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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. 3D=a revolution for dumbass monkeys. (dont ask i am hyper)
  2. errr i LOVED starfox adventures that was one of the best gc games out there! and plz tell me what imo means. lol
  3. Revolution is coming......................................
  4. smash bros:Rampage :wink:
  5. lmao! guys your so funny! the middle of the road one is awesome! (poor ds =( )
  6. nintendork im sorry but I am getting quite sick of your posts, you say that things like thats that end of! like it isnt worth speculating. Im sure othr people have ideas of there own. Anyway im not really bothered where it goes to be honest. And I do agree it should have the sd cards in the controller, more compact.
  7. soooo whats that mean?
  8. im scared :S lol
  9. im dont want sex yet anyway -.- "crap my karma just went down again, i have GOT to start telling the truth!"
  10. wow.........still not getting that crap
  11. im stuck on this game its too complicted lmao
  12. lucas arts- never liked there games, end of.
  13. i will probably get this it looks wicked!
  14. theres a secret behind yorkies (the choc bar) and gamboys. Guess what it is. That is my riddle. Bye bye........................the nintendo age is the final name its got a catchy slogan too "any game, any age"
  15. well alot of people would prefer the classic gameplay......so why not release 2 pokemon games
  16. hmm well i have been depressed because now and again i get bulied at school. But I learnt that I just gotta face up to the fact that i get bullied so now im just focused on the revo lol. And im only 13 so I cant get any sex yet lol
  17. wow cool ideas stefkov! what about feeding your pkmn with the fhc lol
  18. oops..... and yeah that would be a great pokemon game! now what would you like the fhc to do?
  19. I would like a pokemon mmo, i think it would be great to have ALL the pokemon from all the games. Now your thoughts please.
  20. wow these are so cool! maybe when the 3rd secret is revealed you will have to add something else *zip*
  21. the ninten-doh! starring homer simpson
  22. lol wheres taiko? he will be having thrills over this lol
  23. stupid rumours......the only thing that is announced is......DRAGON BALL Z GOT ANNOUNCED FOR REVOLUTION LETS CELEBRATE GUYS!!!! -.-
  24. Hmm I dont think I like the idea of black and white graphics..........But i dont like horror games anyway :P I am excited about rotr and orb, they sound cool. And onm is a disgrace i subscribed after getting my 1st copy out of the shops then i had a letter saying teh next mag will come at ... date. I STILL havent received my mag and the 3rd mag is out tomorrow!!!! I have rang them up several times asking where it is and all they keep saying is we will post you another one -.- now who thinks i will get issue 3?
  25. why not just have a freeweb or a piczo? http://www.freewebs.com or http://www.piczo.com
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