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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Bring back Christopher Lee. This is where I'm getting confused. I'm not a contortionist!
  2. I sent off my first design for a greetings card today, I'm really hoping they'll like it and pay me exclusive monies for it. It's most cheesy/tacky, but if that's what they'd like, I'm all for it.
  3. Can you show a picture/video of this, because the way I'm imagining this seems impossible.
  4. I'm feeling this too. But I need something more than riding to/from work, ankle weights at work and the Devil's Workout... I suppose I could try some soups for lunch or something. When I wake up a cup of tea normally makes me feel full for a good 3 hours. Just in time for lunch, where I sometimes have just another cup of tea.
  5. I feel this is semi-appropriate.
  6. Those with clean desks are bullshitting us. Their desk is always full of random shit. As is mine. I shall posts tomorrow. After I clean it.
  7. I'd like to know how to get the six pack functional. The exercises I do seem to focus on either arms/legs. Apart from crunches [which seem to have 100 different versions and I don't know what's the best] I can't think of any.
  8. I'd have to disagree. To be honest the reason I personally hadn't mentioned anything was that I plain forgot about it, which shows how meh the episode was.
  9. Add her as that "In a relationship with..." thingy on Facebook and see if she agrees. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR ANSWER. It's also amazing the two occasions she's contracted MRSA is when she's been in hospital.
  10. Don't bullshit me Flink, you're pussywhipped anyway.
  11. Just got back from Manchester to see my Grandma in a shitload of pain. There was nothing we could do but just sit and watch, a couple of nurses came in and said they were going to get something for the pain and we never saw them again. Twats.
  12. Also, you can pay for delivery on Amazon, maybe next day if you're feeling it. Play have free delivery as standard and I've never had the need for anything else. Just add whatever into both baskets if they're round about the same price, go into purchasing and see how much the postage will cost for a speedy delivery and then close whichever window costs the most wonga
  13. A banging rack = pr0. Scientific fact.
  14. But better and actually real.
  15. How can people here say that we should leave Michael in peace, yet the first post of this topic show Jackson's disregard for such a concept.
  16. It could've been a tribute to all those soldiers who pissed during the WWI/II. Sadly he says he was too drunk to remember.
  17. I've never encountered a porno when walking past bushes. Mainly because I haven't tried looking.
  18. Super Vixens was better.
  19. Yes, especially that a few months before you were getting jiggy in bed together.
  20. I'm loving the barely visible "censoring" Tiny dick twat.
  21. I vaguely remember that, I only watched it once, Duchovny's "beginning" was too weird to handle.
  22. HUH! Say it again! War....
  23. Fair enough, the latter bit is flawless though.
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