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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. No great loss.
  2. Ancient Egypt. ¬_¬
  3. Watched it last week, wasn't... bad, but not great. It seemed they ripped most of the action from Mummy Returns. NO! The only good thing about Even Stevens was Ren... Yeeeaah.
  4. That's inspiring me to do something similar, if I knew how to edit video by something other than Final Cut Pro on a Mac.
  5. You really do have to resist the urge to punch them.
  6. Suddenly the videos work. It is clever but then they spoiled it with the whole Sa... Cla bullshit. Bollocks was a much better word.
  7. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/afp/20080602/tuk-britain-entertainment-television-a7ad41d.html I'm not sure whether to love the irony or something.
  8. Videos weren't working chap.
  9. I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. But obvisously it didn't 'happen' for it to be in this topic.
  10. I would lik you to supply me with the music also. In return, if wanted I could supply a lovely Knight rider remix.
  11. Most companies 'update' their product, saying it's more effective. They don't release a product saying don't buy the other thing we make because it's shit.
  12. I agree, not the usual standards, in fact I only found one bit funny. I tried getting on 4OD but then they started getting me to download some shit that, when I did, didn't work. So I found it on YouTube yesterday instead.
  13. Yeah he did. Simon compared him to Rocky, being pimpsmacked in the first film and coming back and screaming Adrian in the second. He wasn't even really bullied that much, I can't remember where I read it but it was basically exposed he was bullied for about 10 minutes when he was 3, something really petty like that.
  14. As much as I enjoy the musical talents of My Chemical Romance, that article is complete bullshit. The amount of times they talk about death suggests otherwise, the fact that some people have little brain matter to follow it is another question. I'm slightly confused by this, are they basically saying "dress as you would normally, but don't dress as you would normally". The fact that how someone dresses possibly might fall into the stereotypical catergory is irrelevant. Those who changed to adhere to this are afraid they may be wrong. I really would like to see the logic of how the Mail has misquoted the lyrics and that the lyrics in fact save lives. Basically he's admitted that emo's have self harmed, whether they've come through it or not is irrelevant. Plus I really can't see how My Chemical Romance can build confidence. But then again you find people spunking over Mr. Brightside etc, so I guess anything's possible.
  15. What the fuck? That advert really pisses me off. From the beginning you can see it's a race, some old **** shouts "full speed!" because as everyone knows every race is a battle of slowness [not unlike the slow bicylce race you had at school] Then she gets such a cracking headache she can't do anything except remove her headset and rub her head. The opponent is shitting on them at present. 5 seconds later she's taken the Nurofen, working twice as fast as the original, headset is back and pushes a turbo button, which alerts the driver, because he couldn't have done it otherwise, that s/he can go at the aforementioned 'full speed!'. What I don't really understand is why this Nurofen Express exists. Saying it works twice as fast as normal Nurofen is basically shitting on their own product.
  16. George did his Rain Dancing for his semi-final and final piece. Whereas Signature did something different for their semi-final but basically repeated their act from the original audition. Like I said. I'm glad bullying fraud prick Andrew didn't win. The dancing in the rain reminded me of the end battle of Hollow Man 2.
  17. Although Signature came second. I'm happy George won, I was starting to get worried when that fraud Andrew got in the top 3.
  18. I really hope Signature win this. I really don't want that Andrew Johnston winning, because the bullying stuff him and his mum have been using has been pretty much exposed as bullshit. Something like he was bullied for ten minutes 3 years ago.
  19. Yeah let's hope. It's about time the amnesia wore off. The old Paul was awesome, he's a one leg Shaft.
  20. Ah, the international sign for 'kick me in the crotch' !
  21. I'm hoping Rebecca gets shot, because she doesn't seem to know when to shut up.
  22. Flameboy, I believe I speak for everyone when I call you one of the biggest dicks on the forum for having an attractive girlfriend.
  23. She looks alright, but the teeth seem to put me off a little. What annoys me is how much bullshit the kid acts come out with: "I've wanted to perform in the Royal Variety Performance for as long as I can remember" or "It's always been a dream of mine" Some of these people haven't reached ages of double figures and spout this crap. Was glad to see the stand-up kid lose ["I've always wanted to make people laugh" ignoring the fact that he started auditioning as a singer, then turned to stand-up. Prick], but not happy about James Stone not even making it to the judge's vote, instead having football fuck up Jeremy Lynch.
  24. SLIGHT BUMPAGE! So, has anyone else been having hours of fun watching the live semi-finals? I find Amanda Holden's catalogue of expressions priceless: 1: Scrunching her nose. 2: See-sawing her shoulders ["dancing"] 3: Swaying her arms in the air. 4: Crying. 5: A combination of the above. Some of the people they've even considered putting in the semi-finals has been a joke in itself.
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