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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Tar very much guys ^_^ But Raining, you hair is too awesome :P *Being a dick* Jealous XD
  2. Haven't posted in a while. Thought I'd take a pic at the early hours of the morning ^_^ (just) Sorry for the oh so nooby flash.
  3. Viva Pinata - Magical
  4. I lie on my stomach, with my head to the left or right (i change head sides every 5 minutes before I go to sleep, no idea why) 2 pillows, and both my hands under the pillows. Yaay.
  5. F U C K I N G Y E S!
  6. Diet coke.... Pepsi has a cheap taste to it, reminds me of panda pops :/
  7. Happy Birthday mate
  8. My 360 crashed for the first time today, I got it early last year. *cries*
  9. What Happens In Vegas Wasn't expecting too much from the film, but I actually really enjoyed it! Lots of laughs, good fun storyline, oh and, Cameron Diaz 8/10
  10. Starfox Adventures was one of the greatest games on the gamecube imo. I'm still excited about this, would have preferred it without all the vehicle stuff, but yeah, looks great
  11. Ahaha, as I was scrolling down looking at the piccies, I was saying "yesyesyesyesyesyes" XD Anyway, yeah, yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  12. Graphics look beautiful ^_^ Never played any Banko-Kazzoie games *shamed* Then again, I only had 5 N64 Games (Zelda:OOT, Zelda:MM, Pokemon Stadium 1 + 2, Pokemon Snap. Lols. Looking forward to this though, Rare is one of my favourite Developers, and I'm actually glad this is on 360, I mean, look at it XD
  13. I did the "tongue cut on the can" thing too, ouch. Also on another occasion, I was running my finger around the edges of the can, and sliced my finger on the creasing. Ouch. Yes, I have now learnt my lesson
  14. I loled XD I have mine horizontally, just because its on a shelf on my tv stand :awesome:
  15. You look awesome Deathjam I wish I had afro hair
  16. I'm so sorry Buttons, I can't imagine what your going through x
  17. I just realised its the little things that REALLY piss me off. Anyone else the same? Like...when you get a papercut on the creasings of your finger....argh. Yeah, discuss XD
  18. The Secret Handshake - Summer of '98 ^_^
  19. A CONDOM BLOWN UP AND FLEW AWAY AHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING HILARIOUS. Guess it was one of those "had to be there moments" right? :P And I don't think I have specific funny moments of my life, will have to think...
  20. If the difference between the The Sims/2 on the PC, and the console versions are anything to go by, I'm getting the PC version for definite :/
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