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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Like on the GC controller.
  2. Man of the Year I really enjoyed this, love Robin Williams aswell ^_^ Although it did change tones quite a bit about half way through.. 6/10
  3. Erm.....that's for the PS3 mate....not the DS.. Tchhh, kids these days.
  4. mmm? You were referencing him to be some kind of porn director yes?
  5. YESS! *touches sunglasses*
  6. See, thats the difference, I don't just buy stuff because they say "topman" or stuff like that on them, hell, NONE of my stuff says topman on the outside of it, sheeesh leave me alone *hides*
  7. If you say so And TopMan isn't the only shop I buy stuff from :/ I buy from wherever I like stuff, if I liked stuff in Primark, I'd buy it.
  8. Same? SAME. I like the stuff in Primark for girls, but the guys section is fucking shit.
  9. But I'm not on a budget :P And they're pretty
  10. A top and shirt from TopMan, £39 3 tops, some sandal things, brightly coloured laces and FUCKING AWESOME ORANGE SUNGLASSES.... £74
  11. Rather strange.... Just went into River Island to buy these orange sunglasses, and this guy in a suit came up to me and asked if I would be interested in modelling.... He asked all these questions, and said he would contact me and come round my house to discuss it. Lols. But as I'm going on holiday tomorrow afternoon, he said it might have to be when I get back from holiday... Would be great if he wasn't a rapist ^_^
  12. Supposed to be available for download at 11pm tonight on the EA Download Manager. Psssh -.-
  13. Hmm I'll have to try... EDIT: Nope, still just the trial version, I think you have to download the full version from the EA download manager, but it isn't available to download yet, as I said. Suckssss.
  14. The demo is out officially on the spore website, but no sign of the full game, when did you get the e-mail? :S
  15. I'm pissed off with EA, it STILL isn't available to download, but they are happy to take the money off me! I go on Holiday tomorrow night, FFFSSS
  16. Done ^_^ Love Firefox <3
  17. I've ordered it off EA aswell ^_^ You know the "get your money back" thing? Do you have to download the full Spore game from them when it gets released, or do they offer a disc delivery thing, as I'd like the box and stuff D=
  18. Exactly, it wasnt what he said, it's how he said it. If it was wrote like this: "Hey, might wanna get down the gym, tone up abit :)" It would have sounded a whole lot better than: "Gym, like, pronto" Yeah anyway, forget about it now, I don't care what guys with interesting choices of hairstyles say about me anyway ^_^
  19. I said it didn't offend me, but there was no need to say it. But thanks you other guys, I really needed a boost
  20. I just noticed someone posted, and thought I would quite it. Didn't check what time he posted :/ Get in! :P Looking great as always Loving the hair
  21. Sure Oh wait... Your joking arn't you.... D=
  22. The Invasion What, where when? It all happened so fast D= 6/10
  23. Hmm I didn't take offence Arab, but it's comments like that which doesn't really help the whole "self confidence" thing I have been trying to get over for the past couple of years. *looks at King_V aswell* FUCK YEAH
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