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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. About £18, for another fancy dress thing in Blackpool next week.
  2. You've buckled and forgiven her, haven't you. HAVEN'T YOU!?
  3. I got a sausage roll [Keepin' it simpul] and I got him a veg pasty. Sweets: Long snake, Big cola bottles, Weird small fizzy snakes [rock hard = extra ch00], Strawberries, "Sherbert Shockers", fizzy cola, like Wham bars.
  4. Today's been alright. Accompanied my brother to the job centre as I had to go into town to deposit some monies and send a package. Got my brother and I a Greggs, and then on the way home popped into local sweet shop for some old school sweets. Glorious.
  5. They use children to do the voice of children? How dare they...
  6. What's wrong with saying he likes arses? As for the out-of-sync dubbing, although it wouldn't be accepted much these days, is it still humourous in the old Hitmonlee films?
  7. Same here "This is a family zoo not the Playboy Mansion you pervert!"
  8. I think my brother does it. This is whilst he's constantly chatting to other random lasses using the little shit chat thing.
  9. Perhaps he means you can't fully pay attention, in an English language film you could notice more things than you would if your eyes had to dash to the bottom of the screen to read what's being said. I love this system, any discussion on a certain subject of someone's day and it gets spread-eagled into its own topic.
  10. I'm fucking livid. I tried complaining to the landlord on Monday about my co-workers laziness, he said tell his wife. I did today, she says that the other chap is the hardest worker here. I could've smacked her. I told her I have customers and a former employee [who doesn't matter as he's nothing to do with the place anymore (despite being a paying customer)], even her own brother, and she still spews this bullshit at me. How different is what's being said? Same goes for tattoos and shit.
  11. She's too white.
  12. I think it's genius. Just imagine the amount of vines a Venusaur has when it uses Vine Whip, there are loads.
  13. I thought we were on about Duskhu there.
  14. Failing that, just dying her hair black couldn't hurt.
  15. Sure, I can get round to it sometime, haven't played in awhile. One of my friends managed to get 13k in one go. I maintain she cheated.
  16. Is it a gay magazine? I'm sure my brother would've come across it by now.
  17. Is this Notion magazine available in stores? Also Flink, make her watch some porn.
  18. Tell them about Gorlans' pubes!
  19. Demand Five is being a bitch. I'm trying to watch Minder and it stops a few minutes in saying "play again?", it didn't get to the end you fuckers!
  20. Sounds boring either way I'm afraid.
  21. I know what you mean, I'm paying £90 to go to Blackpool for a friends birthday, she's just informed me she'd like a military theme on one night, so now I've got to look about for a gun, maybe some military looking clothes.
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