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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I know it's late, but Celeste is visiting, and Redd is also still hanging around. Celeste is on the way to redd, on the little island on the cliff Just above the 4 tulip patches I'd like you to water! No heavy meteor shower, just a light one. Gate's open, I'm AFK. Edit: @Glen-i, I saw you visited. I didn't accidentally kick you out just now didn't I?
  2. Of course! But not sure when I'm in the game though. Maybe 20:00 UK.
  3. I also have Redd. If I've seen things correctly, he doesn't have any real ones at all this time. I probably take the statue (the cool tomb thing), but the rest isn't interesting. I think it was also an academic painting, scary painting, and wistful painting.
  4. They are for sale at Ables sometimes. I had the selection yesterday. I bought one extra I think.. I'd have to check.
  5. @Glen-i, how about enemies from the other catagories? Kuribo Goombas, Bullet / Banzai Bills? Against the spirit or fair play?
  6. "Sorry, but this content isn’t available in your country." As expected.
  7. So that means.. Crunchyroll?
  8. You know what, I'll bump the more recent thread this time. Doesn't look good so far, but I'll probably check it anyway.If I get the chance.
  9. Will do so too from now on.
  10. I've finally updated my list (See suspicious link for complete list, click 2019:, so I wanted to close off this thread by finally listing my favourites of 2019. Starting tomorrow I'll try to regularly update on 2020 films, though there haven't been that many so far unfortunately. Anyway. Favourite films 2019 Roma Booksmart Bento Harassment (Click captions for subs) With Booksmart probably being my favourite of the 3. I urge you to check it out if you haven't already. Honourable mentions The favourite Cold War Harpoon Tel Aviv on Fire The Best of Dorien B. (Belgian film, sorry, can't find a subbed trailer) Bangla (.. Italian.. Sorry no english trailer either) Free Solo Eight Grade Us Avengers: Endgame Sorry To Bother You Monos Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood Tigers Are Not Afraid The Fable (click captions for subs) Penguin Highway Fly Me To The Saitama The Farewell Knives Out Best classic I don't consider them for "favourite of the year", as they're.. not from 2019. But I'd be remiss if i didn't highlight this one. Worst film of 2019 and general "What the fuck am I watching?" Legend Of The Stardust Brothers Runners up (for worst film) are La Flor, Midsommar, and Joker.
  11. I'd love to say it was me, but it wasn't.
  12. Yeah I know. But if he's leaving anyway.. In case people missed it (I edited my previous post just before Aneres posted): Gate's open, dodo = CH7M8
  13. A dammit, was about to post a code, but I'll go visit @Tales quickly then. I'm open right now. Dodo = CH7M8 Clothes market, Stu making Sauna Heater I believe, Nook still open. Code is public, but no visitors as of yet.
  14. If you want something, now's probably the moment to capitalize on it.. Sell him on twitter.
  15. I love how 2 people indulged me today while visiting my market.. by actually using the picture stand.
  16. You heard the guy. No enemies huh. Should be interesting.
  17. I don't care for "popular", I want them all as many as possible (eventually). He looks cool enough. I mean, I've stopped playing the game, but I'll continue at some point. But it seems I can't have this one unless I go through unnecessary hoops. I'm not a fan of that, so I won't bother.
  18. I am all up for that, but I'm going to need a theme tonight, or I'll pick one or anyone else can suggest something.
  19. Oh, it was smart when it was new in 2011. I'm not downloading an android emulator so I can download another app so I can download a virtual creature. That's too much effort. I'll just wait until it's available through other means.
  20. Yeah this wasn't clear at all to me. I do not have the mobile app. How can i get this Pokémon? And why is't it simply available as an in-game mystery gift?
  21. Favourite villain / antagonist 1] I love too many games, so this is going to apply to all the "favourite x" catagories: I do not have one favourite. 2] It felt like this should have been easier, but again, bad memory etc. I had a hard time coming up with something. I almost settled on SA-X, with GlaDOS as a runner-up. But I watched a Witcher 2 retrospective not too long ago, and someone "grey" (i.e. with some actual character) would be more suited for this catagory. So I'm going with: Letho He's featured in the pretty cool opening cinematic: Pretty bad right? You fight him at least once, and he's back at the end to go full circle.. if you want. You actually don't have to fight him. I'm not going to say much here, I'll just say that It was one of several reasons I didn't want to fight him. Another was that he's one tough motherfucker! That first fight is hard. But he's cool, and I really liked him as an antagonist. Since I'm late.. 3D Platformer This one I'm not going to think hard about, and I won't pick something left field (though some may feel that way I suspect haha). Banjo-Kazooie Fond memories of this one. Just to be clear: yes of course I love Super Mario 64 as well haha. I just love this one a bit more. It really started my love for rare back then. As was the case with a lot of games, I bought this one because I played other rare games at a friend's house. Donkey Kong Country mostly. I didn't have a SNES, so I didn't have those games back then, so Banjo was the first rare game I owned. (Similarly I bought Mario kart 64 because I played Mario Kart SNES with friends, and Perfect dark because friends had Goldeneye). And again, I loved Super Mario 64, but Banjo had agreat atmosphere, and significant interaction with NPC's. It was cartoony, but could be melancholic at times. Going through Click Clock Wood was a magical experience I didn't get with Mario.
  22. Forgot to post this yesterday, but I have plans, so I need to do this quickly. Looks like @Dcubed won, so let me know what the theme is, and I'll make the official post tonight.
  23. Does anyone want gold bars recipe? 6W4C7 If anyone wants to visit.
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