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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. Personally, Ive enjoyed this far more so far than any of the shitty Big Brother series; at least at the end of this, being able to laugh at them is a small consolation for the fact that they will be making a great deal of money. Big Bros contestants are equally as stupid and never get any come-uppance. I personally dont see how this is much different from something like Scare Tactics, which is a freaking awesome show - at the end of the day its all a prank. So long as one of the contestants doesnt reveal that hes dying and his last wish was to go into space, I think it will be a good laugh. ________ GORDON BUEHRIG
  2. That actually looks pretty good - looks like they have stuck fairly true to the games, in what they show here anyway. I might actually go and watch this now :/ ________ Honda Cb500 Cup Specifications
  3. Ollie I have 2 RPGs now - Legend of Heroes and Popolocrois. I will have to show them to you if I ever see you again ________ Dodge b-series van specifications
  4. A chap did this at one of our MS meetings to show that any USB device should work with the machine. It was neat, but a bit contrived IMO. This is the only game I have at the moment (Elder Scrolls, where are you?). Since I love survival horror and could do with a good scare, Im hoping to enjoy this - if thats the word I have heard only positive things so far, so Im looking forward to playing it some more - the only problem is I have to wait for night to fall so that its dark enough to create the right atmosphere. ________ Fj cruiser
  5. Dont get me started - I cant stand the N64 controller In terms of cars and weapons, I think most of those featured in GTAIII and VC are present. Score! The parachutes would have been nice though - a bit of base jumping never goes amiss. ________ Herbal Health Shop
  6. I have LCS and the last 3 console GTAs, and I love them all. LCS will amaze you in terms of what the hardware is throwing out; frequently I am stunned by how detailed everything is in it (except when frame rate issues take over and it looks like your character has six legs). It plays very much like any of the other games down to the smallest detail - the only things that I have missed are the first person view (which may be possible - I certainly havent found out how yet) and the lack of planes. Other than that, if you liked the other GTA games you cant really fail to enjoy this. For the record, I personally think that the controls work better than the Xbox version, which I think is truly horrible. ________ New jersey medical marijuana
  7. I also have Con Monkey, Come Back at Night, Calling Home and Pandamonium. Im hoping that several others are reprinted soon. They can be quite addictive once you start buying them.
  8. I finally got my set of Threadless tees recently, so heres one of the (blurry phone) pics I took in the hopes of getting a discount from the site - apparently theres some kind of bonus if you send in pics of yourself wearing the merchandise. Incidentally, the shirts called Pillowfight and is most awesome.
  9. I got it on Monday from VGP, and I was stunned by how good it looked Full GTA 3 maps, full talkie, full radio stations etc etc etc. Perfect. ________ MARIJUANA MEDICAL
  10. Quite a few people have played now, but I will still reply The tracks in PGR3 were the best thing about it IMO; they look gorgeous, stacks of detail in there. The cars conversely I thought looked a bit bland (not bad, but I wouldnt say they looked any better than a high-end xbox v1 racer). Im not particularly good at games like PGR3 so I just pretty much went around hitting things, and the crowd will flinch fractionally if you hit a barrier which was nice. The in-car views were nice too, but again I wasnt blown away as I was with PD0. In Kameo the first part of the game pretty much just teaches you how to use your different forms, so I used an ice gorilla creature to climb a castle wall, a strange plant to topple over some spiky enemies and a giant armadillo-cum-rhino to roll up ramps to get to higher ground. I definitely think it will be far more exciting once these obligatory sections are completed, but from that play it was just pretty much a generic platformer with a slight twist in the different forms. ________ IPAD GUIDES
