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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The Vader mimic was predictable.
  2. That was awesome. This needs to be shown again: Internet Service Providings. I've been tempted to use the "Customer is not always right..." line at work.
  3. I disagree, I let it be pr0 secretive.
  4. Thank you and goodnight. Much love.
  5. Well the fabric is thinnish, which is to be expected, I shall be wearing jeans and a t-shirt underneath, you should wear jeans anyway, because the pockets at the front are wank. The fabric almost feels like that of a bed cover. I'm just taking measurements with my delightful tape measure now... From top to bottom: 167cm [66in] Crotch gap to bottom: 75cm [29in] Armpit join to arm length: 50cm [20in] It's a lil' bit baggy even on me. But the "belt" that is on the proton pack will keep it in check. Worth £30? That's why they call me Terry Tibbs. I'll let you know about the durability Sunday, after I wear it pr0perly on Saturday.
  6. And we have to check the date of each post? C'mon, don't bullshit us.
  7. And it contradicts how Peter absorbs powers also.
  8. Quick question of Sylar, has it been explained why he cuts people's heads open? He said he didn't eat the brains or anything.
  9. Autism aside, were you pimpsmacked as a kid?
  10. Danny, it almost seems like you're admitting you were wrong but not completely. :s
  11. For some reason I was thinking more specific. But being vague like that isn't bad.
  12. My mum/step dad have a personalised license plate on the Jag, I really don't see the need. It's not as if many people will get it.
  13. Word. I'm sick of some people being "tipped over the edge" by being dumped or something which in the grand scheme of things, is trivial.
  14. I "read" an article that they were going to start using cattle prods in Australia on people who took the piss finding a job. They have to be scared of going to their own room? Where they can watch TV and play games etc. I would say you're one of the rare ones, but I'm not sure. But even if you lacked a TV or computer, I daresay you had some delightful toys you could play with or books to pass the time of your punishment. You'd certainly learn that way. I don't think it's been posted here yet, but the Maddox advice on child punishment is a real eye opener. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=beat Website isn't working for me at present.
  15. So they decide what everyone wears? Sounds suss.
  16. I have seen one with GBA, whilst trying to find a pr0 one for the Bish.
  17. I'm not sure if you're getting my point either, because you keep using the word sarcastic as if it's the entire basis for our banging debate. That aside, you're not a fan of pimpsmacking, you're not a fan of locking up. What do you think is your best method of teaching them? You keep mentioning about "teaching them" what is right and wrong, but you don't say how, do you give them a little lecture or something and hope they understand?
  18. Force escalates I agree with, but I can't see it happening with a kid, assuming they keep upping the disobedience. I assume you're a fan of incarceration then? If you take away the last sentence, that's about it.
  19. You wish to bubblewrap them? But they're so curious!
  20. I get what your point is, I just disagree.
  21. Ok, I'm going to go stab someone. I'm not evil [despite what the name says], I'm just goddam curious.
  22. I didn't say all kids. I'm talking about when they're really young, thus they can't understand words on the whole.
  23. Having a stern talk about them being a naughty boy doesn't really work when they can't understand shit.
  24. Hmmm... I'll have to see if Daddy can get a replacement if he's got it...
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