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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Rez, the point of making and having that mask is that you're meant to bloody wear it!
  2. C'mon Baten Kaitos wasn't that bad a game. I actually prefer some of the music in parts. When can I have this game. I need it.
  3. If it's along the same lines as the Dark Prince it won't be that bad.
  4. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith These really aren't bad films. There are some moments that piss me off, such as the amazingly quick manipulation of Anakin, but on the whole most satisfying viewing. Eight Shabba's
  5. It's with someone who I used to work with at Sainsbury's. Kinda attractive, never really spoke to her. She entered my pub with a friend, I'm out collecting glasses and her friend is outside having a cig, I ask her how she is, she says depressed because she's just been talking to her friend about her ex-fiance, blah blah blah. She's got a blind date tomorrow [not that blind since she's got a picture of him] Bit of chitchat, number exchange. She leaves then I get a text asking what I said earlier was I saying I liked her, if so how would I feel about giving it a go as boyfriend and girlfriend [fast and forward much]
  6. Speech bubbles need remixing! The narrative is ruined!
  7. Predator 2 I don't see why this gets bashed as much as it does. Sure it doesn't have Arnie and is set in a different kind of "jungle", but it isn't that bad a film. Although it does show Danny Glover actually killing a Predator instead of it blowing itself up [albeit it tried] Seven Shabba's
  8. Work once more, what pisses me off is that the landlady says I'm finishing at 11, and then assumes I'm staying around after to help clean. I already wipe the tables and put the glasses in the washer throughout my whole shift. She wanted me to sweep today, so I make a half cock attempt it seems.
  9. Beautiful speech. I applaud thee for your honesty.
  10. NOOO! It was awesome. It was pr0 nostalgia.
  12. Possibly, but I have to maintain a professional attitude in other areas.
  13. I think you're stunned by the prospect of free hosting at ImageShack.
  14. Then you realised I was oh so right and you loved me like you used to
  15. My day has been satisfactory. My new camera arrived which has pretty much the same interface as my older one, which is sexy. My only problem thus far is that when you record video and try to replay/review it on the camera you can't hear shit. Also when it goes on the PC it's rather quiet. Raping the settings is not helping. Also I have work tonight and tomorrow because "Hannah has them off", probably due to some bullshit excuse like Sunday, said she was ill but she was just having a mardy over an argument with the boyfriend. I'm doing this shit every weekend.
  16. That's why his hand's in his pocket, to keep the beast contained.
  17. Sheffield Botanical Gardens cover 19 acres and were first opened in 1836. Originally designed by Robert Marnock in the Gardenesque style, the site now has fifteen different garden areas featuring collections of plants from all over the world, including Mediterranean, Asian, American prairie-style, woodland and rock-and-water plantings. The National Collections of Weigela and Diervilla are sited here. The Gardens contain several listed buildings including the restored Grade II* listed curvilinear Glass Pavilions, some of the earliest ever built, which were officially re-opened by HRH The Prince of Wales on 1 September 2003 Why the fuck? Well I asked for his number, didn't text/ring him to provide him with mine, to inform later via some surprising manner. I did so recently. I first sent a text along the lines of "Hi this is Jenny, we met on Friday. I was wondering if you fancied meeting for dinner this weekend?" As he was writing a "Sorry wrong number" text, he got the big surprise text, "But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your GOD DAMN SPINE!"
  18. If Knocked Up is worse than 40 Year Old Virgin [A feat I didn't think possible] then the world is doomed.
  19. I've managed to resist thus far.
  20. First link I hit. EDIT: Better link, actually uses the Bad video, but with the breaks in singing could've been done alot better with some Ghostbuster clips.
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