  11. I finished this a couple of days ago, and now feel a yawning void in my life The ending was devastating - perhaps more so than ICO, which I thought had a truly moving ending. Some of the later colossi make for fantastic fights, so I would definitely stick with the game; they arent all walking beasts that you have to trip over to climb up. Im going to play through the time attack modes now to unlock new coloured Agros - and go and find some of the secret areas I also hope that its possible to change the ending; no-one on line seems to think you can, but I have ordered the guide to make sure that they just havent cocked things up. I personally liked the fact that there werent any dungeons, as thats what makes the game so refreshingly different. The enemies are your dungeons; theres no block pushing, button pressing puzzles, and that is a great thing as far as Im concerned. ________ Free Xxx Movies
  12. For those interested, PD0 is definitely the prettiest of the three I played, although beyond that I cant really comment much as I didnt get to experience any of the story and things, so it just felt like a very generic FPS. Definitely looks nice though. PGR3 was quite nice looking; certainly, the tracks look spanking, but I personally thought the cars were nothing special to look at really (maybe its just me). Kameo looked very standard on the level I played, but it was just a tutorial section so Im expecting it to look better later on in the game. All 3 are down for a definite Euro release on 360 launch day. DOA will be out the week after. Trust me - PD0 will be out for lauch, Owen! Also, dont watch any more of the videos theyre showing; they really do no justice to the game (at least, none that I have seen). As for stock, there are no confirmed figures, but it WILL be in very short supply. I think allocation is being based largely on preorders for now, though could be wrong. There will hopefully be a second shipment before Christmas. ________ Ultimate fighters
  13. Not much time to talk since this isnt my PC - but let me gloat by saying that I played the 360 (PGR3, PD0 and Kameo) last Thursday. PD0 is the one to watch - it looks stunning (but probably loses a little in the transition to a regular TV). ________ BUY EXTREME Q VAPORIZER
  14. Just to let you guys know, I have moved house and havent got the 'net sorted yet - but I have nabbed my sisters connection just to say that the game is AMAZING. I got it yesterday and took on the first 3 colossi in around 2 hours and - wow. The scope, the environments, the colossi...all of them are, quite literally, perfect. The only issue I have is that the controls and camera go a bit mental in certain positions, like when youre hanging off the side of a colossus and its moving about - but then, the camera is being moved around a completely free space, so its not that surprising (I had similar issues with Ecco at times, in which you can move in any direction as opposed to forwards/backwards and so the camera sometimes made the controls a bit awkward). The battles are so epic...imaging hanging 80 ft in the air, clinging desperately to the sparse fur on a huge bull-like giant thats trying to shake you off, while simultanously trying to find a way to its "weak" spot...its really unbelievably tense. Get it now everyone - you owe it to yourselves as gamers to play this ________ Hot box vaporizer
  15. I know - the place was filled with meatheads anyway in spite of all the tests! I do seriously think it was because the store wasnt outfitted, and so they needed something to pass the time with until they could start us all filling the shelves and things. I hated Woolworths; in our case anyway, the store was full of old lady busybodies that bitch and complain about everything and leave mess all over the stockroom. The only good thing that came out of it was my relationship with Ian - aww In comparison, GAME was a lot of fun for the most part, although you quickly learn that HO bigwigs seems to have little to do with their time other than come up with pointless new "ideas", like changing a "Buy 3 for ?10" to a "Buy 2 (at ?4.99) get one Free" offer, and then changing it back the next week. ________ Buy cheap vaporizer
  16. Because its uber rare. Have a look on Ebay to see how much a mint condition copy goes for. If youre lucky you might be able to locate one second hand in GAME, since they sell it for ?14.97 preowned. Also, its just ICO. No "1" ________ oxygen vaporizer
  17. Its 30% off games and 10% off hardware, with 25% off things like controllers. Still pretty good though, especially with their new "competitive" pricing. The only thing that makes jobs difficult at GAME is the fact that so many people apply. Still, so long as you can put a list of GCSEs not composed of Es and Fs yours should stand out. Not that you really need any of that stuff when youre actually in the postion...I remember I had to do a series of aptitude tests to get a job at Woolworths, which was frankly laughable. I think that they had money and time to burn since the store hadnt been fitted yet. I personally have never had a problem with GAME price matching so long as the store has had the product in stock. Whee! ________ CHEVROLET K5 BLAZER SPECIFICATIONS
