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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Well Bard, kick it off again.
  2. Chest or no chest, she was your teacher for christs sake. I liked Kratos more when you didn't know who he was.
  3. WTF? It is? . . . Stupid jamba.
  4. Why do I hate tomato sause and love beans?
  5. To hell with it! Im posting again! "You can't even lift that canon of yours old man". Sin City is superb, although Marv is a much better character, 8/10. 3rd time so don't rate mine!
  6. I need to pick up Fire Emblem.
  7. Surely that would be far to complicated. Although I'd like to be proven wrong.
  8. A young life is lost and we only know about it because big brother has been mentioned. I bet you a shiney nickle BB had Hell-all to do with it. Another tragedy twisted, manipulated then shat on. If bollocks like this sells a paper then shame on the people who buy it. I hate the press.
  9. Why Shudder Kurt R?
  10. I don't know why but that really made me laugh. Raine was much hotter than Sheena. Zelos > Kratos.
  11. Its Impossible I tell you, Impossible!
  12. Domstercools voice on his new video.
  13. I know mines already been done. I had to say that your avatar rocks. Best on the forum? 11/10
  14. ROFL Monitor . . . Keyboard . . . P - C!! . . .
  15. Don't put down the Dino-Mega Zord! Atleast you didn't have to buy two different sets to build like the Thunderzords. Titanus shits on Tor aswell.
  16. A PlayStation 3 controler joke?
  17. Happy Birthday Donkey Kong. What would you get him as a present?
  18. The slow motion bit reminds me of Don-Vito.
  19. Well its got me looking into Evangelion. Looks nifty 7/10.
  20. I thought one of the main objectives of the controler was to spark creativity. A whole new medium of control isn't going to lack in ideas surely? I doubt it will be ignored after the DS.
  21. Same style of all your other pretty signatures. I can relate to this one though. Resident Evil 4! 9/10!
  22. Those who tug shalst join Satan in his firey pit of impotentcy! Praise the lord, spare no jizz! Hallelujah!!
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