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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Returned from the Pokémon Nationals Tournament yesterday. Out of 95ish I came 32. A much better improvement from last year. Part of the team from the shop we all frequent wearing the awesome t-shirts I designed. Pissed all over "Team Exeter" who has iron on transfers. Fucking pussies. Apparently this picture (a better quality one) is going in the Pokémon World magazine. Not sure how I feel about that yet. NANDO! C'MON!
  2. Nando, I truly envy you. That sounds fucking sweet. But the burning question on everyone's lips is, are Michaela Tabb's breasts as perky as they look on TV?
  3. That Bennett needs to let off some steam.
  4. Watching Spiderman will never be more entertaining now you know the truth.
  5. Bloody kids, no restraint.
  6. I don't collect this army but based on how FUCKING AWESOME some of these badboys look I'm getting seriously tempted: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat440004a&rootCatGameStyle=wh&utm_term=other&utm_medium=email&utm_content=image-link-body&utm_source=e5100001-en_GB&utm_campaign=DarkETombKAOCFC-en_GB I'm definately getting some of these to paint after I've finished my Pokémon project, which I've decided to kick into high gear to get done sharpish. I've made pr0 pr0gress on Venusaur so will post a picture of him tonight.
  7. I'll take that. Whenever the first year was, I'm betting there was no war. There you go, if it didn't exist it could've have happened. You make it sound as if we're only talking about war on Earth. Granted a long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was a fair bit of war. Anyways, at a time where time existed and war was not a concept. There was a time where there was no war. If that time lasted a year, job done. In a Biblical sense, how long did it take for Adam and Eve to fuck things up in the Garden of Eden?
  8. I've not seen that advert before, but that is genius. One ad that does blow is the Wedding Tangfastics. Fucking pussies can't take their sweets.
  9. If it lasted a year and there was no war, it is not meaningless. It answers the question of this topic perfectly.
  10. Come on ReZ, you say comic tattoos are "ftw", I want to see you have dodgy Green Lanturn ring symbols on your fingers before the year is out.
  11. Hardly around still means there were some. And even if there weren't any, I'm sure there wasn't any warring going on.
  12. The correct title to counter the "Adverts that Blow" series is "Adverts that pr0" ANYWAYS! All of the Birds Eye Polar Bear ads. And this genius finale. Something about Willem Defoe voicing a sinister polar bear... makes me want fish fingers even more. I want one of those Polar bears for myself.
  13. I think the first year after the Big Bang while everything [tiny microscopic organisms as they were] was trying to figure out how they worked was quite a peaceful time. Before the dark times... Before the Empire.
  14. Was that the one with the weird Jester/woman thing? That was fucking awesome!
  15. A good read. You get one then.
  16. Neither was that fat bitch who sang about where her chapstick was but as soon as it hits the web you could be a celeb easily.
  17. From what it looks like that fluid only seems to piss on Newton when it's on the speaker. When you see the excess falling off it doesn't want to escape the surface anymore. So, the main question, what the hell is that stuff? And what ultrasonic sound is making it want to reach for the sky.
  18. Wearing nothing but a dickie bow and a smile.
  19. BAD = Customers thinking they get double the discount when it says nothing of the sort. As some may be aware Tesco have begun another round of 5p off a litre of petrol coupons. Which brag that if you fill up with Super Unleaded (which by definition is Super and will obviously cost more), and use the voucher it will cost the same as normal unleaded. Now people seem to translate this as "Buy Super Unleaded and it will cost the same as normal Unleaded with discount, meaning you're getting 10p off a litre, thus screwing everyone else over because they bought normal unleaded or diesel because they didn't have your shrewd reading skillz." "Receipt says I paying 1.38 a litre." "Yes but it says lower down you've had [X] taken off by the voucher." "But it says here I paying 1.38 a litre." "Yes, but after the discount is applied here you're paying the same as normal unleaded." "But when is taking the 5p off the litre?" "It already has." "So it's not taking 5p off the unleaded?" "No, it's taken 5p off the Super unleaded so you're paying normal unleaded price for Super unleaded." "Oh... right."
  20. I would suggest something, but you've milked the Fritzl angle for all its worth.
  21. Oh well, he's still a prick. Never, there's only so many times you can him talk about his dad and his frisbee joke, and it's zero. You sound surprised.
  22. I see your Andy Parsons and raise you Francis Stewart.
  23. I love it. 100% non-Photoshopped and I've created pictoral greatness.
  24. I knew I tried to be in this picture. I was sure I managed to get caught by the camera. Only after being bollocked by my friend did I realise just how awesome I made this photo.
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