  18. As you were typing I edited mine to have this on it In fact, I have edited quite a few. Oh well. ________ Ford Royale Specifications
  19. In no particular order; 1) Shadow of the Colossus PS2 2) Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Xbox 360 3) Psychonauts Xbox 4) Alan Wake Xbox 360 5) Project Zero 3 Xbox 6) Metronome Xbox 360 7) Shenmue III Xbox 8) Zelda Twilight Princess GC 9) Sam n Max 2 (we can but hope) ?? 10) Theres a game coming on on the PS2 and I cant for the life of me remember the name other than the fact it has "Ryu" in the title and is an amalgamation of GTA and Shenmue (apparently). Looks ace though. Edit - found out the name. Its Ryu ga Goto Ku. Heres hoping for an English languge release. 10 is way too few, confound you. Those that didnt make the list: GTA LCS PSP Legend of Heroes PSP LocoRoco PSP Dead Rising XB360 Stubbs the Zombie Xbox Gun XB360 FFXII PS2 Okami PS2 Tales of Legendia PS2 Fable: Lost Chapters XB Ninja Gaiden Black XB Pokemon XD GC (is it on GC?) Black and White PSP Breath of Fire III PSP Suikoden I & II PSP Kameo XB360 Condemned XB360 Thats about all I can think of right now. I know I said mine arent in any specific order, but I think at the moment (I change my mind a lot) Metronome is the one Im most keen about. This game looks stunning (I have a real thing about the dark, grotty future that it depicts) and is a great concept. ________ Chrysler 300m specifications
  20. I wonder how many more people will die now through extremist action though? You talk as though Iraq has magically been saved (at least the oil is safe I guess); people are still dying now, both for their country and as civilians in this war - only now Westerners can die as well. At least its a democracy. Hurray for politics! I think its pretty cute that you think Greenday must be the prime influence for an argument against you. But then, I guess if you must always fight to be against the norm, I guess you must be used to making some pretty sweeping claims. I believe we had a poster on CE called Maxman who lived in Iraq...I would like to hear his views on what its like to live there now after this interference. On topic; Love - family and boyfriend (real surprise) Hate - No-one really. No-one that any of you would know anyway. Hatred takes too much effort on my part. ________ Jiangling motors
  21. Actually, no - its decided at HO level based on what "negotiation$" they have had with various publishers and devs, and then sent to you on your pretty marketting sheets. I believe a while ago I was asked by MS to check up to make sure our games were on the New Release bay as had been arranged. Same will go for any dedicated endcaps, and what actual facings are on your wall bays (not the number of wall bays), what are on your posters...its all bound in red tape Im afraid. Edit - whoops, forgot to actually talk about the topic. I personally like Game a lot, as all of my buddies work there, it reminds me of the "good old days" when I was there and I meet some great people in them from day to day. HAving said that though, I wouldnt buy any full priced games from there. Consoles are about all I would get from Game, purely because their customer service team are always on the side of nobs that complain to them, and so if for any reason I needed to return it there would be no issues. ________ 8 Series
  22. I caved already. That didnt last long did it? I always figure I can sell it when Im done with it and buy the PAL version (unless the lure of 60Hz makes it a permanent addition to my collection...) ________ HERBALAIRE
  23. I have 9 GCSEs (A*A*A*AAAAAA), 3 A-Levels (AAC) and a degree in English Literature (2-1). Score! ________ MEXICO CITY HOTEL
  24. I hated French up until the very end of my GCSE year when it all suddenly became clear and I managed to get an A* having struggled with the most basic verbs up until that point. Moral of the story - there is hope for everyone! Now I can speak very little French, and can just about read some basic stuff like signs. That was fun. ________ Mazda Roadpacer Specifications
  25. Try changing the .html extension to .jpg in the links to the pics and see if that helps. ________ VAPORIZER
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