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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Fucks sake people! Thsi is just getting stupid now. AVENGE ME!
  2. At the pace shit is going at the moment, 3 is needed.
  3. This teaches you all you need to know. If you changed it to something really generic [EG John Smith or something] then changed it to your desired new name [EG Barry Awesome] it would take awhile to follow the paper trail.
  4. Started off a bit shite, but went into pr0 overdrive soon after. Genius work.
  5. What forum is it?
  6. It's amazing half of those "highlights" came from this weeks episode Grazza. Is this an in-joke of something?
  7. I'm kinda in the same boat as mr-paul, except I graduated years ago and am wanting to showcase myself. How long would something basic on Wordpress take to make/cost with all the hosting fees?
  8. Substitute "God" for your chosen deity.
  9. I have the black one... you racist buggers.
  10. I agree (I've got the right thread now Ashley! ) When I see notifications I like to think it's something important like a PM. But no, I find someone has quoted me in a topic I posted in earlier that day and already intended to check the topic later that day.
  11. 99% chance God does not exist. Doesn't stop those darn religions.
  12. I only glanced at the topic and assumed it only related to tagging users in posts like that annoying "@" thing, not the quoting thing.
  13. Tell her to go get some lady love and see how it goes.
  14. Because it's shit. They spent more time on that retarded DJ than Butterfield/any of the guests.
  15. I've noticed you get a notification when someone quotes you, I've had a look around my profile/options and I can't seem to find a way to turn it off. What is the secret?
  16. Well disappointing doesn't even come close.
  17. So I was right. Still not funny though.
  18. Is that funny because the offer has ended? Or for being one amazing offer?
  19. I don't think watching black and white French films with the subtitles off and saying "Stun/ning" is going to help you here. I would suggest two things: 1] Ultimatum Massive: Tell her to decide which side of the fence she's on. 2] Ride It Out: Keep going, mention it every now and then, maybe she'll warm to it. At least with [2] you're getting some experience. With [1] you may push her too far away so she may not even want to hang out with you anymore.
  20. I was excited until I got to the end of that sentence. I'm going to give it a whirl. Plus it seems Lisa Snowdon is on it too, so that's a bonus. It started off with a shitty song about Stallone... This isn't going to go well.
  21. Urrrgghh... Wasps... I fucking hate wasps. I don't think I could live in a house which seemed like wasps were making a home for themselves... Get the pr0s in.
  22. That's all we need to see.
  23. Definately thought about it. Always think that if I could save enough money, create a new ID and move to Australia. But he won't know how to use the three seashells.
  24. I like how half of those bullet points mentioned are standard Rollercoaster Tycoon features, I can hire and manage my staff this time?! WOW, oh wait... they already let you do that. I'm hoping it'll be good, but like Mandalore I'm not getting my hopes up.
  25. Why? Because my plug sockets are fulled used up. And I'm not risking using a fourth adapter. Main reason is I sometimes paint/draw near my PC and when the sun goes down the main light isn't much help to get into the fine detail (mainly for painting) and there's only so much opening a blank canvas in MSPaint can do. Those Gorilla shizzle things look nice though.
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