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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You're on. Pay up bitch.
  2. I'm willing to bet half of it was staged/people were compensated for some of the hijinx.
  3. It featured in that youtube game posted recently. Apart from the ladder/bus one, that was awesome.
  4. I've just been informed of what they've done to Officer Jenny in the anime. She's gone from the sexy TO THIS?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
  5. Many of us are going alone, because you're not going to talk to them. You'll be too busy listening to the musical avalanche.
  6. Someone check this for me: http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/36004702D26C5B5D?artistid=5009658&majorcatid=10002&minorcatid=203 I can see around 10-15 VIP seats still available on their "interactive" seating shizzle. Is this just me.
  7. That last one Dog just made it. What's the Qwop thing about?
  8. They could just get a headband with some ears on. BOOM. Instant transformation. That's how they did Scarecrow.
  9. Going alone is how it should be. pr0 style. There still seems to be some seats left. Even VIP ones closer. May ask to switch.
  10. Are we talking about Pfeiffer's performance, costume or both? Because I'm only talking about the costume.
  11. Ok, I think I got you now... But still, a mafia being able to force someone to kill. A highly broken power.
  12. Why would they force someone? Doesn't redirection only affect the power you choose to use that night? If I'm reading you right, not only can someone redirect someone they can choose which power (if there's a choice) to use also? Who would? It's basically a massive "lynch me" target.
  13. The official site has something sexier: http://venues.meanfiddler.com/apollo/venue-info/seating-plan What number be j00?
  14. What seats did people get then? I know Marti and I are one row apart but on either sides.
  15. Get a Gyarados on the back with "Show time!" or some shit. Had to be done.
  16. While parent birds are away feeding at sea, non-breeding adults seek out unguarded nests and attempt to interact with the chicks within. These can be positive interactions, but frequently they are abusive; the visiting adults try to perform sexual acts on the chicks or act aggressively toward them This is fucking bird paedophilia!
  17. Work will have to screw itself since I'll won't be able to work on that Tuesday. I've got ample time to tell them anyway.
  19. But that's what the Joker was!? tacky and "crappy" looking worn out clothes and uneven makeup.
  20. So Swagger Jagger = copying someone's clothes/style. From the Cheryl Cole clone. After that question they decided they don't like Swagger Jagger, but Cher tells you to get some of your own. I daresay it's probably telling you to get your own style, but it's worded very poorly.
  21. If you click on the User CP button at la top it should have a reminder of your infractions, if it didn't expire. That's where mine are anyway.
  22. Or he could've had the scrote to walk away and accept what he did was wrong. Not send an email dripping of asskissing. Don't worry, give him a year or two, let him join with a different name, later reveal who he is, we'll allow him to stay. Well, we don't have many female members here, so unless you're calling the ladies here slags we don't need that many lie detector/DNA tests.
  23. As soon as she defines what Swagger Jagger actually is I'll be able to offer a more objective opinion. At the moment the song gets this verdict: Shit.
  24. I think the tackiness was the point.
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