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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Pushing Daises: Last 3 episodes. I'm really enjoying it! Very different from other programmes, and I love the narration I'm also falling in love with the characters, especially Olive ^_^ 8/10
  2. It might need the xvid codecs to work on WMP. Or try this: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/k_lite_Mega_Codec_Pack.htm
  3. Whats the media file extension?
  4. What are these like? Gunna try and pick them up soon! Oh and bought these over the past week... £45 3 for £20 3 for £20 3 for £20 £12
  5. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer Entertained me, nothing wow about it though. I prefer the first one 6/10 But erm Chris Evans, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <3
  6. I got 4 red rings yesterday, I shit myself thinking it might be a sign of bad things to come XD Turned out the tv output was unplugged XD
  7. Favourite Radio Stations: JNR - San Juans - The Vibe (because I heard a song I new on there ^_^)
  8. Same here It gets better eveytime I play it! And the missions have started to get harder, and i fail, and I think shit thats too hard I'm never gunna do it. But then I surprise myself ^_^ Loving it
  9. Ahahahaha, that reminded me of "The Amanda Show" It was so bad it was hilarious ^_^
  10. I'm addicted to bikes O_O They give you the ability to fly :D:D
  11. Planet of the Apes (2001) Enjoyable movie, some of the characters were great, I loved the slave trader, brought a bit of comic relief to the movie ^_^ Confusing though, and the thing I hate is coming away from a movie dissatisfied and unfulfilled, which this movie did. The ending was just too confusing and sceptical, I like movies to be rounded off. 7/10
  12. Ok....just stopped playing it for tonight.. It looks freaking gorgeous, I just don't like how bland some of the streets look, I'd like to see some rich areas (is there any?) I find driving a little tricky, but other than that I'm getting the hang on shooting and everything. But at the moment, it just seems like I'm going anywhere, and really don't know where I am/going. Still adjusting to how big it all is! I'm happy ^_^ Oh and also, if anyone hasn't added me on live yet, my gamertag is: MooTooYooToo Would like to have a few games with you guys
  13. They had loads in stock in one of the two GAME's in my shopping centre :D:D Why arn't I playing it yet?! *goes to play* Back soon with impressions on my first GTA game ^_^
  14. Wow nice one ^_^ My step-mum said she wants me to get this, and will pay half towards it if she can go on it daily (yay ^_^) Buuut, no online stores have it in stock -.- Going to my local shopping center wednesday to see if there is any in stock anywhere!
  15. It's only with games I have problems with really, everything else runs fine. Although startup could be a little faster..
  16. I know ^_^ ahaha Yup thats why I said I will wait a bit, gather up some cash aswell! Oh and while I'm here, I've been having horrible sounds coming from my pc lately, and have to give it a knock to shut it up. And something thats come along with the problem, is when I startup my PC I get an error message saying something like "Your ???? fan has failed to start up" Soooo, I'm guessing it's a fan that's packing up?
  17. Well, I have decided to wait a bit until Spore & Sims 3, so something that could handle those really. And I should get a new Graphics card aswell..... -.- I hate pcs. XD
  18. Ohhhhhhh man! Childhood memories come rushing back :D:D
  19. I'm a noob at upgrading, and haven't really got the money tbh. If anyone could link me to a good guide of sorts, it would be a big help And I think I will wait until Spore til I upgrade, but atleast I know what I'm looking for now! Thanks a bunch ^_^
  20. Ok, my computer can't keep up with everything at the moment, and is struggling. After getting rid of virus' and what not, I still have problems running games and stuff. Heres my spec: I think a good dust in there and a new CPU would do the trick, what do you guys think? Oh and would there be any problems with the motherboard etc? And any suggestions for CPU's?
  21. Ohhh right! Yes they do But my dad kinda pushes it to the back of his mind, and pretends I'm not, lol I think it will need cutting soon, but I always hate how it turns out, I swear I'm gunna have a phobia of hairdressers soon -.- Yaaaay finally a picture ^_^
  22. Why thankyou *laughs at boyfriend* And, rentals?
  23. Thanks hun but your just saying that, but it does make me feel better, so ... yay XD And yeah, our familys says we look alike XD EDIT: Haggis, I haven't really seen a "real" picture of you, i always see that crappy sidewards photo XD
  24. Meh, from that angle I look 90% hair. Geeeeet offff, his mine ^_^ Geeeeet offff ... aswell, lol. Having a hot bf has its downsides you know, people say to me "Your bf is hot!" People say to him "awww your bf seems nice" -.-
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