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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Soar - Christina Aguilera Song says it all
  2. Haha, I love how she over does everything, have you seen her last tour? It's fucking amazing, and yeah she over does it, ALOT XD I love how much emotion she puts into her work though, she has made me cry a few times :P
  3. Just because it's not your "type" of music. Doesn't mean it's not "good". Have you even listened to a Christina Aguilera album? (bar the first one, I admit it was factory pop driven). And her voice is beyond compare to many artists out there now, eurgh, why am I even bothering
  4. Hmm, I wonder when Aguilera's next album will be out.. She started recording end of June I think, hoping it will be out before the end of the year. Most hyped album ever for me ^_^
  5. Limewire? Eurgh. uTorrent mate (Y)
  6. I know :/ I'm agreeing with you here
  7. I tend to rate more on how I enjoyed it
  8. It does, just not for under 16's :/
  9. I ama druenk an db i wabna wishb yiou na hapopy buifrthfay Lmfaorofl.
  10. Yeahh, I tried doing that, but recently lost track, and yeah, just kinda hoped there would be something I could do now :/ Ah well, thanks for the help guys.
  11. They said I have to be 16 :/ Same as above :/
  12. Looking to get me one of these around the time when the 80GB comes out. Damn Blu-Ray has persuaded me XD
  13. Right, I've had my "Natwest Adapt Account" for about 7 months now, and it's getting a real pain in the arse having to keep checking my balance by going to a cash machine! I'm buying online more frequently now, and is getting hard to keep track of my payments, so I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any alternate was of checking my balance other than Online banking (im under 16) and the mobile phone banking (as my phone doesn't support it). I'd appreciate it guys Thanks.
  14. Only other film I have watched of his is Signs. Which I didn't really quite get :/ And erm, tar for that :/
  16. Can't believe I'm actually posting this in the N-Europe forum :/ Miley Cyrus - 7 Things The first single off her new album "Breakout" I really like this song, it's far better than all the crap I fucking love it XD she puts out as "Hannah Montana" Hope the album is as good!
  17. Impulse buy. From Steam, £6.11
  18. Lady In the Water Urm, I don't get the point of it tbh.
  19. First teaser of "Disney's return to 2D Animation" The Princess and the Frog! http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/princessandthefrog/ Excited? YES
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