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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. No offence mate, but I can't stand any of them. But I can't talk "About a Boy" is my favourate film, does that make me a fag?
  2. NOES! IT'S MY MIDDLE NAME! LOL Save the childish insults, this thread had a purpose. For the record, your definately a wanker, look at your avatar and pokemon team!
  3. I can hope. I hope everyone gets what they want and all of that!
  4. Yes, you are. Although I'd personally prefer you to be polite and considerate of other people aswell. Also I didn't understand the last bit of your post sorry, although I doubt I'm missing out on much.
  5. Well done Moria!
  6. I've never heard of any of of those bands, but have fun!
  7. Lovely effects, lovely set and it's Zelda. 9/10
  8. Now it's bigger . . . 7/10
  9. I looked through cube-europe, never posting anything, untill the name and forum change when I decided to try to become an established member although I don't post much.
  10. Yeah, surely that can't be to hard.
  11. Go for it, It'd be more interesting.
  12. Almost every girl on my contact list has 'All I want for Christmas is you' on their names already, idiots!
  13. Resident Evil 4, Tales of symphonia, Double Dash, Wind Waker and Paper Mario.
  14. Bard you sound Hard-Core about your drinks.
  15. My mother has seen one, I keep missing Wii adverts. "That looks good, you swing it round the room".
  16. Is that the reddy stuff that tastes nice straight? I'm probably wrong, If so ignore me.
  17. Thanks for your help! Have my babies and all that jazz. Now you can rate it.
  18. Mine is going to end up the usual, boring 'money and clothes'.
  19. Thanks gaggle, I owe you one. Know how to get rid of the white background anyone? I need to learn how to use photoshop!
  20. I knew it, spiced up the thread. Well done sir.
  21. Scalelectrics are crap aswell.
  22. Are you for real? Ever heard of being entitled to an opinion? Road kill is a sight I dred. My nans jack russel was hit by a car, although it was a split second thing were the dog ran out. The best thing is for both the owners and drivers to be extra careful, then there is no worry about who is in the wrong.
  23. "Remote file is too large"
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