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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Who'd have thought most parents know what their kids dis/like.
  2. Thank you and goodnight. Much love.
  3. I overheard a couple getting jiggy in the gents when I for a slash at Daddy's pub tonight. I informed him, and he kicked them out/barred them.
  4. I can't help but laugh at the way he says "But it's free!" in the Digital Freeview Recievings, about 2.15. And the free ringdings.
  5. Belay that. The trailer looks... ok. I think everyone will be most displeased over Piccolo.
  6. It's the human condition. There's not alot to say but get used to it.
  7. Yes... let's all start having fun... talking about France...
  8. Don't worry chap. I felt it.
  9. But it's free!
  10. That's what everyone says. Fuck, I've come out with bullshit like that on more than one occasion.
  11. Do eet like theeees.
  12. I like the second one.
  13. Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 Due to my Ghostbusters costume arriving I felt inspired to watch the films. Beautiful films. Beautiful. May not be a "funny" comedy, but it's a pr0 comedy nonetheless. I did wonder why they didn't even consider crossing the streams when trying to get into the museum. It's a set of films to be recommended to every and all living organism on the planet, they'd fucking love it. A collective Nine Shabba's
  14. I was doing that last night. some random unknown number called me. I answered in the manner of Terry Tibbs. I cut the accent off when they said they had the wrong number, just in case they knew my actual name. Turns out they didn't. Here's my choice cuts from the 'Jacker. You get free Ring Dings! Terry Tibbs recieves a call. The aftermath of a George scam. Digital Multichannel Recievings Fridge Freezer. Ask me in a woman's voice. Mazzarati 3200. Talk to me.
  15. This is a big assumption on my part here, but I'm saying that a tree can absorb more carbon the bigger they are. So instead of cutting down big trees to make paper, we recycle. Because replanting trees means they're replaced by tiny little fuckers which absorb fuck all. Let's just get some reeds and make papyrus.
  16. This is weird. Over the past couple of days I've been constantly watching select videos on j00t00be. Talk to me.
  17. I think I should actually watch the film/s. Because I've never seen any of them.
  18. You've never heard of MD 20/20 Dan? Disgraceful.
  19. When it came to our halls of residence in my first year, I opted out of the "rounds" of dish washing. There were ten of us and I normally used one plate a meal, where as some enjoyed proper cooking, with 5 pots and pans. Tell them to bollocks. I did the dishes in my room, since the sinks in the kitchen were clogged up by formerly mentioned flatmates pots.
  20. By Batman do you mean the Jack Nicholson Joker?
  21. I'm in bed wearing a Ghostbuster costume watching Fonejacker sketches on Youtube. Plus hungover.
  22. Me neither, let's have a sausage fest together.
  23. I could pull off my Joker again, but I can't be bothered, although I was considering doing it if I dress up for halloween if I'm at work. I've got a mob "costume" ready for my stepsisters pissup, suit with faint stripes, waist jacket, white tie and what was formally my V hat, but it wasn't good for that costume. Still finishing off the Dr. Doom mask MkIII, by smoothering PVA glue with my hands. But for another costume pissup next week, I've ordered a Ghostbuster costume, jumpsuit, with a badge on I believe and an inflatable proton pack. It's this seasons' Jack Sparrow. For those wanting to pull off the Joker. Don't forget this tacky piece of crap. http://www.forbiddenplanet.com/products/33996/Batman_Dark_Knight_The_Joker_Deluxe_Makeup/Superheroes/Costumesuniforms/DC/Batman_Dark_Knight/Product.html And for those who suddenly started eyeing up Ledger's Package because he played the Joker, and can't quite get the look down. Check this out. http://www.forbiddenplanet.com/products/34528/Batman_The_Dark_Knight_Joker_Accessory_Kit_Child/Superheroes/Costumesuniforms/DC/Batman_Dark_Knight/Product.html HOWEVER! These might be worth an order http://www.buycostumes.com/Batman-Dark-Knight-The-Joker-Gloves-Adult/32979/ProductDetail.aspx Saves me having to use my cycle gloves, but even so I might cut the tips off. EDIT: Maybe not. Since the shipping went from $5 to $35. Another source needed.
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