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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. It's probably the myth that women talk bullshit about personality which has thrown many people off the scent. HOWEVER! A right line is what you lack. http://www.linesthataregood.com I recommend the first selection.
  2. Buy a Wii as well with Galaxy, then replace them both. Argos is where I did the mini fridge swap. They tried offering a replacement, I just said No.
  3. This nobshaft has stolen my dissertation idea! SCANDAL!
  4. Fuck no. Cell all the way.
  5. Is this the first some people are hearing about this? This is more based on Dragonball than Z, or so I've heard. Either way, James Marsters as Piccolo, should be sexy, however it would be beautiful if Piccolo acted liked this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHKUPUGZgOE And http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhjIje3u0ws
  6. You buy a new copy, replace the disc and demand a refund the next day. I did that with my mini fridge, no questions asked.
  7. I've got a Haunter one, and it's got no instructions or numbers or anything :'(
  8. I could kick your arse so hard you could build a pool in the footprint so hard right about now.
  9. I've been meaning to make a Haunter one. I shall do it today!
  10. Bicentennial Man last night. I squeezed out a few tears at the end. I'm not ashamed.
  11. Here is me playing one of the many games of poker we played at the Counter Strike lan party I attended last weekend [4 days, 8 hours sleep = pro] although there was bugger all CS being played, mainly Call of duty 4 and getting drunk 24/7.
  12. Bitch, I was hoping to be the first to suggest that. It's most theraputic. If it fails, do it again. You'll have to put more effort into it the second time round which should tire you out nicely. Bullshit! It's not a constant solution granted, but if your sleeping pattern goes out of whack, getting pissed quickly so you drop off is a pr0 method of inducing slumber. You heard it here first, girls flick their bean so they can sleep swifter.
  13. Yes Raining I did that, I said I did Dark Snowmon, j00 have assisted greatly.
  14. I've been racking my brains about this, but I can't figure out me problem. When writing essays I have to have a gap between lines. Which I can do with the line spacing button next to the alignment thing etc. But sometimes I copy something and it has a space which can't be closed. Vot do I do?
  15. I've got a PR workshop on Thursday, then I'll probably try working on my dissertation or something. I've felt nothing about it this year. People keep asking me what I'm going to do, as if it's so important it warrants bank holiday status. It's true, soup is quite the complicated meal and requires 100% of attention. You've got yourself a right catch here Jordan.
  16. What do you expect us to do/say.
  17. I was yawning halfway through drinking it.
  18. I think it was somewhere near a quid originally, this has been "Rolled Back".
  19. Now, Although I haven't seen 24 ever, which I have been meaning to do for the past couple of years. Either way, I know the importance The Bauer has one many of you here. I noticed this last week in Asda and thought how you might like to hear about it. Then thought nothing of it when I got home, you may not have believed me. But, last night I shopped for food once more, as I usually do once a week. And it was a low Bauer price of 50p a can, it needed inspection. I give you. 24: The Series. On the back it says "when the clocking is ticking, revive and conquer Jack Bauer style. You can pack a lot of action into 24 hours, every second counts" I showed this to Flinky and he was most shocked to hear of its existence, How do the other Bauer men feel?
  20. He looks like he's not bothered, which is exactly what one should be feeling on their 21st. People should stop making a big deal out of it as if it's some landmark age. 1 = The first ever. 10 = Decade alive, worth mentioning. 20 = Double decade remix. 25 = Quarter of a century, feel honoured. Maybe 5, since I'm sure I've seen Disney make a fuss over their 5th anniversary someone, Disneyland Paris perhaps. There's nothing extra about 21. We've not Americans, we've been able to get pissed for 3 years [legally].
  21. "It's good but it's not the one."
  22. Pictures or repost them. O_O
  23. Neutral EEVIL.
  24. Balls!
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