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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. It definitely would be better if he held some more Metroid-esque qualities and you could go back to Gadd's lab to save, or when you had to (giving the Poltergust a capacity limit) instead of it being 20-30 minute bursts without being able to save.
  2. I WILL be doing this when I get the time. Probably Monday. Well we all know what he's been drinking:
  3. Got a new position at work. Sexier hours (albeit no Sunday so pay shall take a tiny hit) but I don't have to give as much of a shit about customers now and HAVE to launch into a Price Promise rant each time a receipt is printed out.
  4. I know the JSA system can be an absolute ballache when it comes to making funds for essential thingies stretch til the next (potential) cash injection. However all sympathy was pissed on when this came up. Boo fucking hoo. Sorry dude.
  5. Just started the second mansion today. I'm enjoying it but I am finding the controls a bit fiddly. When trying to use the strobe/dark light upwards I instinctively start hoovering.
  6. So either a holiday to celebrate her saying yes or to escape the country after the murder if she says no?
  7. It's a vagina with the face of an anus. I thought he made that clear.
  8. I'll stick my head under the shower to reset my hair most mornings. But unless it's essential I normally don't.
  9. Ah Lush, I still get a newsletter or whatever from them occasionally. Addressed to Dr. Don Shabbá.
  10. That might be the result of Herbal Essences. Which I assume you have just indulged in. :P
  11. We'll have to keep our eyes peeled in the good/bad stuff thread. And the funny/awesome ones too, just in case.
  12. There's no argument about it. It's practically a carbon copy. Ish.
  13. I know what you mean. Almost every frame is an explanation of how they got their powers/what power they're using/how it's helping/what it does etc. It ruins everything. Last vintage issue I read was of Spiderman vs Daredevil due to this Ringmaster fellow. "With my special senses I can tell there is a *SOMETHING* coming towards me, even though I can't see it" SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MOVE.
  14. And the gift shop is an awesome way to rape your wallet. £70 for a robe?! EIGHT FUCKING QUID FOR A CHOCOLATE FROG?! The Slytherin pillow* and t-shirt were ballaching when purchasing. But they look nice. *which one of the tassles has fallen off
  15. Does it follow them on their badge gathering quest? Then switches to a new group in a new land? I have heard things about how Lt. Surge and Blaine are all hardcore and working for Team Rocket n' shit, but haven't wanted to do too much research.
  16. Is each series a different title in itself or does it follow one group like the anime? I've been considering starting from the beginning. Hmmm, to me it seems more weird having a shower in the morning But I think the main shock will come from when you exit the cinema and it's still day.
  17. Had some hardcore kareoke action with the guys (and gal) from One Life Left. Got absolutely wasted, thought I was going to have a fit the next day.
  18. I keep seeing the advert on Five for that programme they shall be featured in, inspiring. Could the Scrubs "Victory Sip" be a reality?
  19. Bloody vegetarians. Don't want to eat meat but want the forks given out as a reward for doing so.
  20. I've already bought it. About 2ish weeks ago and still haven't started it yet.
  21. Sounds like having babies early in life runs in his family.
  22. Trailer wasn't inspiring much, looks like a standard boring war. The Loki bit at the end was intriguing. It seems he's the most formidable villian in the Marvel films at the moment.
  23. Too late peoples! I've already won. You two fight amongst yourselves :P
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