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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Me and my dad are going to see this next week. We always go see the CGI films I think there great! We went to see over the hendge a few weeks back and I can honestly say it wasnt a HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA film. The only funny bits were when the mad squirrel came on. But have you noticed there is always a character in these films that make you laugh because they are either dumb, clumsy, hyperactive or some other thing. For example, Ice Age 2 Scrat and Ellie. Cars, the tractor thing. Over The Hedge, the hyper squirrel, etc.
  2. Happy B-day reddy! Hope you have a good one!
  3. Snakes are my favourite animal! I love em and im planning too get one as a pet when I leave home. (Which is ages away )
  4. I hate the thought of dying I'm only 13 so hopefully I don't have to worry about it too much yet XD I either wish we become spirits roaming the land (nice spirits) or we go to a place like heaven. I doubt it though. Its probably just like a sleep but not waking up.
  5. i have 2 gig of ram. With no programs running it takes up 400ram for the system or something O.o Yes its alot but it doesn't affect me.
  6. yeah the costumer services are great. But the only thing is it takes around 3 weeks to arrive. But email them asking them you need it quicker they will tell the people who are build the pc to speed up like they did with mine and it arrived that week
  7. wheres that at? not a bad deal :P
  8. extra controller, Zelda, MP3, Excite Truck or Monkey Balls
  9. Im only saying what I heard -.-
  10. Fact: Butchers put piss on meat to add something too it. (heard it from my friend whos dads a butcher)
  11. 1st Substeinar Brokeback Mountain 2nd Haver Spiderman 3rd Red Shell N64 Kids
  12. Fact: If you bite your finger nails there is a chance you could get worms!
  13. Thanks for the great line shorty lol
  14. yes you said niggers. Thats racist to the black culture of this world. naughty naughty
  15. yes i get 29 too. Ah well
  16. wow i never saw that coming!
  17. exxept the moniter and the cpu you have the same comp i built from they're. The keyboard and mouse are wireless and very nice, speakers coem with a bass box thing I think its really good sound. The keybaord mouse and speakers are logitech. The moniters from there (hannsg) are very nice! I can post a pic if you want. And that price is with the v.a.t and the delivery!
  18. yes sorry http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk
  19. yes i have a geforce 7600gt there great! I would also get 2 sticks of 1 gig ram as it saves you buying more when vista comes. I onyl havwe a amd athlon 3700 1mb but its great for all the games that are out now. I also have a 19" hannsg moniter and got it for only 150 quid! its great aswell. But if you consider getting it build for you like me I recommend http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk They'e really cheap and knock off around 300-400 quid off the normal high street prices. You can choose the specs you want and stuff.
  20. yup for me its OOT but LTTP is so awesome! Loved every second of it!
  21. I agree with takeo the legend of zelda is classic!
  22. aww im too young o well i will participate in the comfort of my own home
  23. I dont have reccomended but im all good for minimum, 3700 amd athlon 1 mb, 7600gt, 2 gig ram, and im ok then for vista?
  24. Im the keeper of the triforce. Stupid job really cuz im just a weakling and when Ganondorf wants the triforce of power HE GETS THE TRIFORCE OF POWER!!! I try to stop him with my uber powers (little weak blinding light) and he justs pushes me aside. I mean Hyrule family GIVE ME MORE POWERS DAMMIT!
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