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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. I went for the W910i in the end, thanks for the warning and everything guys, but if it cocks up i'm gunna just switch it for another model! But I have to say, i love the phone, it's so sexy! Oh and the music quality through the headphones are iPod quality, and the 1gig memory card that comes with it is much welcomed. I also got a memory stick with the phone....for some reason? Oh but something that pissed me off, the cd that came with the phone, with all the software to transfer stuff too and from isn't compatible with Mac OS. So Im having to use bluetooth to do it =/ Haven't had any problems with the phone so far, battery life seems to be superb, and I love how big the screen is, everythings so pretty ^_^ Just hoping it doesn't let me down, cuz it's such a beautiful thing!
  2. Think I'm gunna stick to my choice of the W910i. Although I will check some others out while I'm there ^_^ Thanks guys!
  3. Music? Seeing as my bloody iPod Touch doesn't have speakers
  4. *pretends to not notice apple arguement* guys, getting a new phone tomorrow, and there are so many out, i'm confused on what to get! Basically, I need a nice looking phone, good amount of memory, nice interface, large screen, and blah blah. Oh and not fussed about the camera. budget it around the £200 mark. I'm looking at the Sony Ericsson W910i.....yes? No? Alternatives? Thanks guys ^_^
  5. It's all so....flattering! *faints* I so wish AshMat were here, he called me "triforce_girly"
  6. Nah it's cool =] And ahaha, I don't know about other gay guys, but I wouldn't wanna go out with a guy that looked like a doll =/
  7. Were the cool kids. *West side* Or something like that. I loled at your post bard, and it does make me feel better ReZourceman! Thanks ^_^
  8. When every guy on the forum comments saying "OMFG HE LOOKS LIKE A FREAKING GIRL!!!!" it really doesn't help. But thankyou nightwolf
  9. Look at my gender you absolute hole
  10. It was 11pm, my bf was demanding a new pic, and I was sleepy D= Next pic will be cheery ^_^
  11. Didn't offend at all mate, it's just when people start to make stupid comments or comparisons *stares at OW* *high five*
  12. *hopes he hasn't posted this before*
  13. This place holds so many memories for me, we used to go every year when I was younger, with the family friends, and used to have an awesome time! There is just something so special and relaxing riding through the forest at 7am in the morning going for breakfast Just wondered if anyone else had been (I'm sure you have) and if so which? And if you have been to multiple places, which ones your favourite? My favourite has to be Sherwood, although Longleat has the best pools ^_^ As I write this last sentence I'm off to CP Longleat until Monday! Discuss away!
  14. *looks confused*
  15. I loled ^_^ "FUCK THIS SHIT, CINDY IS A WHORE!" ______ Erm anyway, I'm not really bothered about release dates, my life doesn't revolve around game release dates, I'm just happy they get here
  16. *cheers* Woot woot!
  17. Booo, you have posted that lots Take some new ones....bitch
  18. I seen she raised the target to £150 XD Hope she gets to it! Or even farther! But it's looking like she will, so yay ^_^
  19. Hmm, give it a good wash once a day? Or if your talking about cum, I don't really notice the smell...
  20. Just sponsored! Hope she does well
  21. Along Came Polly Ben Stiller - Win Jennifer Aniston - Win Story - Win Laughs - Win 7.5/10 - Win
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