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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Stopped at Marcus' house again last night, and this time we did rudies ^_^ Ooooft was nice.
  2. I know right Singstar disney? GET!
  3. Basically, just an updated version of the PSP Better screen, rounder edges, built in mic...
  4. My neck crack about 10 times really fast, both ways, no joke :/ It's horrid. Other than that, my fingers, toes, wrists, ankles..
  5. I doubt it will be a new camera. Either way I won't be too fussed as I still have Singstar and the camera to pick up ^_^
  6. Love it ^_^ Will be downloading ooooh Haggis, I also got Solange's album, it's amazing, in a weird way XD Wasn't what I was expecting, but still love it
  7. Bluey You look like your having the time of your life Also, your mum is very pretty ^_^
  8. I had a very erotic/horror dream last night XD I was camping I think with a few friends, and we decided to go exploring, and we were walking down this pitch black road, and we saw these werewolf type things, so we ran and ran until we came past this firetruck (O.o) and we were screaming WEREWOLVES to them, and they just laughed at us and drove away. We were so scared, so we kept running, and we came across a massive house that seemed to be having a party going on, we went inside to find a whole bunch of people pissed. We asked if anything strange had been going on, they said people had started to go missing, but nothing other than that. I met a black guy outside....and we started doing naughty stuff XD Was really hot... Anyway, after that, he told me his friends had gone missing a few hours ago, so me him and my friends went to search for them, we found no one, when we came back to the house, there was no one to be seen. Then erm, we did naughty stuff again LOL, then we went out to the field out back and saw 2 girls dragging something, my friends said they recognized them, and started walking up to them, meanwhile me and the black guy stayed behind because we thought there was something strange about these girls. We watched as my friend went up to them, the girls quickly turned around, and grabbed one of my friends, and beat her into the ground....O.o So we ran and ran, but they were bloody fast, then we saw the fucking werewolves again, so I thought SHITTTT and then woke up. BEST dream ever. Was so fun, ahaha.
  9. Worked great Jordan Off to play some Ratchet ^_^
  10. Thanks Jordan, will give it a try
  11. HELPP Just bought R+C and it's saying I have insufficiant space. It only needs 419mb and I have 24gb :/ eh...
  12. I don't spend it all on clothes, i mean, whenever I want clothes, I just dig into that account, but I do limit myself on clothes, so it's not that bad I'm not allowed to use it on anything else though.... (I've just took £100 out there for my ps3 but shhh) ^_^
  13. £70 a month. And another £120 a month going into my savings account (which i spend on clothes) Can't wait to get a job, this suckssssss.
  14. Wild Child Wasn't expecting much, but really enjoyed it ^_^ 7/10
  15. £10.....YAAAAAAAAY, been waiting too long for this. Was in a bargain bin, I liked "Stars are blind" and "Nothing in this world" so I thought why not XD £3 £15 pre-owned but looks new ^_^
  16. Ah right ok thanks
  17. When are the conferences?
  18. I have just realised something. How freaking quiet is the PS3? I can only hear it if I go up close ^_^ *strokes PS3*
  19. What the hell. I ordered sex and the city season 2 from zavvi on the 30th of july, and it STILL hasn't been dispatched. It just says "in progress" Whats that all about? I can't even cancel it!
  20. Borrowing Heavenly Sword off Strider this week, I liked the demo so thought I would give it a try ^_^ In return for my GT5-P at which I'm very bad.
  21. I want Alladin on dvd, but it's like £15 at the moment :/ Got Hercules for £6 ^_^
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