Yes people, face it. In 10 years or so the world will be ruled by disgusting chavs and we will all be doomed. DOOMED I TELL YOU!
Ok maybe not put I decided to create this thread because I'm majorly bored.
Ok so chavs, my description on them that they are people that hang around in the streets drinking and smoking and up to no good. Also nearly every chav I know smokes.
Ok another reason I decided to create this thread was because my (girl) best friend that I have known since she was 3 and we have lived 6 doors down from each other all our lives, has turned into one of these mutated humans called a chav.
Yes she has shagged, yes she is smoking, yes she is hanging around the dirty pubs and drinking till 12am in the morning. And at 13 years old not good!
Anyway I have tried talking to her about it and she won't listen, we ended up falling out.
Anyway back on topic, do you think theres too much chavs? They cause so much trouble! I hate them personally and think they are stupid twats who don't have nothing better to do than cause trouble around the area they live in.
So another question I'm asking you, what makes them become a chav? How they're brought up? Where they get educated? I don't know but I have never been influenced to even want to become a chav and I go to a rough school.
So your views? By triforce_keeper