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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yup, another hit for 10 euros. It's a true sequel. Gameplay is familiar, but there's plenty of new stuff and changes. Biggest is the map screen. The first game was already pretty much broken down into separate levels, so this is a logical next step. And the planetoids work a bit like Shrines. Little challenges that will give you a little award. The planetoids themselves are accessed by maps, increasing the collectables you can find in a level.. The weapons selection is also remixed, with lots of new ones added (spread over Jason main and subweapons, and Sophia main and subweapons). Combat-wise the biggest afddition is the new countermove (which also has verious upgrades), which looks awesome, but also changes the feel of combat, keeping it fresh. New setpieces, updated sprites.. I'm loving it. Can't wait to dump more money into this game when the inevitable dlc characters are released.
  2. But I'll wait and go grab the physical release when it's out. This is one of those games that makes more sense on a Nintendo console.
  3. @Hero of Time geez, don't embed tweets to show trailers man. So I actually never cared for Crypt of the Necromancer. I think I still don't (and as a result I don't care for this game either) but if there's a demo, I may have to confirm for myself whether I really don't like it or not. I must admit though, that was a pretty slick trailer, and a succesful way to create some hype.
  4. Already bought.
  5. Small bump, but I ordered my copy. My first NES game in several years, and my first new one in over 20.
  6. Sméagol


    To be honest, I should have made a thread a long time ago. If for some reason you're not yet familiar with this game, it's an atmospheric and artistically stunning platformer with some light puzzle elements. I thought it was fantastic. Slightly hypocritical since I don't really like Inside, though they are very similar games, but I think the art, music and atmosphere are that much better. I'm a sucker for good 2D animation. Anyway, I'm creating a thread now, because it seems Gris is getting a physical release from Special Reserved Games. No other details as of now, but I'll let you know when I'm buying the game for a second time.
  7. That's not actually what they use... Never mind. So it is claimed The witness in Death Love + Robots (which is from the creators of Into the Spider-verse by the way) doesn't use motion capture (or rotoscoping). Damn. Holy shit. I already thought it was great, but this would elevate it to a fucking masterpiece. I mean come on.. All those Jiggle physics! Which aren't actually physics at all! Jiggle.
  8. The age old question.
  9. I was interested in Night Call, no updates so far, but I'm seeing some GDC activity on their Twitter, so I'm guessing there's a good chance it'll re-appear here. http://nightcall-game.com/
  10. I'll see if I can do an overhaul next weekend.
  11. @bob another chance to complete your Pokédex!
  12. Baba is you It basically combines sliding block puzzles and programming. The trailer does a good job of showing the basics. It's fun! It's simple! It's also fucking hard! First few levels you think "Hey, I can do this!" Then the real levels start! But the game is divided into areas, and every area has easier levels to start off with, so there's is always something to check out even if you have various other levels you are stumped on. You also don't need to clear each level in an area to clear the area itself (though obviously, for 100% completion..). Also, each area introduces new mechanics, as in new keywords. What you see in the trailer is nothing. Every level will feel fresh, and some really need some out of the box thinking. I will maybe edit in some very general hints in this post later, though keep in mind that even general hints are minor spoilers. Finding out what effects certain keywords have is usually one step to completing a level. But some intricacies are a bit more obscure than others. I'll start with these hints though: When you do clear a level (usually touching the flag), it's very satisfying. If you like puzzle games, this is a must-buy. A no-brainer. Actually playing the game, well that's a brainer. Edit: Another no-brainer would be a level editor, but that's not included in the game. Yet! Apparently the developer is working on it.
  13. Wow.. What a shitstorm. Part 1: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-03-15-the-high-cost-of-a-wii-u-retail-release Part 2: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-03-15-axiom-verge-producer-files-suit-against-badland-publishing-for-usd200k But the game is coming out! Yes! For WiiU physically! On 29 March.
  14. You probably will, they're both actually point & click adventures, so you won't come far without some puzzle solving. Edit: By the way, you dug deep into the archives to quote me.. That post is over a year old! While I'm posting anyway.. I bought Baba is you and I love it. But things get hard fast! Baba is you is for you if you like Zelda sliding block puzzles and programming. It basically combines both in a devious way. Plus cutesy pixel art.
  15. 4th episode looked like it could be something out of the upcoming Borderlands.
  16. Just tried the first 3 (standalone) episodes of Love Death + Robots (averaging roughly 15 minutes so far), and I'm already starting to think it's as brilliant as I imagined it would be. I'll elaborate on individual episodes later, but Iove how diverse it already is. I wish there was more 2D though, I think there is, but so far the episodes have been 3D. But in wildly different styles. They're also different genres. First was gory action and thriller with some twists, 2nd comedy, and 3rd a bit of Kafka horror or something.. Start watching if you liked the Animatrix for example.
  17. Little game in Google Earth to promote the recent cartoon: http://g.co/carmensandiego
  18. JRPG confirmed for US and Europe. I assume Autumn release window also applies to Europe.
  19. It was ok. Story-wise things weren't fantastic no. It did have its moment fortunately. I still think Brie is great, I actually liked Ben mendelsohn as well, plus the cat of course. But yeah, there were also stupid things in it (Fury's eye), and overall.. Hmm. Still hyped for Avengers IV.
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