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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I feel that, the ability to switch off emotion is certainly a keeper... although it has had it's share of pain providings.
  2. Robert Palmer?! It must be extra-terrestrial if they've brought him back from the dead. He was fucking awesome.
  3. Late December back in '63?
  4. I like sauces, but only on certain foods. I don't like mixing my foods like you see on cookery shows and stuff, where they get a bit of everything on the fork in one go.
  5. Ooh, some more. I have a weird sense of temperature resistance. On holidays in warm climates I can survive in jeans, t-shirt and a jacket. Though I'm more affected by cold. Yet recently in these delightful even colder climates I've found myself not wearing a coat/hoodie when riding to work. The wind is actually warm on my arms, yet my fingers go very cold. It's good to annoy people with my Freezing Touch. I have a dodgy sense of hearing, in a crowded room as soon as my name's mentioned I pick it up instantly with whatever sentence it was used in. This too, people are amazed by my ability to hold my hands together and spin them around my body without breaking the grip. And there have been the pictures posted of drinking with my arm over my shoulder.
  6. Different things... I get comparisons to Chandler from Friends moreso than anyone else on Earth [regardless that I was here first]. Something similar to what Odwin mentioned. A psychic mentioning, which I put down to being able to read people. Plus the fact you're not a pussy like those who say they are. That reminds me of a quality quote from Two and a Half Men, which I would love to use in the future: "You said I was special!" "I said you were special, not unique"
  7. I'm about to watch my first episode of Dexter. See what all the fuss is about.
  8. They should bring Saracen back, he was always quality.
  9. I get that all the time. Especially when I wear my Ghostbusters uniform.
  10. My aunt won about 100k-ish on the Lotto.
  11. Plus the Eliminator is shit now. One thing about the Eliminator is the sheer sexistness of the monkey bar/turning thingy.
  12. Get yo' ass on MSN and we can sort it out properly.
  13. Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously. Or were the voices like how the Canadians are mocked in the movie? On some Yankyland forums I've been on they like taking the piss out of Canadians, saying "eh", is this common in their speech? Maybe yahoo games. I have an inkling I'll lose, but I'm confident I could pimpsmack you at MSN checkers with equal finesse.
  14. Panther is a disgrace. They made her black and shaved her hair off. It's abuse of a Gladiator to the Nth degree.
  15. Is it as Terence and Phillip make it oot to be?
  16. Same here, if all goes to plan I'll be abroad also.
  17. Apparently Siren goes to Nottingham Uni, or did. She seems one of the happier gladiators. But a plowable one nonetheless. Why are the men given some of the most terrible outfits ever. Bring back the leotards with piccies of their names.
  18. I challenge yo' pasty white ass to a game of chess!
  19. You wanna interact with him but have your digital camera, or if you have one a dictaphone, record his shit. And bust his ass.
  20. I hate Triple H, the way his suddenly changed his image and became immensely popular with his "I am the Gaaaammee" shit [does hand motion The Rock did when mocking him] and managed to bag Stephanie McMahon, real or not.
  21. Having a nice industrial setting, a nice subway, and having bad army people trying and kill you.
  22. I saw one of my doctor's today. Jean-Claude-Van DAMN! she was tasty. I checked the hand as well. No ring. I think I was well in. Now I have to pay £20 for a full body medical. Sadly it's not going to be this tasty doc. Who'd have thought American kids would be so expensive.
  23. Lando would be awesome. That and Derek.
  24. Going to the Dr's today to get them to sign some forms so I can pimpsmack the kids in Yankyland. Also I've got to get someone ["A professional"] to write this: "I certify this to be a true likeness of [full name] (signed and dated)" on the back of a PASSPORT PHOTO. I might get my chemist to do it when I go pick up me meds. This is all after I meet up with an ex of mine.
  25. When seeing it in a magazine and seeing the adverts I thought it looked quite temptedings, but on Boxing day we went to visit some family and I watched him play it. I must confess. I was bored to hell. It looked like Half Life, but without the guns, aliens, pr0ness. Which were replaced with running away like a pussy.
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