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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. I think that Oliver's series actually prompted an investigation into the menus at schools, and was discovered to be pretty grim. And schools cant make an effort without the funding - which in some cases is why the food was as bad as it was in the first place. A nice idea, but I think that schoolkids would rebel at the thought of eating sandwiches every day. Remember, most kids dont actually care about whats good for them, which is why making sure that the food theyre offered is good is so important. ________ PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE DICUSSION
  2. Aimless is right - its Primary schools that I believe are at the front of this whole debacle. Twizzlers and Potato Smiles? Yes, because the salt content of those isnt way over average These things shouldnt have been allowed to have fallen to this level - although in all fairness I think that schools budgets for food have been pretty poor until Jamie Oliver's series. Suddenly - magically, almost - the government have found money to pump into the system. While Im all for healthy eating, I cant help but balk at the ludicrous nature of how this scheme has come about. ________ MONTANA MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES
  3. Hmm...I would love to see a primary school kid going to the chippie :/ But, so long as its handled properly and kids can be exposed to healthy foods that they will actually like, this shouldnt be an issue. I personally prefer the idea of sandwiches too, but I guess its just not a viable option for everyone. ________ Honda RA272 history
  4. Dammit Rokhed, I had just convinced myself not to get this. Now my frail sense of self-control is broken :'( Three games I want now tomorrow.... ________ VOLTZ
  5. Definitely If less fast food is available to kids to eat, then they wont eat it (so long as more nutritionally-sound yet appealing choices are). ________ Kawasaki Vn1500R
  6. xino is cute. Can I buy a pet one? ________ CHEVROLET ASTRO
  7. Sorry to get involved, but I think Dukkadukka has explained everything perfectly clearly and yet still people choose to misunderstand - theyre not removing all salt, fat and so forth from the menus. Yes, we need them (in small amounts) to live - but unless youre eating solely fat-free vegetables cooked in plain water, you will be getting salt and fat and sugar from what youre eating - just not the unhealthy levels that were being served up before. Soag, this has nothing to do with encouraging people to be skinny - far from it. Its an attempt to stop OBESITY and other disorders relating to poor diet, not to suggest that we should all be stick thin. Do you really think they will be letting kids waste away on a lettuce leaf a day? The food that they will (hopefully) be supplied with will minimise health problems related to the crappy diets kids are getting (again, hopefully), and will still sustain them. Imagine a school was feeding hamburgers every day - now imagine that they are feeding reduced fat meats with not nearly so high a salt content. Is that bad? An absence of fast foods doesnt mean salads is all that is on the menu. I too am struggling to understand why people think this is a bad thing. ________ Electronic Cigarettes
  8. Its a load of rubbish - no-one knows allocations yet, much less some Gamestation goon. Let me rephrase - the guy claiming those figures is talking bull, as he has no proof. Having said that though, there is quite a high likelihood that there will be severe shortages. Trust me on this though - there are NO official figures yet in terms of allocation. And I should know - I get hassled about it enough by Game and Gamestation in a day. On a side note, I have preordered mine from Game in case MS dont let us preorder directly through the company I am 5th on the list, so they had better get at least 5! ________ Mflb Vaporizer
  9. 2) Tony Jaa blah blah blah ________ FULL MELT HASH
  10. More than likely. It will probably be around ?29.99 here. ________ Z3
  11. Dell monitor A picture clip with a bear Christmas tag on it A handpainted bowl full of earrings and things so they dont get lost when Im too lazy to put them away A crystal block with a rose etched in it (anniversary present) An empty coke can A PSP in an Air Foam case An Evian sports bottle full of orange A DS belonging to my sister A plastic dolphin filled with water and shells...actually, I dont know where this came from A glass fish with some ink fish inside A tiny metal bucket with a bottle of coloured sand in it A blue geode-rock thing A huge Halo 2 mouse mat An MS optical mouse A parrot book A bracelet that has escaped the bowl A strappy top A CD wallet full of games A calculator A hammer 3 tubes of moisturiser A box of antibiotics 2 hair scrunchies An owl money bank (people insist its an eagle but I sneer at them with contempt) A cow money bank Some envelopes and payslips The case for my PDA A hook off a pair of trousers A paper storage container There may be stuff under the existing junk, but I dont dare move it. ________ JUSTIN BIEBER FAN
  12. I dont remember the exact details, but I think we had a thread on this at CE and it turns out that screens are "allowed" to naturally have a certain number of dead pixels and still be considered fine. This applies to things like monitors as well (as a matter of fact, I think that one of the posters was talking about their monitor having X number of dead pixels and the company wouldnt replace it). I know it sounds ludicrous, but its part of a well-used loophole Im afraid. Im pretty sure its sarcasm, KurtR.
