits thing and her need to bring up Steve Trevor (instead on Antiope, who raised her like a mother in many respect and WHO WE SAW DIE IN WONDER WOMAN) – but fucking hell Lois without the (Super)man is just a shell of a woman. That's not Lois Lane. Lois Lane is a crusader. What happened to the LotR-esque opening that was meant to happen, half the Greek Gods had speaking parts. Antiope was meant to be in this. Why does it take everyone to stop Steppenwolf but apparently just Superman? Zod makes Steppenwolf look like a useless shit. This is meant to be Darkseid's uncle. Darkseid Is. This is meant to be a destroyer of worlds, emissary of the anti-life. Darkseid Is. He is meant to exercise Darkseid's will. Darkseid is. Why not use Kalibak? Would have made much more sense. This film is so basic it doesn't even have a fucking sub-plot. It's just one short, shit story. Terrible. Terrible fucking film. Looked terrible. And I don't mean the CGI, the shots and framing were terrible. The reshoots were all blatant. The ideas and weight from the previous films are gone. It's Superfriends: The Movie, and I hated it. I absolutely detest it. It's a film that carries now weight or meanings. It's a film made for no one, about nothing. It was everything I hate about the Disney Marvel films, and I actually adore these characters. I'd rather watch Sucker Punch than this crap again. This film broke my heart.
  22. I've got 420 moons, starting to make my way through the levels again. Really enjoyed the game. I kind of wish there was a bit more of a post-game game; after the story concludes the game feels kind of done, even if I am collecting the rest of the moons. It's not really a criticism, I just feel like with the addition of more moons, that there's a missed opportunity to take it to the next level.
  23. From what I've seen, the story is meh, the pacing is a bit off but the character stuff is spot on and makes you want to see more. Also, worth watching if you want to be brought up to speed at all. A nicely put together video, there are no spoilers.
  24. I...will give that a go. Not sure why that didn't cross my mind, I take the moped everywhere ha
  25. Is there an easier way to get the skipping rope going because jumping into that is frustrating?
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