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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. I like the idea that eventually somehow you'll get the chance to edit you pictures and draw all over them with the Wii-mote.
  2. Yes the price may be no problem to us. What about people hearing about the Wii for the first time, or considering what console to buy? That was my point.
  3. I've had my moan, now I just want it here as soon as possible. December 8th here we come!
  4. I'm quite aware of that people. Im under no illusion, don't get ratty with me please. People looking to buy a new games console might not see it that way is my point. Its a new idea, its a risky price. The U.K got the shitty end of the Wii-mote regardless.
  5. Europe as been raped.
  6. Still a 360 core is around the same price.
  7. I'm glad the Wii is here this Europe in europe and everything. Still, November would have made more sence and £180 is a joke to be honest, compared to how much it is everywhere else that is. They're risking it being any sort of a hit in the U.K I would say.
  8. Please, please not 2007.
  9. It will be less than 150 GBP!
  10. The extra battery in the video was needed. Also the new shuffle is the sex.
  11. Whoa, what? Who are . . . huh? Argh, why? Hello and such things.
  12. Bundle with Wii-mote, Nun-chuck, Zapper and Shell please.
  13. Name theif or not, it's confusing there being two.
  14. Would a Takeo comment be to far?
  15. I think the virtual console is as hardcore as it gets.
  16. £139.99, 10th November. You heard it here first.
  17. Napoleon Marmite more like. I personally like the film, it was funny and different although not amazing.
  18. Sweet couple of hours at the top of the legue. Johnson has a sexy shiney head! 3 - 0! I'm a very happy evertonian.
  19. I'd make a stunt of it.
  20. Thai Boxing to win.
  21. *Hopes* Big ROFL at sony!
  22. Sorry I'm late on this, such a shame to see an amazing man go. Every where I go there seem to be jokes about his death thats bound to happen, understandable even. I'm dissapointed he's gone, though who ever said he'll be taking down dinosaurs in heaven was right. That thought cheered me up.
  23. Glad you like it. My photobucket is playing up so I can't make it any bigger, although nobodys missing out on much.
  24. TakeoMiyazaki rules. Mega-Hydra-Takeo-Prime When a certain ordinary fellow is so comsumed with rage at other peoples homophobic attitudes, he trasforms into the 100ft tall Mega-Hydra-Takeo-Prime!! Special Abilities/Powers: Multi-Thread Starter Attack! Using his multiple heads he can now use this attack to start even more threads. Homo-Rage! If enraged by a gay hater he shoots fiery balls of doom at his enemys for MASSIVE DAMMAGE, AT THE ENEMYS WEAK POINT, RIDGE RACER. Fear Him!!
  25. Any chance of a birthday blog? Have a good day mate.
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