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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Earliest video game memory I honestly can't recall. To provide an anwser, I'll go with Super Mario Bros. But it could be something else, like some nameless portable LCD game thing. To be specific (or as far as I can reconstruct my memories), it was seeing Super mario Bros in the toy store, on a demo stand. And deciding that I wanted that. I didn't get a NES until later, and not with SMB1, but SMB2. Before that I actually had a 2nd hand Vec-Trex.
  2. For future reference: would you people like me holding furniture markets, or would you rather have me posting tweets of my storage like I have in the past? Edit: I'm cleaning up the leftovers from the DIY recipes.However, I just got a shellpochette from a balloon. Does anyone want that, before I get rid of all of them?
  3. I'm open. 580 Stuff left from yesterday is still there so: free DIY (though the most interesting ones are gone) free music free sahara mystery items Also: everything in the store is up for grabs. Thanks to those who watered my tulips yesterday! Got my first purple tulips! And I want more! Edit: Also keep in mind you have until 11:00 UK. Edit: Also no special visitors unfortunately. Edit: If you still want to come, you have little over 10 minutes. Dodo = 9TDP6
  4. For fuck's sake. Cyrus won't let you buy more than 5 items. Of course he doesn't, should've known. Now I'm stuck with a bunch of unused heart crystals. Time to time travel.
  5. Open again, but with dodo to let someone else in as well. Dodo = HSM9N
  6. Ah never mind then! Though I still don't mind to come shop later. My gate is open. Market is filled with all my spare DIY recipes. Below the market are severalSahara mystery walls / floors. Right of the market there are some spare music tracks. I may close to do some visits myself, but will re-open afterwards. I may or may not be AFK. Would appreciate if people watered my 4 orange tulip patches!
  7. Some time before 8 UK? Though I need to visit someone else as well. Depending on if @Aneres11 still has that real painting and (re-) opens, I may buy thatk, but I still like to come and visit. I think I'll open up at 8 UK myself, though I need to do some inventory management first..
  8. Yes please! Unfortunately not.. Actually, what does Redd have on your island? [b\]Edit:[/b] Never mind, only read the last 2 posts.
  9. I will probably open up tonight, to give away DIY, music, and Sahara stuff.
  10. Week started good.. I had Flick visiting yesterday, and today Gulliver washed up in my shore again. I also almost missed Isabelle's comment. She still had no news, but she did make a comment about being halfway through the year (..goddammit). Today is the last day you can do the wedding photography! I'll be checking in withy Reese and Cyrus one last time, and I'll spend all the heart crystals I've saved up so far. I intended to do the photoshoot every day, but I missed a bunch, and I "failed" one deliberately out of curiosity. The earlier ones didn't get me a lot of crystals because of lack of experience and unlocks. But I should be good..I should have enough to buy everything I don't have.
  11. 100% large spike tomorrow (wednesday) morning. Edit: Price currently is 198.
  12. I dunno what time, but the tweats I just read suggested tomorrow..
  13. "paste as plain text instead"
  14. End of the year, on Apple TV+. I have no other need for Apple TV, so I guess it's a good use of a trial subscription. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/losing-alice-apple-streaming-1234691152/
  15. If I'm going to watch something, I'm doing it in the original language.
  16. Yeah it's funny he mentioned that, and you posted this here today.. because I just bought some new turnips.. And found out I forgot to sell a bunch. It's not even the first time..
  17. .. Ok. First impressions.. A tad diappointing. I still like the ending, and the story overall, however, they tried to tell 3 different things in 8 over 1 hour long episodes. This really needed several more. They glossed over a lot of things, events, whole periods of time and characters, so a whole lot of character and story developments don't feel earned. It's a real shame, because there still feels like there's plenty mystery left. They show a whole lot of "what", but not a lot of "why". That said. The ending seems fitting and totally what the show was heading towards. In short, I love the story and ending, i just don't like how they got there. The last part feels rushed, and needed more time. I'm still going to watch the complete series one more time from beginning to end (though not directly), just to see how the last season puts events in the first 2 in perspective.
  18. Yesterday I totally forgot to check in with KK in the evening, so I missed that.. And today I scored a whopping 10 points!
  19. Maybe that'll get them off their asses.
  20. Yeah I did that 2 weeks ago. I watched season 1 just before season 2 launched, then watched them both 2 weeks ago. Now if you'll excuse me..
  21. Yeah, you're quite the opposite of what I was. I was mostly sorry cop in the beginning.. Though I did want to do the karaoke, but never managed it.
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