  13. Perhaps its the fact that some people are always want to bring the topic around to cock-sucking - "OMG! Choze has teh Sonys cock in his mouth!!1". All the while convieniently ignoring the fact that their own mouths may not be unsullied. While I dont condone Chozes behaviour, I find this highly ironic. ________ OXYGEN VAPORIZER
  14. Im surprised some of you can talk with Nintendos cock in your mouths.* Its been confirmed for launch by MS. *probably stolen from someone else - in which case, cheers! ________ Clear Trichomes
  15. Microsoft have confirmed it for launch. ________ M PLATFORM
  16. Perhaps the greatest irony in that case was that it wasnt me that cared about it. Poor Offers - forced to reign in a raging libido
  17. Quite often I get a meal deal from Boots which consists of a Chicken Fajita, Volvic Touch of Fruit (strawberry) and a bag of apple wedges all for ?2.99. If they havent got the Fajita I get a Sweet Chilli Chicken wrap. So yes, I guess you could say I like teh cock...chicken. ________ Lynx
  18. Like almost everyone else I think that Skies is superior, albeit just slightly For me, the characters (Gilder!), the settings (sky pirates - does it get any cooler?) and the story (I practically bawled at the end because it finished up so well, in spite of the worlds longest final boss battle) were all perfectly intertwined. In fact, for a few days after finishing it, I did believe that it was better than FFVII, which to me is/was the epitome of RPG gaming goodness. Now Im not so sure thats the case, but its the only game thats come close to knocking that off the top of my list. The only - really, only - drawback to this game for me are the random battles which are just a bit too frequent for my liking. Tales is definitely prettier I would say (though the locations in Skies are much nicer), and more action orientated, but the story felt far more generic to me than Skies. In fact, I saw too many links to FFX, which put me off a bit. Having said that though, the story does keep things ticking along nicely, and the characters are fun and enjoyable (if not more than a touch cliched). I did play it all through without getting bored and playing something else, which is a real feat for me these days, so I would definitely recommend it. Follow peoples advice and get both ________ Mercedes-benz m114 engine history
  19. Ok. I would have left it at that, but it would appear that I need 15 characters. So there we go.
  20. But the whole point of including a 333MHz capability was to allow the machine to process at a faster speed when the current generation of batteries has been superceeded - so that people are buying a new battery, not a new console in X months time. How long do you think it will be until they release a fully interactive Metal Gear? The machine already has Tenchu out for it, another of these "full featured adventures". Just because it hasnt been done yet doesnt by any means mean it will never happen. Also, take a look at Rengoku or Dynasty Warriors - or how about Untold Legends, a huge 3D, action-orientated, "full featured adventure". I think youre looking at things with a bit of a blinkered view. Indeed, it was a PSone game - but it was you that said that the machine would be only suited for sports and racing sims, and I was showing you that this isnt the case at all. Actually, it was also running on WIFI in this scenario. :no: If you plan on playing this way all the time I would understand your point, but I have never had battery issues with my PSP. Sure, I would love a battery that lasts 15 hours or whatever, but what are you going to do? It seems that the people most keen to bemoan the battery life of the PSP are those that dont actually have them. Maybe Im wrong, but I havent seen many - actually, any - PSP owners here complaining about battery life. *prepares for scores of complaints* To go back to the original argument, dont you think that Loco Roco has worked around "existing" ideas? I certainly dont see it as a direct clone to Mercury or Kirby or DK: KoS. Definitely there are similarities between control system and mechanics - how can there not be? - but I wouldnt say its cut and pasted. It isnt? I thought that was your original point? :/ Perhaps I misunderstood, but I believe this particular quote is pretty much exactly what I said like 2 or so posts ago. I guess to wrap up, I want to say that Sony certainly dont shy away from releasing or allowing the release of bizarre gaming concepts on their consoles regardless of what Nintendo are doing ("but i'm sure sony wouldn't do it if nintendo DS sales weren't so good, f*ck them"), and that a game doesnt need to be some unexplored new concept in order to be fun.
  21. WoW still, Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan! and Radiata Stories. I have finally decided to try and finish some of my games, and I thought tackling an RPG was a good start. Still need to finish Baten Kaitos as well (atually, I really need to pretty much start it). ________ Bmw X6
  22. Yeah it does. Goonface, I have heard several peoples accounts of how this has worked for them, but I cant testify as I havent used one myself. I think you can identify a stick pixel from a dead one by the colour; isnt a stuck one a specific colour and a dead one black or something? At any rate, I dont think I can actually be of any help, so I guess I will shut up. Sorry!
  23. Hey, thats a retro Amiga font Ill have you know! Nice tones, but I wonder if it would look better with the line through the middle of the text like your avatar..? 7.5/10 ________ Plymouth expresso
  24. Change the text if you want, I couldnt decide on the colour (and anything else you want to change of course). ________ Free Magento Themes
  25. Surely its a bit early in the PSPs life to make claims like that? There are several RPGs in the works for the PSP, one of which is the lengthy Breath of Fire 3 - and, of course, GTA. I dont think that developers feel that the PSP is only for sports and racing sims. That was my point in its entirety actually; and did you still enjoy them in spite of a lack of originality? Ok, so because no-one, lets say, "copied" the style until Zelda, it remains original? But let me guess - by the time the next Gameboy is out, it will all magically be ok to have a powerful handheld. Hang on, wont that be copying the PSP?
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