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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I was too young to fully appreciate it also. Can't seem to find it on Virtual Console, but here it is in flash glory: http://nintendo8.com/game/70/solstice/ Visited around 25 rooms and "completed" 7% in my first run. Would've done better if I had a controller.
  2. In the latest Nintendo Gamer, in the article Judgement Play, people send in suggestions for games to put in The Vault of random greatness. My amazing suggestion of Solstice on the NES made it in! I AM GOD OF THE SEA PEOPLE!
  3. I was going to say the same thing. For me: A] I suppose I could get a quid. B] Fuck the other guy. I want freedom.
  4. I first thought the auto combat was going to piss me off (my first thoughts were "How the fuck do I attack!? I just attacked someone, how did I do that?" [This was before the tutorial appeared]) because I love a good battle in these sort of games, running up to a horde of monsters and pressing the button to unleash a massive sword which will tear arsehole from limb. But it's given me chance to refine defence/especially evasion. Killing the first Reptid "boss" was sweet since I didn't have to bash the attack button much. Goddammit that bridge bit was annoying. It's highlighted how SHIT the ally AI is, I hope this doesn't continue.
  5. On some of the missions, the way he makes the last red coin the one that pushes him to 100 is amazing.
  6. Dude gets 120 stars on Mario 64 in under 2 hours. No backwards jump bullshit.
  7. Does it differ much from XIII? Since it's once boring linearity became missed when it dumped you in a massive field filled with rock-fucking-solid monsters.
  8. You should invest in AMAZON PRIME. Delivery is free and next day shizzle for pretty much everything. [Just pay ?49 a year. Depends how much you buy and how impatient you are]
  9. http://www.facebook.com/vinnie The Panda speaks wonders. No one is giving up Fox's Biscwits I hope?
  10. And it's the fact that you're practically indestructable which is most suspicious.
  11. I believe I ordered the normal version, since I'm not fussed about the extras. But if the special edition came instead I wouldn't refuse it.
  12. Probably because I was there.
  13. I am well happy and somehow exhausted I finished this t-shirt design I was working on...
  14. I finally finished it! After breaking my balls so many times I finally finished it. Rather happy with how it's turned out, bit annoyed I had to shrink it a little.
  15. Gaara will be so busy having repeated stock footage flashbacks of him being shunned during childhood I won't need to take them off.
  16. I mainly refer to this. If your horde didn't tackle to me to the ground then there must be another bunch out there. And I was one of the Pok?mon which targeted you tonight and failed. Your untargetableness is most distressing. Vote Peeps
  17. Fiver each. Not sure if these are the exact ones, but they look similar. Ankle weights. Strap 'em to my legs and feel the burn all day when walking around at work. I did have a pair but they split years ago. I had a quick look in the fabled Argos Catalogue and saw a pair of 1kg weights [Although I think it might've been 2 pairs] for ?20. I was going to buy them but on my work break I thought I'd visit the main Tesco store. I got the ones above, one pair of 1.5kg for ?6. So with staff discount and a sexy Clubcard voucher I got them all for just under a tenner. Score.
  18. The girl may be a complete bitch but there's denying the splendor of a banging rack. I mean no denying the splendor. Bloody phone won't let me edit the post.
  19. But what would that do?
  20. What did j00 try to do to me?
  21. I got a PM saying someone tried attacking me with water. I guess that was him. I roleblocked Tales, which could explain why there was no kill. Vote: Tales
  22. That is awesome, it's a bit sad how they turned you into a whore/advertisement based on your status. I'd demand royalties.
  23. Question for y'all. How do you select who is in the mafia in your games? I myself did the old FA [i think they still do it] by giving each character a number, then drawing a number for each person, raffle style.
  24. Peeps, are you fucking me about again? O_O
  25. Was that the one some of us went to at the meet?
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