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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I have no idea. Nothing changed for me regarding gameplay. Perhaps I'm fed up with sending in actions to no avail. Which was why I wanted to resume stealing again, hoping to get something more exciting, but I've been stopped so far. Perhaps it's Jonnas having a little fun with it and incoporating that. Or he's just having fun with your suspicion and decision to target me twice, and incorporate that in your note.
  2. If you'll need me, I'm at the "gentlemen of questionable usefulness" club together with Dazz and Rummy. I do think it's plausible Dyson had a hidden clause though.
  3. It's an [animated gif]. In Gimp you simply make them by making multiple layers. When you save it as gif, it will save it as an animation.
  4. I assume people who haven't voted will get a PM some time before the deadline. Either that, or the mod will default their vote to something.. Something other than no lynch, or it won't work. Perhaps they'll default to voting for themselves, or someone randomly.
  5. In which case, I'd have prefered a limit on how many Pikmin you could plant. Would've catered to my micromanaging playstyle . I guess you have a point though, but that's something I obviously wasn't concerned with when I was playing it. I got a kick out of progressing with the same army of pikmin since the beginning. Then I realised, I wasn't going to complete the game that way. I guess I'll just have to get over that someday, and treat them as expandable . Progression would be much faster though .
  6. Another tactic could be to have lynches based on majorities instead of absolute majorities. Lynch will go through unless there's an explicit majority for no lynch.
  7. I like how this contradicts itself though .
  8. Somebody should do an: no talk, all action mafia.
  9. Some general questions: Would people like to be able to choose their alignment? Haven't thought seriously about this yet, dunno how to go about this. I saw an mafia on another forum which allowed to do this, and that one seemed to be free-for-all, I have no clue how they managed that. Unfortunately I'm not an active member there, but perhaps the game is over, and I can get a quick look. My thought was to simply have an allotment, and alignments were given out on a first-come, first-served basis. And there was something else.. But.. Hmm. I'll think of it.
  10. "Smells nice, doesn't it?" "Yeah, it does actually, what deoderant are you using?" "Deoderant?"
  11. Go ahead! :p I want to be a snowfox! :p Actually, general animation. Characters from all kinds of cartoons. I initially only looked at the first revealed character, and I saw some mention of Pokémon.
  12. Animal ReZ. Not anime . The wild animal kingdom and such . Lions, frogs, and platypusses. And more!
  13. But ReZ is the only alignment investigator we have left, isn't he? Most of them proved unreliable. I assume his report is to be trusted, otherwise we only had Cube as an investigator, amongst 26 players. Ell, did your PM mention anything else? Did someone attempt to target me perhaps? Perhaps the mafia is keeping a low profile, thinking we'll kill ourselves in the paranoia. Perhaps there was no attempted kill at all?
  14. Exactly the reason why I stopped playing the first. It's not that I really dislike the game, because I don't. There aren't any real flaws to detect, except for the timelimit perhaps. But since it's more or less an RTS, I expect some level of control. I guess I have that control, and it is simply the timelimit stopping me from accomplishing stuff exactly the way I want: with 0 casualties. I think I was roughly at half of the game. I was at a point where I had to defeat some stupid birds-in-the-ground-creature things. With patience, I devised a way to dispose of them with all my Pikmin unharmed (that is to say, the micromanagement is there), but it took too much time, so I couldn't manage it before the day would end. I hadn't lost any Pikmin so far. That's where I stopped.
  15. Still want to post a picture? I'm thinking of letting one of the runners-up have a turn otherwise!

  16. I think the queue is enough, including the general guideline of "2 games at once". But if people are eager to run a game, and people in this thread are clamoring for one.. I don't see the need to restrain yourself :p. Supply & demand! Edit: Run an animal mafia. Edit: And sign me up for the queue with some sort of DIY game. For real this time. I'm thinking of mashing several ideas of mine together to one theme. It'll be more simple and manageable than my last one.
  17. I don't think any specific rules are necessary. Try to keep the number of running games to a minimum, to cater to those who like to play each and any of them, but if enough people here are requesting a new game, I'd say: "go ahead".
  18. I remember him having plenty of voices to choose from. After Professor Layton, this would have been perfect as an feature animation (like Cube suggests). Then after that they could do a crossover like in the games! This, I'm curious and interested, but definitely not as much as if this was animated.
  19. To be honest, I can add little to this except to confirm it (or at least.. I was roleblocked). It does make me wonder though, has anyone actually any recollection of me visiting them? Perhaps I'm too discreet, and don't cause any PM's, or I only cause a PM when I succesfully protect someone, which, guessing from the lack of PM's, I've never actually managed to do. Which leads me to: But only from roleblocks & the like. Did I miss anything?
  20. Eventhough I have a softspot for Anna Hathaway in particular (and to slightly lesser extent, Marion Cotillard), I simply love everyone in the cast so far. As actors, not just their looks, I genuinely think Anna is great, after seeing her in Rachel getting married. Christian Bale is maybe one of my favourite male actors ever, Levitt was great in 500 days of summer (I should see some of his other movies), Hardy was absolutely fantastic in Bronson. This really was one of my favourite movies on that particular festival I saw it on (if not, my most favorite). And Cotillard is also great in every movie I've seen her in (thinking of rewatching Un long dimanche de fiancailles in the short term). Regarding the cast, this movie already can't get any better. Nolan being great as well as a director, and if the previous movies are going to be an indication, this is going to be a blast. I simply hope he'll refrain from going too "comicy", I love the "realistic" feel of the movies, and this is the only flaw I can find in the 2nd movie: I personally thought 2-face's.. Face, could be handled better (I was expecting more realistic looking burnwounds), and of course the ending with all the telephones. Anyway, all in all, I'm greatly anticipating this movie, eventhough I'm not particularly a comicfan. And not because of the eyecandy either, although that always helps, but this movie is simply going to be great.
  21. Thanks in advance!
  22. Which I'm going to appreciate, but I'm more of an , which is why I love that particular screencap so much .
  23. I really should go watch that movie. and make the above image into my wallpaper. Anne Hathaway. It's good to see her in something less family-friendly.
  24. It would be convenient if I was dodging questions. I'm here now for what it's worth. I should take offense, but I'll let it slide. Dohnut still didn't confirm whether he was the second killer or not, did he?
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