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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. So he is. My mistake.
  2. Jay, take me out on one of these nights. Every night is a pr0 night with The Baron in attendence. I bought you a drink!
  3. IT'S NOT A TUMOUR! Kindergarten Cop I needed some no-nonsense movie action before bed, and this was it. Some classic Arnie quotes, made more humourous when you've had them on the soundboard or used in a Ventrilo Harassment sketch. Eight Shabba's
  4. Is Noah the little shit who was in My Wife and Kids? Fuck... I was hoping he'd died already.
  5. I am! Are you feeling it?
  6. Someone clarify what IP means in this discussion please, I'm getting a trifle confused.
  7. I have no doubt there are some good "gems" out there, but I'm not going to go out of my way looking for them if I can help it. And if many people keep considering Amy Winehouse and the like to be good, then ignorance is going to be fucking heaven.
  8. Nice twist on a classic Arnie quote. I will fight this.
  9. Which is an apt word for most of all today's music.
  10. http://uk.news.launch.yahoo.com/dyna/article.html?a=/02102008/364/astley-mtv-gong-internet-trick.html&e=l_news_dm Joke or not, the man deserves an award for his years of service to lyrical excellence. Besides, he pisses on most music today.
  11. Is anyone actually doing anything to decrease their carbon footprint? A campaign which has been raping all forms of media recently, including some banging logic from a father over the reason for the standby light being red. [even though it's orange on my Wii] Personally, I'm doing fuck all. I may do some measures in the aim of saving my parents some money on their bills, since they pay for just about everything else, but I'm really not giving much of a shit about my carbon footprint. I like my TV on standby, it means a lazy 30cm reach to the remote to turn the TV from bed. Not the 3 metre trek to and from the TV to turn it on, to which I'm using the remote to change the channel anyway. The world may get into nasty trouble because of all this [plant some more trees] but I'm fairly confident in the fact I'll be dead when it gets too far.
  12. Or you all could stop being impatient bastards and watch it on terrestrial television. But that won't happen either, will it? Likewise, they're actually showing the episode on Iplayer, but sadly not the next episode they show on BBC3 is it? More mutants now being introduced, delightful Billy Whizz character [don't recall her], and as we know, any friends anyone will make will instantly turn out to be another new mutant as well.
  13. I was going to say that myself. I read the review on Empire and some of the responses are apt. One mentioning how it's one of the rare films nowadays which doesn't rely on CGI to carry it through.
  14. Same here, same with a camera really. I don't see why all these companies are trying to make technological Swiss army knives of everything.
  15. Uni. Mature. The two do not go together. You're a fool if you think otherwise. Now shut up and go see Taken.
  16. I'm not sure if they can hear you. You're being a little quiet. GO SEE TAKEN
  17. You're right. It's too pr0 beyond words. My rating was foolish. It's getting Nine Shabba's
  18. But then he realised they were females.
  19. It's not going to happen. My scanner isn't hooked up and even if it were it still wasn't going to happen.
  20. I was reminded of Terry Tibbs. Fucking genius. I'm going to j00t00be to relive some of his greatest moments.
  21. Not until I get my Monster Munch back
  22. Taken Slightly slow starting, almost in the same vein as Commando, with the father/daughter relationship being established but in this case is much more complicated. In a sense it's almost like an Arnie film, but take away the cheesy lines and replace it with more pimpsmacking hand to hand combat and you're onto a winner. This obviously makes it alot darker, but there are a few humourous moments when Neeson pisses on the authorities who think they can follow him after his pr0 Government training. Sadly I missed a nice chase scene when I went for a slash, but I caught the end which was being run over. Plus Holly Valance is in it, with an actual rack! Eight and a half Shabba's
  23. Just also to add. Those guilty now owe me many a pack of Monster Munch.
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