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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I thought their obvious love was secret.
  2. The original blows. Quality viweing.
  3. Such is the danger with everything we pick here.
  4. Calm down sport, you know there's nothing but love between us.
  5. Hell no, that's a digital boxset if anything :p Movies, A Fish Called Wanda, classic film. Die Hard With A Vengeance, I slightly prefer this to the original. Music, Billy Joel Ultimate Collection, because I'm that retro. Elton John Greatest Hits, see above. Games, Eternal Darkness, so pr0 Some massive-esque RPG, Tales of Symphonia/Final Fantasy VIII perhaps. Or the 100 Classic Book Collection for the DS, fuck you 2 book limit! Books, River God by Wilbur Smith. Best fucking book I've ever read. A Discworld book to be later determined. Or I can rip the covers off and stick 'em together and pass it off as an omnibus.
  6. Pretty true to be honest. I loves these moments: "I quit my job today. I don't really have any prospects, or enough experience to get a new job, but I'm hoping that this photo blog gets syndicated. To kick off my job hunt, I'm posting this picture of a manhole. I can't believe how amazing this turned out. People walk past found art like this every day and don't even realize it until someone with a keen eye like me comes along and snaps a photo of it slightly off center." "I downloaded a "Hipstamatic" app for my iPhone, and WOW! Everything I take a picture of automagically gets converted into stylized art, just like the pros! There's nothing like adding a weathered frame effect to hundreds of pictures snapped with my cellphone to compensate for talent, LOL! I love this filter so much, I'll take pictures of everything with it so that 100% of my photos are irreversibly modified from now on. Hope you guys like chromatic aberrations!"
  7. I never said it was.
  8. Just when I start wondering what the generic black man portion was going to sound like. Boom! Game Over. Does sound good though
  9. Maddox goes snap happy: http://maddox.xmission.com/
  10. The fake breakdown during the video just ruined it for me as she then tried to pretend she was singing after shattering the illusion. If I wasn't told it was her I would've assumed it was Rhianna/other RnB woman. Cold War, was an alright song. I'll give the other songs a listen later
  11. Whom are you quoting?
  12. Venusaur is nearing completion, ish. About fucking time.
  13. Beautiful... Brooker spoke for more than a minute! Normally 10 O'Clock live is just Mitchell talking bullshit to politicians.
  14. Go for Excadrill. I saw it in action when Clay used one. Fell in love with it. I've decided to keep my Unfezant and relegate Kaiba to the PC. Still leaves a slot open. I was planing on having Cofagrigus, but watching a Lv. 26 almost take out a Lv. 60 Grimer, it may have earnt it's place. Still leaves me squad dangerous to water though.
  15. You will spend Friday doing more Friday gifs. This is an order. Actually, could you make a certain one for me? I'd have to PM you the details. It's super secret.
  16. I'd probably sell you mine. Due to it being crap.
  17. Law and Order UK will never be the same again now. Can I have a poster?
  18. The Ginsters one is trying to emulate the cringeworthy Co-Operative adverts, having someone talk to their partner through the TV instead of face to face which a working couple would. Co-Operative refers to negativity towards the "weekly shop" because they buy stuff they don't want want/waste time in traffic/have sex on Saturdays etc. Instead they want to nip down the Co-Op every day to buy little bits. Depending on the proximity/how much you buy negates its usefulness. For some reason the man in the Ginsters is hiding from his partner that he's been buying Ginsters as if it's something to be ashamed of. I can only assume his partner is some form of vegetarian or similar. Either way, as you said: Pure Shit.
  19. I'd heard about Wonder Woman being some sort of TV series, but they need to stop "rebooting/rebranding/reinventing" these characters so soon. Move onto a different superhero and come back later.
  20. Posterd like that would look better if they didn't have the dates in them. Not a bad poster anyway, bar the scat connotations.
  21. I'm liking the suggestive middle finger pose of the wand - "Fuck you Potter" Plus it looks like Harry's been turned into a cannibal since the last film. Either that or rimming someone.
  22. Thanks dude. I finally managed to cleaning them up in Photoshop after scanning them. Scanner turned them almost bleach white.
  23. But that's not what has it has been decreed: Taken from http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0479030#m_en_gb0479030 Sadly it mentions nothing about using it in such a context. So you may get an answer quicker due to your inside contact. Awesome. Ask them if they're planning on adding the Jonnas context amendments to "lol".
  24. I was just repeating what you said. Except the phoning of Oxford. I thought you'd get impatient waiting for a reply if you emailed them. On a serious note, please put that image in spoiler tags. It's making me gag.
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