"Dare you enter the chamber of farts?"
My favourite episode is the Stinky Bridges one, chef selling himself, chef aid and the court case.
"This is a picture of chewbacca . . . etc"
Hush your gums motion2000, or atleast give reason for thinking that.
This is reason enough to own 4 Wii-motes.
I can't wait, if this is anything as good as the cube one in multiplayer I'll be a very happy man.
I dreamt I kicked a racoons face right off it's body. It went spinning in the air like a pancake then landed on Jesus' face. I didn't mean it to mind, but it was a cheeky bonus; a very cheeky bonus.
How is playing gamecube games? You need a GC pad and memory card or can you use the internal memory and classic controler? Is it easy with the connection to the controlers being on the side?