Eventhough I have a softspot for Anna Hathaway in particular (and to slightly lesser extent, Marion Cotillard), I simply love everyone in the cast so far. As actors, not just their looks, I genuinely think Anna is great, after seeing her in Rachel getting married. Christian Bale is maybe one of my favourite male actors ever, Levitt was great in 500 days of summer (I should see some of his other movies), Hardy was absolutely fantastic in Bronson. This really was one of my favourite movies on that particular festival I saw it on (if not, my most favorite). And Cotillard is also great in every movie I've seen her in (thinking of rewatching Un long dimanche de fiancailles in the short term).
Regarding the cast, this movie already can't get any better. Nolan being great as well as a director, and if the previous movies are going to be an indication, this is going to be a blast.
I simply hope he'll refrain from going too "comicy", I love the "realistic" feel of the movies, and this is the only flaw I can find in the 2nd movie: I personally thought 2-face's.. Face, could be handled better (I was expecting more realistic looking burnwounds), and of course the ending with all the telephones.
Anyway, all in all, I'm greatly anticipating this movie, eventhough I'm not particularly a comicfan. And not because of the eyecandy either, although that always helps, but this movie is simply going to be great.