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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm sorry, I have to do a lil review on bits here. An almost 20 seconds of panning around your (rarely seen ¬_¬) head = NO. Numerous Arnie impressions = YES.
  2. Sounds like a nice variation on the Sons of Medusa Chapter. Go for it!
  3. pr0 purchases. But you need 3 and 4 to truly understand the genius of Murray.
  4. I know exactly what you mean. When I buy a computer game I want EVERYTHING unlocked from the off. Shut up.
  5. You're feeling 40K then and not the fantasy kind? A nice choice. Don't really know how to play it but love to paint. Can attempt to give pointers if needed. What Chapter are you feeling? I've also been working my way through this thread looking for ideas: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/3120/233422.page
  6. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29754 Tip is to not buy from Games Workshop direct unless necessary.
  7. It's true, we can't keep "beating" each others events by only posting in a chain of worsening events. But here's one I think will beat all. Titled: Toilet Shenanigans. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/media/set/?set=a.10150740137020581.710443.509970580&type=1 Sort yourself out man.
  8. Used to perfection here.
  9. Some pr0 footage. Sadly the llama chewing thing was wasted on you ReZ, since you seemed unable to remove that smug grin. The way you should've done it was shown 1 second prior. I'm looking forward to the rest. Did anyone else record any footage?
  10. Only if you're implying they open doors.
  11. She did say your dick was small on iSketch.
  12. We get paid extra because we're rebels against God for working on his day of rest.
  13. I did, just because the standard was low didn't mean you couldn't go any lower.
  14. I wish to join also. I'll PM about the allignment thing later when I get home from work and can check things out properly. This phone is crappy when it comes to forum stuff... Shitty zooming, slow loading etc.
  15. I thought you were better than this.
  16. Well I'll need to take lessons again and take my theory... I've not driven in... Oooh six years.
  17. Hospital appointment yesterday, got the doc to sign another driving licence application. Hopefully this one will go through, I'm putting it through as a medical replacement for free. Which it technically is since my medical status has changed since I got my first provisional. they also said if I don't have another fit in a year they'll discharge me!
  18. Hmm random armour shit... Cerebro? Collossus spooning someone? They pretty much make psychic powers do everything in X-Men, psychic shields, psychic knives, psychic dildos. They've done it all.
  19. My blunt honesty out of boredom is striking him as odd I think Danny.
  20. An X-Man called Karma. That's nice.
  21. People who say "Powned" or even go out of the way spelling "own" wrong.
  22. I believe I have revealed all.
  23. I know what you're feeling mate. I used to get the same thing before I had a seizure. I could feel my mouth going MMM-MM-MM-MM and nothing I could do could stop it. That would be an awesome voice for a Satnav if I ever get a car.
  24. I'm putting money that if you walked into a party dressed as Jordan's tits, people would ask "Why have you dressed up like a builder's arse?"
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