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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. smb 2 because it was hard for me (at the time) and you could be peach ^^ lol
  2. you mean mic? :P wii has already got a speaker xD
  3. come on you guys who havent voted yet! (this is a bump post XD)
  4. God why is everyone supporting france? They are so ignorant! Come on you Italians! they are such nice people ^^
  5. i think grace is well fit, tits arnt everything lads!
  6. please read the 1st post triforcemario -.-
  7. haha watched it for the first time the other night, made me cringe with embarresment in some parts lol. I liked the lady who was selling rat burgers though ^^
  8. 8/10 really like midna shes...wierd lol. Nice setout and everythin
  9. Yes im creating this thread to see what wins the best PC games of all time! Ok theres gunna be 3 sections, old games new game and online games. Old is for before the year 2000 and in 2000, new games are gunna be classed in the 2001 and up. Online games can be any year. And please specify which section they belong in, thanks. At the end of this thread when nearly everyone has voted, i count up the scores, the highest 5 in each section will be put into a poll to see which comes out on top in each section ^^ Vote away!
  10. dude you cant say much, at first you put a load!
  11. *sigh* i will miss Billie....... COME BACK BILLIE!!!!! omg does that mean series 3 is coming out NEXT year? o dear god....
  13. oh ok thanks so i shouldent be worrying until vista coems out then?
  14. same here but im still getting gc games like tales os and other stuff.
  15. would i be alright to run half life 2? and black and white 2? becuase ive missed out on like 2 years of pc games becuase of this pc im on now (4 years old). So i wanna catch up on what ive been missing. Im planning on getting, Fable, Oblivion, Halflife 2, black and white 2, sims 2, rollercoaster tycoon 3, and any others that people suggest *nudge nudge* ^^ EDIT: thanks Jordan for altering my title :P i will try to be more specific next time XD and the reason why its in caps is because i copied and pasted it from my order form. Sorry :P
  16. LOL sorry rockhead but it seems that way to me too anyway i thought the last ep was ok. I really dont want Billie Piper to leave, shes so great
  17. yup i know probably at mid settings though eh?
  18. ok thanks, i dont really wanna buy online so i will try gamestation the next time i go in.
  19. yup i need it NOW XD thanks guys in advance
  20. nooooooooooooooooooo we will miss you Stocka! byebye
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