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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Ah alright, thanks for that
  2. Is there a massive difference between 1080i and 1080p?
  3. Went to see Mary J Blige at the NEC tonight... Fuck, she was amazing. She sang with such emotion, and power. I think everyone in the room was overwhelmed by her incredible performance. Only thing was, she sang 3 songs from her latest album, which her tour was named after.... Also there was no programme D= Got a poster though Mary J Blige has now become one of my favourite artists, WOW.
  4. ... YESSS I fucking love Big Brother. *hides*
  5. Urrrm. 9 i think. 2 of those was the £3 tops from H&M for the beach XD The money? Pocket money ^_^
  6. Loving the hair Nightwolf ^_^ Awesome cool
  7. £107 worth of holiday clothes (again) XD Froooom, Topman, H&M, Debenhams, River Island ^_^
  8. Decided to get a PS3 sometime in the Autumn, I'm not up to date with the whole "60gig/40gig" PS3 versions. So could someone explain the differences and availability? Thanks
  9. My parents are sweeties (I actually get £80 a month, but will find the extra moneys somewhere) Thanks for the info guys, might pick up a PS3 sometime in Autumn
  10. mmmmm, I'm 15 and have no cash at the moment. Would have to save up 3 months of pocket money XD And btw, if the PS3 blu-ray player as good as stand alones?
  11. I can do that ^_^ No gymnastics, just naturally flexible XD (Although I do dance)
  12. Will be getting a blu-ray player in the next year, will I regret buying regular dvds now? I don't wanna end up wanting to sell all my dvds to replace them with blu-ray versions :/
  13. I can do all of those except the shoulder blade thing and the feet thing (and erm never tried the charlie chaplin one XD)
  14. Oooo ooo I've been there ^_^ But the volcano goes down, not up, which is poop. :P
  15. I can lick my elbow. ^_^
  16. Signature were on Mondays show, so they have had nearly a week to prepare. Which gives them an advantage... Also, it wasn't entirely new, they used the same idea as they did in the first audition, and I'm sure it was a fairly similar routine, if not the same. EDIT: Not saying they didn't deserve to win, I loved them and thought they were unique and entertaining ^_^
  17. He did that dance for the semi-finals and then again for tonight's final. Most of the acts did an audition again, because they dont have time to get another piece together. He only did it again because he won, and they asked him too :/
  18. Jeez, the contestants should at least be able to choose what they sing to/dance to etc Whenever the judges criticize the choice of song or whatever, some of them say "well it was your choice simon" or "it was out of my hands" And can you remember that Tracey? They put him in drag to make it more entertaining. Eurgh, it just makes the show so fake. Watching it anyway, woop woop.
  19. Noticed this today Platty, just thought I'd let you know, Guillemots - Red for £7
  20. £14.69 - emailed straight to me ^_^
  21. Just finished tonight! Loved it sequels please
  22. Stardust Wasn't expecting much, but I very much enjoyed it Hilarious in places, loved it! 7.5/10
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