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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Wanna trade internets? I couldn't get a simple radiostream going yesterday.
  2. Sorry dude. Of the 4 cinemas here, it's playing in the worst. I prefer to avoid the place even when it's the only place playing a movie I want to see. And I don't like going alone there, seems my brother wasn't anticipating this movie as much as I was. And it's playing at unfavorable times as well. That said, I still want to see it.. I'll see if I can make it tomorrow, or this week at least. I'll try to get up early.
  3. Sorry guys, my internet has gotten very unreliable lately. It's getting worse and worse, to the point I fear I may break it every time I click something. I was online yesterday, but I got frustrated and went to bed early. Intended to get a replacement UTP cable today, which is likely to solve my problem, but got up too late. Hopefully I'll go get one tomorrow. I had nothing to report though.. My target should be unaffected. For now, my internet seems to be in a slightly better mood at the moment, so I'll try to catch up.
  4. Don't be that surprised people.. It was posted [here] first. And it certainly left a lasting impression on me . So when a new guy ask how we roll, that was the first thing that came up to me .
  5. Well, in general, I think books are better. Stuff on the internet is free, books are expensive. Because you pay a lot of them, you can generally expect them to explain to you basic and advanced knowledge of whatever subject you're getting in to, better than some internet tutorial. But. When it comes to computer related stuff though.. There are 2 things to keep in mind. First of all, there's more info to be found on the internet, about HTML, programming, etc, because it's a natural way to teach this stuff. Learning languages, or learning to play musical instruments, for example, you're better off with books and a teacher, in my opinion. Secondly, computer related stuff gets outdated, fast. Any book you buy right now may have incorrect information a year later. Still, in the long run, I think books are a good thing to have, they may get outdated fast, but they still should be able to teach you the basics in an extensive way, and explaining it well, like how and why things are done the way they are. Tutorials you find on the internet usually deal with examples, which you can experiment with. You can find reference sites on everything on the internet, but they're too technical for someone starting out, you have to know what to look for and how. Books will likely give you a better grasp of the basics, in which case you'll be able to use those reference sites more easily, for example for things that replaces stuff that's in the book. Anyway. This will do you no good without concrete suggestions for good books, but I don't know any personally. That said, I think HTML is simple enough to be learned just from the internet, like that site I linked, you may want to get a book for javascript though.
  6. I guess I'm "too innocent", but I don't see how this would be a popular target for abusing. I can't remember a forum I've been on, which didn't include this feature as standard, and I can't remember any form of abusement of it (except here, where it's mods who abuse it to make funny titles). I know I can contact a mod, but I wouldn't need to bother them if I can make a simple adjustment to a title myself.. To clarify I'm talking about a new TV series, and not a movie of the same name in this case. There's a "title" you can edit in the edit screen, but this just shows up on top in the actual thread, not the forum.
  7. I'd like to be able to edit my own thread titles if necessary (to make the subject more clearer).
  8. Yeah, I don't know that movie, but my brother just told me there was a movie with the same name. Didn't think to specify though. Too bad I can't edit the title. I guess I'll go suggest that.
  9. Unfortunately, that's how I think about it, but we'll see.
  10. (Edit: for some reason NBC made this particular Youtube video private (the other new series are still available). I'll keep the video in case it becomes public again, in the meantime, check out the site itself, linked below) [Awake @ NBC] Saw it mentioned in the Chuck thread as one of the new upcoming shows on NBC. Now I don't keep up with new series, as I barely watch television nowadays, but I still like to know if there any good new series worth checking out.. The description had my interest, and this trailer just reinforces that interest.
  11. http://www.w3schools.com/ Start with HTML 5 HTML, then HTML 5, then CSS, then javascript.
  12. In which case you can enter yourself in IMDB, which is even cooler!
  13. Forgot about his epic lynchbomb though. Funny how it's a well known event around here, even for people who didn't particpate in that particular game .
  14. Maybe. I guess he won't comment on it at all in that case.
  15. I have no idea what the Angry Birds theme sounds like, but like that, it sounded pretty good actually!
  16. Yeah, 2 more votes. He hasn't commented yet on why he claimed to have redirected you to Fierce_Link. This is a strange mistake to make, surely you remember your target from the last night? But Dannyboy ended up protecting ReZ. Apart from the obvious, there's something else that isn't right here.
  17. Seems like a strange thing to do though. What were the chances that Dannyboy would kill? He hasn't done so far, and was unlikely to do now. Which makes me wonder what he was trying to accomplish.
  18. Had a few tries myself, I've only downloaded the mp4 variants, not the flv. Lightworks at least imports the saved youtube files just fine. The mp4 files uses H.264 as the video codec and mp4a as the audio codec it seems. Adobe Premiere must be able to decode those files. Do the files play in mediaplayers? Are you downloading the flv files instead? I don't know if they use different codecs, although I suspect not. As long as you're having fun doing it. You said you were studying filmmaking, didn't you? At the least you can chalk this up on your CV, which will prove its worth sooner or later.
  19. What do you use to download videos? Sounds like a codec problem, Premiere not liking what your download program does to Youtube movies..
  20. Much better than last week! So good to see some other Tardis interiors! Also it's great that they travel to outer space after people here post they want more outer space adventures.. And it looks like the next ep will continue the trend. And the Tardis was "sexy" indeed. Too bad we won't get to see more of her. Like that. It's also toop bad they won't at least give the ship a voice.. It wouldn't be that weird now would it?
  21. Won't do. The next 24 hours. Now.
  22. Dude, the Christian God and the Muslim God are one and the same! Didn't Southpark teach you anything! :p

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