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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Lowdown bitch! Where. Monies?
  2. And it also came to light that thirtynine [?] and I had the same coat. But this was overshadowed.
  3. Of the closet? I KNEW IT!
  4. I'm still being bullshitted on my wages. Apparently my payslips have gone to the accountant, and my boss doesn't know when he'll be done with them... dumb fucks. I can't get rid of the smell from my room =( Sometimes when I have a fit I throw up a bit. Which I did both on Wednesday. Somehow it's worked its magic into my [new] carpet. I'm spraying deoderant/other stuff into the spot about 5 times a day. I cleaned it up with some washing up liquid first time. Mum had a go with some bleach stuff. She says we'll have to bring out the big guns: Vanish. Every time I walk in my room it smells like cheese crap. Not pleased.
  5. What angle are you thinking that TV is at?
  6. I always knew you were a raging homo. I once killed a big fish once, to be fair it was half dead when we dragged it on shore. I think it was a pike. Rammed a stick down its throat. :awesome:
  7. It has no relevance on the story, but have any of you run into the enemies that look like Doshin the Giant? Also, is Ba'ul meant to have his controls fucked later in the game? I had a cutscene asking if he was tired, now I have to hold the control stick at a funny angle for it to move forward. Walking is fine.
  8. This is what needs to happen at the next meet: Skip to 40 seconds.
  9. Is there more?
  10. I concur, it looks like someone has molested a Tentacool.
  11. I dreamt I cheated on my missus with Elle from Neighbours.
  12. Level 3, which says it can crush stones. Is that what those random stone things are, Aer Krenes? I did wonder. It can't even remove plants, I went back to the forest at one point [when you had to] and it still won't get rid of the shit blocking your way. I've just got the fourth Spirit, and there's loads of shit to remove back on the way up.
  13. Sadly I was working so I missed it, but I knew it was on
  14. I've not watched them yet, but I'm sure I was coerced into every single instance. EDIT: Whilst watching them... 1] Genius insulting of ReZ at 6:05ish on the first one. 2] Soundtrack for dancing was provided by me. After watching the first video, I couldn't hear me say "what the fuck" clearly, I think I heard myself once... EDIT: After watching the second, I think I only said "what the fuck" twice at most. :s But I'm glad everyone loved the Predator reenactment.
  15. But your arms go in first. Try to remember that next time you're there. The title keeps making me think of Robocop: "Can you fly Bobby?"
  16. I have to say, thinking about this has made me laugh several times. Even if that bloke has defected to some computer company. I still have a few issues with the advert though.
  17. The Sorcerer's Ring is a lie. It says it can crush rocks. It can't crush shit.
  18. Plus ReZ's fanfare EVERY time someone showed up, it can't be fully appreciated in words.
  19. I can swim, got my sexy badges/certificates. Did all the personal survival with your PJ's. Well in. The thing that's funny about those moments is the "fights", they always look like they're having a rugby tackle contest, or a two man scrum[sp?] He can swim, he's just having bad memories of when white water raped him in a kayak.
  20. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090725/twl-two-children-shot-by-their-brothers-3fd0ae9.html Do parents ever use these guns? It seems it's always the kids.
  21. I just read the post, from this magic place called Shirtwoot. :awesome: EDIT: I love me, from a list I correctly guessed this bad boy first time: http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=7762
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