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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I see it as a good time allowance now to get all the codes out now. No excuses to any shop who hasn't sent them out yet. Beat Bubble Gloop Swamp last night, memory was a little fuzzy on there. Forgot about the Mumbo hut so was wondering why i couldn't get the tokens, Jinjo and notes by the huts.
  2. Hellboy (Blu-ray) First Blu-ray movie watched on the new player, and i can tell you i enjoyed it more than the first time. Probably because last time i watched it, i was pre-occupied half the time with something else. The detail is amazing, everything looks clear. Brilliant movie, good script and a great cast. Already pre-ordered the new one on Blu-ray as well. 9/10
  3. I put an order down for one of them earlier this morning, should be here on Monday hopefully. Cheers guys for the advice.
  4. All my Blu-ray stuff arrived today, filled in a registration form and am getting Casino Royale and Batman Begins on Blu-Ray sometime soon for free. All set up nice as well. Only problem is how to wire both the 360 and Blu-Ray to one HDMI port, but that seems to be ok now after i enquired about it earlier. Other than that, its been a great day. End of the week tomorrow then i get a lovely 3 day weekend.
  5. Mine is all working now, and so is the majority of the Marketplace now. May have a few teething problems with it, but they will soon go in time i think.
  6. This is mainly a curious question really. I got both a 360 and Blu-ray player o HDMI, but i only got one HDMI port. Would i need a splitter box to allow both devices to be plugged into the TV, instead of the thing i got now which is basically a cable with two ports on it which causes spots to appear on-screen. (think it is meant to be used as an output HDMI device, not input like i need.). Any recommendations.??
  7. "I take you somewhere more fun than where you want to go to. Trust me."
  8. Good test i think. Day is going well so far, getting plenty done so will have a few dregs to finish tomorrow before another 3 day weekend. And hopefully all my Blu-ray stuff has arrived as well, so will be wiring all that up. 360 and Blu-ray player sharing 1 HDMI port, thanks to a splitter.
  9. No worries, these things do happen from time to time. If your uncle is cheating on your Aunt, look on the bright side. At least you probably won't see your Uncle for a long time unless he is one of your Parents sides brother then there may be problems. Hope everything goes well when your Aunt comes down. Anyway. My day has been good. Work was actually better than i thought it would be, which of course could of been worse, but still. Got to laugh ain't ya. Bought a new movie, of which i cannot watch until tomorrow. Came home, downloaded the update to the dashboard while i had a shower, came back to find it installed ok. Played around for a bit with it and played some Banjo.
  10. Bought today Just as long as the player arrives tomorrow like it is supposed to, then i shall be watching both Hellboy and Forbidden Kingdom in all its High-Def glory
  11. Are any of your Gamercards getting updated from MyGamerCard.net. Since the dash update, i havn't seen a game get updated on my card.
  12. I've seen a few foxes walking the streets near where i live. One of them saw me and started to move towards me until i started to walk forwards then it ran for the hills. Might be because i live so near fields and woodland where they live is most likely as to why i see them every few weeks or months.
  13. A suggestion for your friend. Change banks. From the sounds of this, Abbey don't care about their customers if they won't help after false activity with the card. I'm happy taking risks with my debit card (HSBC is who i bank with). They offer protection on my debit card, and they did so with my parents card as well.
  14. Just beat Nutty Acres, got the jiggies from the first 2 areas of that. And rescued 3 Jinjo's from Showdown Town and replaced them all with Minjo's. Working towards Logo720 level now, actually will be doing that tomorrow.
  15. Good design, stylish both sig and avatar. Avatar - 7 Sig - 8 Changed my Avatar again, didn't like the previous one.
  16. No problem. Just beat Clanker's Cavern earlier. Made sure i did everything outside of Clanker before entering him to get the rest of the stuff. 40 mins it took me to 100% it.
  17. Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 7/10 Pretty good combo going there.
  18. Marketplace is currently a half alive, half dead thing atm. If you manage to get inside, it does look good. But sometimes it will cut you off. I managed to get on and download the Fable II theme. Also at the moment, i have on the HDD installed: GTA IV, Fable II and Nuts and Bolts. All load faster than before, and no more disk whirring. I'm not clogging up the whole of the 120gb HDD with all my titles just yet, these 3 will do fine. So far first thoughts are it is a very good upgrade of which i mean it is better than the slides and is more animated than before. Good work is what i say.
  19. That wouldn't surprise me one bit. Greedy so and so's. Only trouble i'm having is the marketplace, but i reckon that isn't launched yet.
  20. I don't think MS have quite fixed the Market Place yet, still buggy as it were. New Dash looks amazing, created an Avatar just now. Shall post it once i figure out how. Currently downloading GTA IV onto the HDD, then it will be followed by Fable II and BK N+B.
  21. I shall be trying this out once i get home, and as soon as i sign into Live.
  22. Have you been inside Clanker yet. 2 ways in are via the blow hole and through his teeth i think. Jinjo's are found inside as well as Bottles. There is also a Jinjo located within the pipework located around the level.
  23. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    Anyone know what this announcement was, if it has taken place yet or anything. Can't find anything about it.
  24. I just keep thinking about all the games i have to beat and what to do when i get home. None of what i think to do i actually do until the next day usually.
  25. After looking at all the pictures, i believe we are not alone. I mean, look at the galaxy picture and tell me that none of them contain any possibilities of life. The way i believe it, until proven otherwise is that there is the possibility of one or two planets of life in each known galaxy or seen galaxy. We have one with life and one other with possible life.
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