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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Shocker does use vibrations, but the symbiote is weak to high pitched frequencies, not rumblings.
  2. The Rock pr0 action film. It's the kind of film you could watch every day for a week and not get bored of. You've got Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery and Ed Harris on top form, with one of the best soundtracks I've heard. Plus it's a delight to see Dr. Cox screaming like a pussy as Connery pimpsmacks him. Nine Shabba's
  3. I'm going to buy my Daddy the new McNab book [assuming it is new, last time they said it was a new release it was just re-released in paperback, to which he already had a copy] then going to see Taken.
  4. Ah well. The first 2 seasons didn't grip me so I don't think I'll miss much with the third.
  5. Balls to what BBC3 show. Will they be shown on iPlayer? Because I'm at work on Wed night.
  6. That's what I said, but was yet to recieve confirmation.
  7. Not a household discrimination, just my room. I wouldn't be able to fap around with my chair were I to have a bean bag. I just got rid of a second chair. Be that as it may, if I'm not on my chair painting or on the PC/laptop I'm in/on the bed watching TV. Sadly negating such usage.
  8. YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I've been in talks with Ashley over creating this UK specific topic. Here comes the logic.
  9. Actually... I think I'm feeling a bean bag now... but I don't think my room would accomodate one.
  10. Shit. You know me too well.
  11. Who'd have thought typing "bean bags" into Google would be so productive?
  12. http://www.greatbeanbags.com/ This seems to have an alright situation.
  13. Bollocks to picking up and using enemies weapons. We work our arse off getting the Master Sword and rape dungeons for other gadgets, use the fruits of your labour dammit!
  14. I didn't mean to abuse it! The killing blow just sort of happened, sealing the fate on what a piss poor game it was.
  15. I also register my "I was robbed" comment. Except I actually was robbed.
  16. I wish the Wind Waker battle system didn't exist. It just consisted of circling your enemy until the A button flashed and you'd just roll around and tear a new arsehole. I beat Ganondorf by simple button bashing this way.
  17. Work was absolute wank, but I'm technically proud of it since I get paid to do bugger all. I bought an issue of Edge to help pass the time. I got so bored I even started synchronising all the beer mats per tables, before they liked it if they were all set the same way, facing the same way. Close to the edge of the table, but as pricks ripped them apart they were replaced but not always with the same design. Today that grevious mistake was taken care of. I got a phone call from a friend asking if I could make her a proton pack, I said I would if she could find me a pair of dungerees Mario style. Riding to and from work was a potential danger once more as my handlebars started turning a little to the left. Meaning I had to hold them as if I were turning left to keep the wheel straight. Tomorrow this will be pissed on once and for all, as well as sorting out the return of another digital camera, this time to Play. Practically the exact same problem with two different cameras. I think it might have something to do with the way I transfer pictures onto my PC, I don't use the eject or safely remove option, mainly because there wasn't one for this camera.
  18. A taste of things to come. A wise man once said to a store clerk when he tried to ID him: "C'maaan, don't bullshit me."
  19. A velcro shirt is for you. If you've decided you're not feeling Boris one day, you can easily call your friends fucking choirboys with a few simple rips.
  20. That being said, should I use pr0 ch00ns from the previous mix, because they might be so sexy they deserve to be unleashed upon the masses once more.
  21. I'll work on my list some point today or tomorrow, shouldn't take long. Some people think this is a work of art which needs to be crafted, not just some banging ch00ns which need to be burnt onto a disc. The only problem I think I may have is using tracks from my previous mix. I could easily use the same mix if I get new people.
  22. Finally got rid of my lovely friend [just kidding, she's rather hot. I may have mentioned my delightful friend in a wheelchair in the past ] since I convinced my mummy to put her up for the weekend. Something happened at uni which basically meant she was on a gap year, to which the uni said "You're not really a student, get out". Something with the family ruled them out. Another friend said she could stay with them in Carlisle but someone needed to be the Polyfiller in the hobo schedule. EEVIL steps up because I'm such a super special awesome friend.
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