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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Should be fine mate. My freeloader has worked with all my imported games.
  2. Happy, happy, happy, happy fun day lol happy b-day
  3. GBA because I didn't really buy a lot of games on it due to most of the games were not appealing to me.
  4. Pokemon Snap is great! I loved it and still have it. It would be great if it would get a sequel on the Wii.
  5. Ok we are finishing it on Friday we did about 5 more scenes today and on friday more people are coming to film with us!
  6. hi this is saneeta "woo" wtf is wiv ur obsessions????? im really scared n hu the hell thinks they saw me on webcam?
  7. I know it sounds scary
  8. Thats enough guys. Im off the finish the movie now cya!
  9. Deja Vu - Beyonce BRILLIANT
  10. Just wait until we post the full movie later this week. You will undertsand then :P its very complicated to explain.
  11. meh stop spamming the thread with mistakes etc. And actual coment hehe EDIT: and no booker im 13, saneeta is 14, and little Gina is 12. R rated is a joke.
  12. lmao she sint my sister. The fact she is half-indian and Im not is abit of a giveaway lol
  13. You can see the camera because we filmed the trailor from the t.v :P And its about two people who get caught up in a multi-dimension mansion and freaky things happen etc. Its supposed to be like the scary movie series ( saneeta is pretending to be the person from saw ) Its great fun and is better than doing nothing :P
  14. Heya me and a few friends have been working on a movie called Trust No-One and we have just made a trailor for it and hoping everyone likes it! http://youtube.com/watch?v=sfmVXXtMlRg&feature=RecentlyWatched&page=1&t=t&f=b Ok we are finishing the final scenes today and will post the full movie sometime this week. Please post comments on there and here! And enjoy!!! :horse: :horse: :horse:
  15. omg ! (off-topic) MORIA HOW COULD YOU! your awesome sig has gone forever Mind you the sig you have now reminds me of when i was younger and when my penis was so very little. Ahhhh
  16. I think you need it for copied downloaded games because you have no disk so they use a crack instead. Im not too sure really.
  17. Well your pc should have come with a cd or a floppy which restores your computer back to factory settings. You just boot from your recovery cd/floppy. If you don't have one of these there is a way of doing it yourself but unfortunately I don't know how to do that but im sure someone else on here will ^^
  18. You can't buy them new in the shops because they were given out for special offers. e.g stars catologue, and i got mine through the subscription of NOM.
  19. Masturbation decreases the risk of getting prostate cancer.
  20. I heard Nintendo arn't having a key note speech at TGS. So I think this is there last chance to let all the secrets out.
  21. oooooo interesting. Yup prove our promise means they are going to show us what they have been promising before september! (Release date, launch details, price etc.!) I hope. 24th August HERE WE COME!
  22. Bring It On! hehe Even though Kirsten Dunst does a pretty crap performance in acting I still love this film its great! 9/10
  23. DOH!!! stupid 10 char limit!
  24. I going to Greece on the 27th of August! And then Spain again in October. Then Africa next year and maybe Florida.........
  25. Download firefox?
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